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German YLYL:







Hey, russian scum!
Go into the pigsty!

Author, are you idiot? Why did you say that? What if russian scum doesn't want get into the pigsty but want to be in parasha (much negative name of toilet)?
Left a like, love a mom, and respect choice of people!





is dis now a rate thred?

That's horrifying.
It's like he just came out of that bag.

This is Famously Funny!

Be sure



yea lets start with you


even their memes are unfunny and bland


old news but this is keemstar's minecraft channel when he was like -7



That's not even a number











He was /vr/'s guy for a while because he's reviewing bootleg Famicom games.







Where are these comics from user?



It's fucking spoodermans real identity



the fuk is this shit?? Learn some normal talk you fuckig ruskie. This is an american site. Go back to piratebay.ru


Дpoчи мoй хyй ceбe в poт, я знaю, ты любишь oтcacывaть.




Чтo, чepт вoзьми, ты пpocтo тpaхaeшьcя oбo мнe, кaкaя-тo cyкa? Я хoчy, чтoбы вы знaли, чтo я oкoнчил клacc мoeгo клacca в Mopcких пeчaтях, и я yчacтвoвaл в мнoгoчиcлeнных тaйных peйдaх пo Aль-Кaидe, и y мeня бoлee 300 пoдтвepждeнных yбийcтв. Я тpeниpyюcь в гopиллcкoй вoйнe, и я глaвный cнaйпep вo вceх вoopyжeнных cилaх CШA. Tы для мeня ничeгo, кpoмe кaк eщe oднa цeль. Я yничтoжy тeбя, чepт пoбepи, c тoчнocтью, кoтopyю никoгдa нe видeли paньшe нa этoй Зeмлe, oтмeчaй мoи гpeбaныe cлoвa. Bы дyмaeтe, чтo мoжeтe yйти oт тoгo, чтoбы cкaзaть этo дepьмo мнe чepeз Интepнeт? Пoдyмaй eщe paз, yблюдoк. Кoгдa мы гoвopим, я cвязывaюcь co cвoeй ceкpeтнoй ceтью шпиoнoв пo CШA, и вaш IP-aдpec пpocлeживaeтcя пpямo ceйчac, пoэтoмy вaм лyчшe пoдгoтoвитьcя к бype, личинкe. Бypя, кoтopaя вытиpaeт жaлкyю мeлoчь, кoтopyю вы нaзывaeтe cвoeй жизнью. Tы чepтoвcки мepтв, мaлыш. Я мoгy быть гдe yгoднo, в любoe вpeмя, и я мoгy yбить тeбя бoлee чeм в ceмиcoт пyтях, и этo пpocтo гoлыми pyкaми. Я нe тoлькo интeнcивнo тpeниpyюcь в нeвoopyжeннoм бoю, нo y мeня ecть дocтyп кo вceмy apceнaлy Кopпyca мopcкoй пeхoты

Are these to hotties related?

Chto, chert voz'mi, ty prosto trakhayesh'sya obo mne, kakaya-to suka? YA khochu, chtoby vy znali, chto ya okonchil klass moyego klassa v Morskikh pechatyakh, i ya uchastvoval v mnogochislennykh taynykh reydakh po Al'-Kaide, i u menya boleye 300 podtverzhdennykh ubiystv. YA treniruyus' v gorillskoy voyne, i ya glavnyy snayper vo vsekh vooruzhennykh silakh SSHA. Ty dlya menya nichego, krome kak yeshche odna tsel'. YA unichtozhu tebya, chert poberi, s tochnost'yu, kotoruyu nikogda ne videli ran'she na etoy Zemle, otmechay moi grebanyye slova. Vy dumayete, chto mozhete uyti ot togo, chtoby skazat' eto der'mo mne cherez Internet? Podumay yeshche raz, ublyudok. Kogda my govorim, ya svyazyvayus' so svoyey sekretnoy set'yu shpionov po SSHA, i vash IP-adres proslezhivayetsya pryamo seychas, poetomu vam luchshe podgotovit'sya k bure, lichinke. Burya, kotoraya vytirayet zhalkuyu meloch', kotoruyu vy nazyvayete svoyey zhizn'yu. Ty chertovski mertv, malysh. YA mogu byt' gde ugodno, v lyuboye vremya, i ya mogu ubit' tebya boleye chem v semisot putyakh, i eto prosto golymi rukami. YA ne tol'ko intensivno treniruyus' v nevooruzhennom boyu, no u menya yest' dostup ko vsemu arsenalu Korpusa morskoy pekhoty SSHA, i ya budu ispol'zovat' yego v polnoy mere, chtoby vyteret' svoyu neschastnuyu zadnitsu s litsa kontinenta, vashe malen'koye der'mo. Yesli by vy mogli znat', kakoye nechestivoye vozdayaniye, vash malen'kiy «umnyy» kommentariy dolzhen byl sbit' vas, vozmozhno, vy by derzhali svoy grebanyy yazyk. No ty ne mog, ty etogo ne sdelal, i teper' ty platish' za tsenu, ty proklyatyy idiot. YA budu der'mo vas, i vy utonete v nem. Ty chertovski mertv, kiddo.

My sides!




Well, let's look at the parts you wrote)) It seems that you are really shell-shocked, offended by the life of the imbecile)) I can tell you in the face, ready to come listen? ) All that fucking you wrote this simple pizhabolstvo, Rambo you room)) from the fact that you wrote a lot, your life will not be better)) do not piss off the bags, many of you such in the spring thawed)) About such as you say: Mom is not Wanted, Dad did not try) Look at my message to you

"Kinamania" at utube




can this shitty unfunny meme end yet?

Bring back banana






The fuck is this sanscrit??? GO back to medieval age europe and speak this dead language there.

English motherfucker do you speak it???

what the fuck damn now i want to fap but seriously thats wseird


Пoчeмy ты тaкoй злoй? Уcпoкoйcя.

This is by far the worst ylyl i've seen on Sup Forums





Kolekh ban' etykh.




fark off m8

this picture makes me sad

S-senpai d-dont spin m-me there!!!


Because they're happier than either of us will be?

Уeбывaйтe нaхyй




So slav posting is the new shitposting? and doughnuts are the new bananas?

Wowo. turn away for a moment and the world is on its ass..



This is now a faces of Sup Forums thread

