People seriously believe this useless cunt is a threat to the international order

>people seriously believe this useless cunt is a threat to the international order

hmmm nah lol. Why do we care about these guys again?

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I wish we would just nuke silicon valley and you go to war with China, the big winner in this scenario would be Germany (and the inferior satellites near Germany)

The world would loathe a German superpower even more than they currently loathe American hegemony.

Exactly why it's best to get him now

He's a buffer zone between China and S.Korea.

>Why do we care about these guys again?
Because while his pathetic missiles can't hit the America's, he can still hit South Korea and Japan. Then again, you don't actually give a shit about them do you?

Because there's an actual excuse. He claims to have nuclear bombs and that he is willing to use them

Why would he ever attack Japan or S. Korea? China would immediately renounce him and his regime would be bombed to dust by the Western powers.

To regional order they are

Whelp, so far so good. Our so-called President wasn't stupid enough to do a preemptive strike or bomb North Korea's shit because "muh desperate need for praise".

Okay, how about this scenario.

>builds up a formidable nuclear capable arsenal
>rogue military in charge

You're not thinking about shit. You can't let world leaders act like this.

>Why would he ever attack Japan or S. Korea?
Because he can. Because he hates the westernized South Korea. Because he's Korean and the vast majority of Koreans hate the Japanese more then Americans hate Mexicans and Canadians and Muslims all rolled into one.

He only didn't do a pre-emptive strike because North Korea ended up not doing nuclear testing which they were prepped to do. Trump made Kim flinch.

We will see how he reacts when a US president no longer plays ball with him with aid and appeasement.

>The world would loathe a German superpower even more than they currently loathe American hegemony.
Unfortunately that's probably true. The next step would be getting rid of western Germany.

>Everyone makes fun of Canada for taking in refugees
>We take less then most countries
I don't get it. Also, I would be fine with a German superpower. Better then a Spanish superpower.

I never noticed Canada being known for refugees but it probably has something to do with our leader grandstanding virtue signaling in response to Trump's anti-refugee policy.

guys NK needs to be dealt with: - Long story short Japan may change their change their constitution for a preemptive strike! not good

Japan has the economy and people of France and the UK combined.
They would be a pretty major player.

Its about time Japan rearms again. China needs to be contained.

It's not that he actually would, it's that no-one really wants to risk Seoul and its surroundings being flattened by artillery or a nuclear missile

>the inferior satellites near Germany
Let's see. Which countries are richer than Germany.

Austria, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, UK. Pretty much any Germanic country that isn't Germany.


great post

>black flag will fly above the dome
Could be anarchists or Antifaschistische Aktion.

is that Nostradamus?

is that from Revelations or something.

Anyway that last one is really vague and reaching.

China is not the problem guys.... NK (Kim Jong-un) is the problem, "not the people". He's a is a spoilt brat with a very "small" nuke who wants to throw his weight around (literally). Enough is enough, he needs to be dealt with for everyone's sake

No, let them hit China too. Fuck it, while they're at it, hit Russia as well. We all know war is on the horizon, so enough beating around the bush and lets fucking do it. I'll die, you'll die, 70 percent of the world's population will die and civilization will be pushed back hundreds of years, but it'll be wonderful. Lets get this shit started.

have you seen what a W-53 or Tsar Nuke can do! no not a good idea. if you want to kill 90% of the worlds life in a year (and 98% in the following years to come)....... we should be looking at you

Why wouldn't US still attack? Even if they failed they eventually will succeed. Better to wipe them out before they can really hurt us.

Ahh, I was wrong about my number percentile. Sorry about that. Also, I thought the Russians only have one more Tsar Bomba. Oh, and don't forget the DF-41 that China has. Still, population control is population control.