Apparently, I'm not very good at sex. Both of my exboyfriends cheated on me and they both left me for girls who are fatter than me.
I've heard rumors about them complaining about the quality of sex they had with me. It really hurts. I put all of this effort into being skinny only to lose my boyfriends to a couple of fat blobs? It's so unfair.
Can any of you guys tell me how I can be better in bed? What do you guys want? How can I please a man to the point of making him whipped? >yes, I know the rules, so here are my tits.
Well you really gotta put effort into bj's. Can't tell you how disappointing just lips are. Tongue and throat is where you gotta start.
Matthew Anderson
>asking Sup Forums how to sex
Thisll be good
Nathaniel Ross
Oh I jumped the gun. Timestamp.
Chase Cook
Asher Morris
I want pussy on tap. I want a girlfriend who will encourage me use her body like a fleshlight. I want universal, ever-present sexual consent.
Non of this, "only when I'm in the mood too" crap. Who cares if your not in the mood too. Let me use your pussy even when your not in the mood. OFFER IT to me. Daily.
"Hey baby, do you want some pussy?" I mean, how hard is it?
Sebastian Lewis
Don't be a dead fish. Use your hips.
Now show some ass.
Jeremiah White
Dylan Reyes
So, both never talked about sex with you and neither ever mentioned things they are unhappy about. Don't you have some losers willing to lend a shoulder when things don't go well with the retards you are dating?
Jaxon Ward
Op here. Are you serious? That goes against everything that I've been taught. Every article I've ever red in cosmo says that if you don't make your man earn it he'll take you for granted.
That's why I only let my boyfriends have sex with me once a week, even when I wanted it more. I was trying to make them respect me.
Parker Rivera
Learn how to ride dick, it's a pretty big deal when you're on top of him and doing none of the work. It's a twerking motion. Get comfortable on cock. Also bj's coupled with a good handjob for foreplay is excellent. Be noisy too. Say kinky shit ;3
There is a difference between cosmo and Sup Forums. Cosmo is run by women, b is full of men. also, do you do anal and or any weird shit?
Landon Bell
Those are perfect tits (in case no one else noticed).
Please show more
Sebastian Jones
>That's why I only let my boyfriends have sex with me once a week, even when I wanted it more. I was trying to make them respect me.
He's only allowed to have sex with you once a week when other girls will let him have sex with hem once a day. I think your problem isn't the sex, but you trying to control it.
Also, watch porn you fuckin' noob.
Jason Perez
You just need to be trained. Apparently your exes didn't want to put in the effort or where equally crappy in bed.
Josiah Williams
1/10 for making me reply kek
Gabriel Barnes
if you're both horny as hell, then fuck lol. I don't really agree with the other dumbass forcing you to have sex even when you're not in the mood. That's retarded as fucking shit. If you don't want to do it then don't. If he doesn't want to do it then don't. Simple as that.
Colton Sullivan
>cosmo bait fully surfaced at last
Christopher Wood
It's not the sex that is the problem. You just have a shitty personality.
William Barnes
>There is a difference between cosmo and Sup Forums. Cosmo is run by women, b is full of men. That's why I'm here. I figured that this would be the best place to get an uncensored male perspective. also, do you do anal and or any weird shit? ew, no.
Brayden Murphy
While OP is probably a dude, this is good advice for any actual femanons lurking.
1. So you suck in bed. Like anything, this can be improved.
2. Practice. Get tinder, go to the club. Have a couple one night stands. Be safe about it obviously. Don't want STDs or death lol. Blowjobs are key! You can learn to give killer ones with practice. I got my girlfriend to give awesome head by making her do it once a day. She's submissive but I coached her into giving awesome ones. Key - lots of saliva, take it as far as it goes. Variate it too.
3. Be enthusiastic in bed. Nothing is worse than a starfish. That's why girls less attractive than you seem to be more desirable in bed. They don't presume their looks get them out of effort in bed.
4. Get wet. This one is odd. Basically if you don't get naturally wet, sex can get kinda dry and average. That's fine tho - use lots of lube. .
5. Be adventurous. Try everything at least once to see if you like it. Threesomes. Anal. Positions. Toys. Being tied up. Rape fantasy. You might hate it, but don't be a prude. Try it. So it sucked, big deal. Find what you like.
Finally point 6. Enjoy sex yourself. Like, make yourself cum, masturbate often, develop fetishes. Being into sex makes you better at it from enthusiasm alone.
Brandon Howard
You're not that skinny.
Carter Ross
>I've heard rumors about them complaining about the quality of sex they had with me.
I heard that, too. No one likes fucking a Dead Fish.
There's a very old saying that will always ring true. "Men want a lady in the living room, a cook in the kitchen, and a whore in the bedroom".
Get used to a revolving door of boyfriends, when they always leave after figuring out you're a crappy lover. Or, you'll be stuck with a cuck.
