H-Hey Anonymous! It's that time again~
D-do you need a hug?
A f-friend?
Someone t-to talk to?
Well please, j-join me today and please A-Anonymous..
Don't s-suffer in s-silence
H-Hey Anonymous! It's that time again~
D-do you need a hug?
A f-friend?
Someone t-to talk to?
Well please, j-join me today and please A-Anonymous..
Don't s-suffer in s-silence
Other urls found in this thread:
all three please
tits or gtfo
How are you today, d-dear?
>not an attention whore
>has entire deal with teal and talking and even has a picture covering its face
Yeah, you definatly are seeking attention.
You know how this site works
Are you a boy or a girl,and prove it
better now that you're here! I just missed you last night. glad to see you're still chugging along at this.
Why did you delete your thread?
hey slut how are you today?
Cute as always Alice, why was the other thread deleted?
I love grill and she thinks of me as a friend. Wat do, Alice?
Fuck off faggot
Hey alice, how are you today?
U wannt sum fuk?
I need someone to cum inside. Are you busy?
Fuck you nigger, i see this retarded gay shit every other day and you faggots go along with it.
I want something to put my penis in
H-h-happy f-fapping e-everyone
I wanna put it in Alice's pooper.
read the rules, tits or gtfo
D-did you already tell her h-how you feel?
I'm w-well thank you
She doesn't have any tits, look here: She's flat.
Lurk moar faggot
damn you didnt have to shoot me down
even though you might be a girl you're a f-faggot
S-stop t-typing l-like t-this i-its n-not c-cute o-or e-endearing
Nobody but parents remembered my birthday, even my best friend who started a tradition of remembering each others birthday.
Can I get a happy birthday?
gr8 b8
Happy birthday loser
post feet plz
I need it for science
B-but you did, you don't mind that i reposted it, d-do you?
Why u dont wannt sum fuk becky?
Alice, do you like Nutella?
damn those collar bones and wide shoulders
it's a homo's dream come true
nice big hands too
*suffers in silence*
Alice are you interested in making female friends? My gf is in desperate need of a friend to derp around and watch animu and game with.
OP is a trap right?
You wouldn't happen to be in Houston Texas, would you? You remind me exactly of my friend's sister who moved over there, and she draws too. Hairstyle, body type, everything.
oh look its the stuttering trap attention whore again
never get tired of seeing your faggotry from the catalog
f-fucking kill yourself and drag your l-lapdogs on this thread to hell with you
she should still show em anyway
Is God dead? Alice
I'll take it m8, one rando online is better than nothing. I think the fact my friend group is of 8 people made it more annoying.
Maybe I should work on improving myself
Flat tits are best tits
Alice help me jerk off please
Alice. why do you break my heart when you do things like in this webm. this makes me want you more then i do and i know i cannot have you
fucking used up slut desperate for attention
How does one go about finding a girlfriend? Not just for "sum fuk", but a genuine lifelong thing? Eh... guess real women dont exist cause im asking this on friggin Sup Forums lol
Read that in Mortys voice.
All three please. Just lonely and bored out of my mind.
>that feminine bulge
>Don't s-suffer in s-silence
If you were silent you would not suffer.
H-happy birthday
M-my hands are about as small and delicate as a h-humming bird.
S-sure, have her throw m-me an email at [email protected]
Checking in.
Whatever your motivations, you are lovely and I wish you health and success.
Is this Alice ! ?
Congratulations for putting off suicide another year friendo
N-no thanks
I love you, Alice. Please be my friendo on Steam.
at least you still have your beta drawings you pathetic excuse for a living thing
Hey Alice how can I make up with my gf I got drunk and said something that made her mad what do you think I should do pls halp
*hugs tightly and kisses your cheek* W-wuv
Add m-me at Aneki Margatroid
D-did you apologize?
I've been feeling really tired and sad this week. This heatwave combined with college work is stressing me out. I haven't been sleeping and I have been feeling disgusted with myself for being lazy and tired. I also have to start taking responsibility for trying to get into university and that is terrifying me.
I have no idea how or who to tell how I feel because I don't have any close close friends anymore and I don't know anyone I can be myself around...
Also that last episode of Better Call Saul also made me cry because I'm an emotional wreck.
I'm going to pretend this is Alice
>Aneki Margatroid
Don't want you to buy me anything, don't worry about it. I did search up your steam, there's a ton of people with that come up sadly.
Live near there, if you can come up with the direction I'll try to post a webm later
shut the fuck up already
*nods slowly* now h-how that feels for sure. This heat is k-killing me, given I d-don't have sweat glands.
What is so t-terrifying about university though, dear?
Alice, do you think I should take LSD while on 40mg daily of prozac? Not sure if you have any expertise in this
Yeah I just don't think it will be enough this time I want to do something nice but I don't know what girls like lol I'm a dummy
d-do rukiarcx then
isnt op a dude?
B-buy her flowers and chocolates. It'd w-work on me, I'm a b-big softy!
No. I am a biological female.
So should I not take it for the day I trip, or taper off on 20mg and then not take it for a week?
I w-would not stop your medication in order t-to do hallucinogens. That's a b-bad idea all around.
Wait how th efuck do you not have sweat glands?
I have no idea. They're secretive about their location because they practically ran away from their abusive dad in Laredo. So they don't tell me anything.
I am a b-burn victim dear.
>No. I am a biological female.
my bad, dont feel offended btw
i never checked out these threads or seen any of your pictures
Why you think "God never existed"?I think God was killed by evryone in this fucking World. Satan is true king and God is dead.
Fuck off celty show us the dick
Aaa the world is pushing me !!! Telling me to write personal statement and visit universities, but also do a science dissertation and also keep doing college work this whole week!! Plus the heat!!!
Maybe I'm just lazy and not trying hard enough
You single?
Yeah that sounds good I've never bought her flowers really lol I'll probably take her shopping too since I have some money now thanks Alice:) it's a lot better when you give me advice
:( what happened Alice :(
Those rednecks, typical
What does your father think of his son being a trap posting pictures of himself on the internet?
I d-don't mind dear
Has anyone got a mega or imgur collection of alice3d? Love that lithe body
Ah. Well I took LSD prior to getting on prozac and had a pretty good time. I have pretty awful social anxiety that led to suicidal thoughts so my doctor put me on fluoxetine 40mg.. it certainly makes life easier but I do miss some of my recreational activities. It's too bad there's no medical authority I can ask about this specifically
>I d-do not have one
Well that didn't work either.
Do girls like getting their butthole licked?
>itt luring summer virgins into a donation livestream
These threads are cute and nice. Thanks for making them. I've been feeling down & out, so a hug would be appreciated
I dont but i agree, shes beautiful.
The fact that you people are alive while good, decent people die is proof that there is no justice in life.
The idea that people as useless and broken as the fuckwads in this thread can go about day to day hurts me in a deep and personal way. I genuinely hate you all.