Is he Sup Forums approved?

Is he Sup Forums approved?

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True. Alex Jones doesn't even believe what Alex Jones says

Everything except chemtrails and gmos are undoubtedly true though.

He rants a lot and gets carried away, but most of his information is accurate.



more crazed
more focused

Off by one.

What was the deleted post?

No it's not. Chemtrails! Fluoride! It's all an act dude.


>look alex, it's the NWO mass murder death factory i was telling you about

He embellishes real analysis that he gets from Stratfor. He's like their entertainment wing, basically.

No he's a mad fuck nugget shilling water filters and banging on about FEMA camps.

Maybe you don't listen to him enough. He has came out with so much bullshit, whatever new conspiracy is picking up steam no doubt Alex Jones will be all over it dropping the truth bombs. He just pushes whatever alternative storyline sounds the best to tinfoil hat looneys. Although it's not surprising some things are true, even a blind squirrel finds a but every now and again.

no, hes even worse then the average shill because he takes the truth and always throws enough stupid shit in to invert black and white as it were, making truth into lies, and obfuscating every single thing in a pile of memery and retardation; and this is the exact same shit that faggot milo does as well.
i hate him so god damn much.

he thinks earth is not flat, so I don't know if he's just ignorant or controlled by the elites like for example David Icke



>not being a Caravaner

Took the DMT
Took the DMT
Took the DMT

hello fellow ark knight

to midnight we go

he made me want to kill myself lol

I'm about to listen to last night's broadcast and relax before bedtime.

This is true. The thing I hate about people like Alex Jones is they capitalize on peoples paranoia and jump on the bandwagons rather than try and present rational explanations.

Just another faux media stirring up hysteria to sell products they convince people that they need.

He may as well be a kike.

He is a Vatican gatekeeper and CIA Mockingbird. It's fairly well documented now, he actually works indirectly for Disney. Matrix - it's big!

he's bretty gud

did he fall out with AJ??

Do you have any link to that documentation?

No, but he got fired from Coast to Coast AM because he got tired of having New Age spiritual guests on talking about bullshit.

He started his own show that focuses more on the economy and global politics. He has a lot of Israeli guests on, but he did have a guy on for a nice discussion about how Israel is controlling the American government and the holocaust was greatly exaggerated. Every now and then he'll have some UFO guy on or something.


Anyone got the pic that has him drinking water with a smug look and it says "we got pro pure filters in here and chill" or something to that effect?

I wonder if he fucking believes what he says

install Sup Forums X you fucking subhuman dinduberg
>browsing Sup Forums the jewishnigger way



I seriously don't know what the fuck to think about Alex Jones, on one hand he is on the right track about a lot of stuff, but on the other hand he gets way too tinfoily and comes off as pathetic when he pushes his overpriced male enhancement pills and fluoride water filters, I can't tell if he's redpilled, insane, or a fucking snake oil salesman

This would be 10/10 if the people who made it didn't self-insert.

He's probably a bit of all three desu.

But I've learned that in politics, like with anything, those that scream the loudest get the most attention.

People react to hysteria more than they react to reasonable points of view.

So if you scream and shout that the sky is absolutely falling and then say "buy muh water filters" then they probably will, and they do.

Watch his interview with David Duke

That is all you need to know about him.

>he is on the right track about a lot of stuff

Fuck off globalist/chemtrail/fluoride tainted water supply apologist


yes he is 1 of our primary sources for solid concrete journalism

ever since he has started helping us our nano xenolite levels have been off the charts
In addition to this, Pastor Alex Jones was probably trained at Jesuit Fordham, where Trump was trained! Matrix is enormous and unstoppable when you see it!


Like most of the Youtubers Sup Forums talks about, his IQ is much too low to talk authoritatively about what he does.

See also: Stefan Molnyeux

Fucking hell Stefan is a disaster.

The problem with a lot of youtubers is they have more ego than IQ. Look at Stefan's demeanor in his videos. His smug smile. The way he holds himself. He thinks he's the savior of mankind. He thinks he will save the world with a radio show and a few books? He's kidding himself.

I think the right needs to stop associating with people who are literally fucking insane.

too bad goy