Now, time stamp or GTFO
Robert Hughes
This. For the love of God.
Grayson Mitchell
Adam Lee
fuck that bullshit. having to earn something in a relationship sounds a lot like prostitution.
you either are there for each other's needs or you're just (mentally) (ab)using eachother.
Leo Murphy
Ignore this girl. She doesn't know what men want either.
Chase Anderson
>making him work for it
Found the reason they left you.
Cooper Rivera
God DAMN I hate when women try to control & change men.
John Cox
Training gets amazing results.
Austin Thompson
Everyone got different ticks. Find out what yah man wants and do it. This goes both ways.
Connor Morris
>ew, no
Theres the problem right there, until you get rid of that attitude you will always be shitty in bed.
Sex is about spontinaity, going with what feels right. If youre gonna be a prissy bitch about it youre gonna be terrible at it.
You dont want to learn
Christian Sullivan
>I only let my bf fuck me once a week >why is he complaining? lmao
Henry Rogers
Because if anyone knows how to please a man, it's the feminist bull dykes at Cosmo.
Jason Green
Samuel Torres
And there's your fucking problem.
Austin Rivera
this guy
Oliver Myers
kill yourself. you are a waste of space at this point.
Camden Morgan
Adam Peterson
>Apparently, I'm not very good at sex.
that's because the fat slugs have a vagogo, while you have a penor (albeit a feminine one)
Ian Ross
Probably grew up constantly having her ass kissed because she's so "pretty".
Gavin Campbell
I stopped chasing skinny women decades ago. Fat chicks always fuck better. Plus, they know how to cook well, too.
Easton Hughes
>feminine penis Wat
Parker Watson
1. don't take a shower for a week 2. let leg hair and arm pitts grow out 3. Go down on him, but only for 3 minutes at a time. Make sure to scrape his dick with your teeth. 4. Get some granny panties. Make sure to get menstrual blood on each pair. 5. When he puts his dick in you, so "ouch" and "ow" a lot. 6. Never make eye contact. It breaks the fourth wall which is very creepy 7. Hide any pleasure your feeling. Just lay there until he's done 8. After he's done, complain about how disgusting cum is. 9. Reject all additional attempts to have sex with you for at least 10 days, especially after you suck his dick for three minutes
Owen Wood
Jace Morales
Tits or get the fuck out.
Julian Hall
Why is this so fucking hard to find? Why do women have to be in the mood?
It isn't like they have to get their pussy hard for sex to happen? Can't access to their pussy just be a GIFT, like a reward for being faithful?
Lucas Harris
>Practice. Get tinder, go to the club. Have a couple one night stands.
oy vey shlomo!! you're right!! goyim females must be wrecked whores!!
sex bust be perceived as a National Championship performance!!
Isaac Butler
Brandon Peterson
Tits and timestamp. Gee i wonder if i really am bad at sex still after dudes left me for fatties and told them i suck at sex hmm in dont know... They ditched you and said it you stupid fucking whore. Fact, your a fucking idiot, suck at listening and cant follow the rules.
Not OPs tits. Stop giving attention to this probable hog.
Asher Harris
This right here. Also, as the old saying goes: No matter how good they look, somebody somewhere is tired of their shit.
Dont assume that just because you look good, you dont still have to put in work.
Jackson Bell
Most guys might not like this because of a pride issue. But i want a girl who is the dom. Some guy like the submissive ones. Otherwise have diffrent fetishes. I think its important in a relationship to have a disscusion flow about that. Ive had sex with hot guys/girls but if you have nothing to talk about to eachother it can ruin a relationship too.
Aaron Flores
"I proved a story was fake on a board dedicated to fiction"
Lucas Allen
Obvious bait, I saw different thread earlier today with the same picture and these two posts SAGE THIS SHIT
Jace Davis
What looks better to you circumcised or uncircumcised
John Flores
Skinny is good for pictures. Chubby with forms is the most sexy. And the best sex. Plus anal. Give anal riding him
Oliver Howard
Noah Richardson
fuck, this is either bait or a huge moron writing. saged..
Aiden Myers
hAHA. thats not how it works. women dont exist to be respected. they exist to please men. if your bf wants to fuck you, you let him, whether you are sleeping, cooking, whatever. if he wants to gag and tie you up,you let him.
you are a sex toy. nothing more. in fact, really you are supposed to be walking around the house dressed as skimpily as possible.
Ian Hernandez
>walks into internet tackle shop >points out that there is bait everywhere >expects to receive kudos for it >goes outside and pickets the tackle shop with a picket sign that reads "bait inside"
Jason Ramirez
Try moving. its no fun fucking a dead body.
Henry Nelson
There's a good possibility that you're not bad in bed. You're probably just a bitch with a shity personality. You probably whine too much and judging by the fact that you called the other girls fat you're probably a judgemental cunt.
Trust me a 10 with a 3 personality is only dateable for so long.