whats the key(s) to a happy life ?
You know that one girl, the one who you wernt into, she was just one of the guys. The one who played halo with you and laughed at all the same stupid shit you did. Her. That was it. Thats the girl who you would be happy with, doesnt matter what she looks like, they all get old eventually. Find that girl, marry her, have some kids, get a job and take care of her.
TLDR: family
Don't listen to this faggot. Here are the keys to a happy life:
1) Be fuckin selfish.
2) Fuck everyone else and do things that make you happy.
3) Don't fall for the love and family meme/bitches will still fuck.
4) Money is VERY important.
5) Be ready to walk from anything at anytime.
Respond to every situation the best that you can, and forgive yourself for the mistakes that you make.
not giving a fuck.
and drugs
Keep on telling yourself that and have fun dieing alone. Im happy with my choices, I wish you luck with yours.
A really fucking huge TV.
You are not wrong
Freedom of choice, complexity in tasks, the connection between your actions and a reaction.
a lot of money
pretty women around
a lot of sex with them
big healthy strong family
Yes, fill your heart with hate. Good!
Obsess yourself with the search for money.
Stab everyone in the back, and treat women like you would the stupid or weak.
> then, when you get old, you'll be alone. No children have grown up, and none will be there to care for you. You will die, alone and unloved.
> How do I know? Because that is exactly what I did, and now it's too late for me to have a family.
Jesus Christ entering your heart :) try it
Very low expectations.
>freedom of choice
you'd like to think that.
there's a reason why depression is growing in free countries this past century. I bet people in North Korea don't get depressed
There is no key to happiness OP. Life sucks. Humans suck. Your nature will only want more once you have that which makes you happy. True happiness never comes
One of the secrets of life is learning to enjoy the passage of time.
Do you want an easy example of how fast time flows? Milk caps. Save each bottle cap in a bowl in your kitchen. Before you know it, the bowl will be full. That is the passage of time.
I advise you to try it. The exercise is easy. Once you become aware of the passage of time, you will want to make a decision about it. But for now you aren't ready for that step.
Collect milk bottle caps.Here are some boobs for you to enjoy
What about helping others? Why should I help anyone if there's nothing in it for me?
Learning to enjoy helping others is another secret of life.
I can't help you with this. There are many ways to achieve it. You must be able to reason with yourself and arrive at the goal on your own.
When you value the expression of kindness and helping others, most of your journey will be completed. Other secrets of life that now elude you will have made themselves plainly understandable. Sadly, you must achieve one solution to be able to prepare you for the next problem. That is the only way I know. There are no easy answers.
Money and bitches