> doesn't have tattoos
> doesn't hate people who have tattoos
pick one
> doesn't have tattoos
> doesn't hate people who have tattoos
pick one
I pick both, but tattoos are literally one of the potential planned gateways to enacting the mark of the beast.
Former head of DARPA Dugan was working on some early prototypes.
I dont hate on ppl with tatoos unless theyre generic or fucking trash.
Not politics.
Everything is politics.
Come on, this tattoo thing is a degeneracy pandemic.
I love tattoos, not because I have any or think that they look good but because they provide an easy visual guide as to which people to avoid, I love piercings, short haircuts on women and neon hair dye for the same reason. 50 years ago it could have taken weeks to figure out if some girl was a crazy slut, now all I have to do is look for a tattoo
Shut the fuck up, make a real thread dickhead.
You tell em, leaf
Humans have given themselves tattoos since we lived in fuckin caves mate
I have a friend with both arms sleeved in tats. The guy is jacked, does manly things, and is both dudeweedbro and conservative as fuck for a canadian normie.
> Tattooed degenerates detected
I have no tattoos but I like the degenerate tattooed and pierced female look. Stripper, not SJW.
short haircuts sometimes acceptable? other than that i agree.
don't have tattoos
don't hate people with tattoos
I still believe a tattoo should hold a serious indication of your social status
I fucking hate people with tats because their tatoos are all they fucking talk about.
Short haircuts never acceptable.
ok agreed lol
>Short haircuts never acceptable.
I have to disagree. Girls practicing martial arts/other combat sports are an exception here.
It's pretty easy to tie long hair up into a tight bun to prevent people from pulling on it pham, in fact it's arguable superior to short hair since very few women cut their hair so short that it can't be pulled.
On a related note I still stand by my statement, having been involved in martial arts for almost 20 years the only two types of women I've seen involved are aggressive bulldyke feminists and naive "omg grrrl power XDXD" girls who think that doing an hour of karate once per week at a McDojo will actually allow them to beat up a gang of rapists armed with knives or guns.
I'm a sailor with traditional tattoos. I like fucking with hipster cunts who have got ones that they haven't earned.
>Unable to make an actual argument.
I have zero tattoo's or piercings, this is just a shitty thread. Unoriginal too.
Forgot image, if short haircuts are necessary for women practicing combat sports then why do almost zero female MMA fighters have short hair?
My dream in life is to convince some hipster to get tattoos like pic related so some Slav will see them and kill him because of it
You guys understand that you're just as sad as Tumblr but with opposite views right? I don't have tattoos, but to say this is anything more than your delicate feelings is lying.
I have no piercings or tattoos, but I do want them in the future maybe, esp[eically a tattoo. However I'm pretty hesitant and it will take me a long time to think of something truly meaningful, or maybe it just hasn't happened in my life yet.
I font hate tattooed people, but I definitely laugh at those who have shitty ones
I dont have tats and I think it is degenerate
Mutilation of the skin is a sign of mental disorder
>Buddies girlfriend mad that I say her tattoos make her look dirty and impulsive
>3 months later cheats on him and leaves
Tattoos. Not once. Plenty more tattoo whore anecdotes where that came from.
I don't have tattoos and I don't care about people who do have them.
Tattoos were ruined by women.
What's your opinion on blood oaths or brand of brothers
Nope, we have actual scientific evidence to back up our delicate feelings
I have a tattoo and I think tattoos are pathetic and degenerate
is it Sup Forums aprove if i have a hold fast tat on my knuckle got it after i sail the pound from fl to england on my own
>forex trader i dont live off the system
if that helps
>want to be a special snowflake
>too lazy or retarded to achieve something so you stand out
>get a load tattoos and some silly haircut and hair color
mission accomplished
About 50% of women aged between 20-40 have tattoos, yet only about 20% of women are total sluts (5% being turbosluts who've had more than 20 partners).
Tattoos are just a general indicator of shit taste, nothing else.
i don't have tattoos and i don't hate people who have tattoos. op is a faggot
The scientific literacy on this board is a joke. There are people who say anyone with a tattoo is a shitty person, or most likely a shitty person. That's not what any of that says.
Stay in school.
i dont have tattoos but do not associate myself with people that have tattoos, im just not that kind of guy none of my good friends have tattoos