Sup /b.. this is Chylo, she's a cosplayer (Attention whore fake geek)

Sup /b.. this is Chylo, she's a cosplayer (Attention whore fake geek)

Claims to be a lesbian..

Dubs get tits/ass (your choice)
Trips get vid of her fapping to my cock over skype.

OP is NOT a faggot and will fucking deliver.

Other urls found in this thread:


Feel free to fuck off to your usual trap threads user.


if u weren't a faggot u would just dump without waiting for rolls u fuckin cuck


Cuck? Redditfag confirmed. Welcome to /b user.

nice quick dubs so we can see if op will deliver.

Playing with herself user.


Unfortunately, OP dubs never count, otherwise it wouldn't be a game!

Rawl cuz

Curiosity roll


Uploading more "cosplay"

She ugly, but rollin anyway

Just dump it, dumbass.

It'd be cool if we could actually see the character, and not just fucking ass. God I hate cosplay girls.

Nothing is free, user.

Who is she even supposed to be?

roll because why not

Like i know. She's done a lot of 'em i just picked that pic randomly.

Roll roll roll

Bitch is a prime case of fetal alcohol syndrome



Rolling to see if OP is a faggot

She gotta fat ass, rollin


She's black, of course she has a big ass. She didn't even know until i told her.

Well I'm in the nigger mood so let's have a go


I'm a nice guy, so dubs get ass AND tits... trips for vid.




Loooool OP trips - My bad. Fuck it, here's the vid.

http /www filedropper com/2015-09-24-0102-08



Go go go

fk off nigger



winrar tits.

OP is a faggot who isn't delivering

Op is gone...


Think this is the ass pic

Dat ass

OP just posted the vid AND the pics - /b still moaning - Faggots start reading the posts.

She's disgusting. Why did I want this?

Ohh. . . Eww


Did the vid link work?


What you rolling for homie, everythings been posted...




OP here, everything has been posted in the thread already - Tits, ass + vid.

Would bang

That nigger is so black she's completely underexposed. Fucking fail.

Found her on facebook

Found her Instagram

Trade for Facebook?

I'll just give it to u if u post her reactions

Anyone get the video? post some webm of it

My phone won't let me do shit, someone do it!

She goes by chylo dynair

>http /www filedropper com/2015-09-24-0102-08
the link works, no viruses detected but if you're on windows tread with caution,

Quads and you delete all the nigger pics and never post here again.


Upload webm of video, not that download shit

is she from California?

It's a clean link faggot, vid is legit too

>I heart you Leia
>has a gf
>claims to be lesbian
>sends nudes to a guy and sexts with him

So either she's a cheating slut or OP is a scorned ex. Which do you think? I think its a bit of both tbh

London you fuck.

Someone should do reactions

what happened to her skin? it's like dark brown

oh, by the way you pathetic losers, I just warned her, so go fuck yourself. White Knight to the rescue. Tough luck faggots.

Ain't no niggers allowed in London.

Like Said she's either a cheating bitch or OP is a angry ex. If its the former then she deserves no knighting but if its the latter then I'm all with you bro. Never be a white knight or black knight. Always be gray my bro

Shut the fuck up racist faggot.

you better deliver
if dubs ass


>London literally crawling with sand niggers and normal niggers alike. user you're either blind or retarded. And other user saying nigger doesn't make you racist. Im black myself and have a fetish for sand niggers and my own race. They're the only kinda girls that I find attractive tbh, the only white and asians I like are traps. Other than that I prefer sticking to my own kind, its a personal preference really

gib ass or your faggot

What the hell kind of greentext is this?

Except for 100% of the pornography I consume. That's all free.


Fuck me right?

Nvm she's single so exposing her just means op is a massive faggot.


Let's see that video

Thread is dead anyway, who gives a shit?