OK Sup Forums I've been talking to this creep on Kik and I dont if I can go any longer. any ideas? here's the conversation.
OK Sup Forums I've been talking to this creep on Kik and I dont if I can go any longer. any ideas...
Other urls found in this thread:
send the pics
he'll leave
get him to send a dick pic
Ask him to have a seat right over there...
I'm back
Send him a close up of some sexually arousing picture like closed legs or something
what ever crossed your mind to want to be a girl online? honest question
demand money not to show police these pics.
Possible cp?
Fuck is wrong with this guy
report him to police pls
Jesus what a fuckin creep
Demand money or expose him to police
but send more pics of you first
Threaten to dox him if he doesn't send you bitcoin. Then dox him anyways.
this has to be fake, no one is really like this
Get his number etc, but cover your tracks. Then say if he doesn't send you money you'll call the police
Op here . I can't do this really I feel so fucking sick
start talking about cute boys on shutterstock images in front of him
can't blame you, just report him and save your screens
just report the fucker
no one here has any bright ideas
This x100 LOL. Extort him for 500$ and add an extra 500$ every three days he doesn't pay up. Send him screenshots of this thread to show him people are watching what he is doing. Also you should try and find any social media accounts he may have before you extort him to REALLY scare him.
Sharpie in the pooper first
What the fuck did I scroll into? Lol get his address and swat him.
What the fuck is wrong with my Sup Forums?
Fucking get these retards to dox the hell out of this guy, we find his parents, friends, school, workplace and ruin this guys life.
Fucking summer in here.
say something like omg xD daddy you should know your my second.......
and post a picture of that faggots dad/friend/brother/professor/pastor
I'm liking this extortion thing.. but that's also illegal.
OK guys OP here. Im fucking done with this guy . do your job and fuck him up
Swat the pedo!!!
>my Sup Forums
I can find one thing wrong with it, you fucking dolt
send him a dick pic
Yes pls Just fucking wreck that guy
Post his profile picture here OP
gtfo newfag.
been here since 04 and this guy is based. if it were real and he leaked it here we'd love him but nooo you wanna ruin a fuckers life because you yourself am faggot
So is asking for nudes from a minor, where he also blatantly said "my underage princess" which means he fully acknowledges what he is doing. Nam sayn?
Get his Facebook, extort him with it, then give it to us
Oh god, he's a predator and a normie
Last picture guys
But why though
send his reaction please
Fuck sake now he's gonna get flooded and bail
>i dont want to ruin this guys life
>ive been here since 04
clearly you've been here for two weeks otherwise you would've known Sup Forums has done just that since.. well, inception.
Sir Le dank XDDDDDDD
Link this thread
reaction please
OP quick what state does this guy live in. Ask him if you don't already know. Thanks.
You know he's busy googling "delete snapchat convo" but favourite all his comments first. That way they'll show up on his phone too and he can't delete them unless you unfavourite them.
Also, he's gonna an hero.
Like you would know, newfag
Op here he didnt respond . smh
I am sir le dank. Please stop this I have reported you to the internet police I'm fucking serious
This faggot has a youtube
lol fag no you arent
This is kik not snapchat
Stop fucking referring to us like a single entity you dumb fuck.
Go back to plebbit.
> my Sup Forums
Hold the twelve kinds of fuck up.
Kiddo this ain't no ones Sup Forums you fuckwit
retards should have doxed him
great job
ruin another perfectly epic opportunity
well back to your trap threads you cancerous faggots
Yes I am. I am dankenstein. Please stop. Please I'm begging you
been ehre since like 04. only rarely, typically during summer, does Sup Forums turn on its own kind.
because uring that time redditfaggotfuckers come in here with there LE"s and their XDs and their not lovin the cheese pizza.
>referring to us
>like a single entity
Fuck you I am the real sir le dank. Please guise stop this xD
This is too fucking easy, we must be getting set up by op
But this dude is such a fucking faggot I don't care.
fck yeah
No. I (emphasize the I) am dankenstein! And I beg you to NOT continue these betrayals you have bestowed upon my KIK username!
In all honesty I would send him a pic of a dead cat or something, ppl usually stop talking after that(also a big turn off)
Daddy is such a fag
You have evidence his face and a video. You niggers swat people all the time surely you can find this guy
ive been on Sup Forums since 04. my autism is beyond the levels you can handle, you candyass
Ben Keantibe
wew summer
He picks apples for a living
ELmo is jewish
ElMo is jewish
Elm0 is Jewish
He's probably the asshole that picks them before they're ripe.
nothing wrong with that. probably worked harder in a day than you have in your life mr. neet
fukin kek
When did I say there was anything wrong with it? I was contributing to the info you faggot lol
>before they're ripe
apples don't get ripe dumbass
#559 all over his Instagram, faggots an apple picker from Fresno.
this dude is obviously another fellow spanish farmer living on welfare and using it to buy drugs.
Kek butt hurt tree dick picker.
I dunno, seems like a cool guy
Inb4 archive