Information thread anyone?
Information thread anyone?
Other urls found in this thread:
hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulphur chlorine argon potassium calcium
there ya go, first 20 elements from memory, I am so fucking great, imma go lick myself all over now
momentum you fucking idiot
I didn't create that one.
same shit nigger
deer have no gall bladders
What use is a low resolution, outdated, standard periodic table when anyone can find something modern, interesting, and scalable in seconds?
>search for 1986 Beirut kidnapping
>4 Russians taken
>one shot, three released
>absolutely no fucking mention of any family kidnapping or castration
don't believe everything you read on the internet user
Good point. I didn't know that version of it existed.
That's obviously not true. Only the equator is rotating at that speed. Every other latitude has a lower speed, because the angular speed is the same everywhere on the rigid Earth but the radius of rotation is proportional to the cosine of the latitude.
Is this bait or are you an actual retard?
This is actually pretty cool.
Also, if you don't click on the images, the only thing you will see is the thumbnail, which Sup Forums makes as puny as possible.
conservation of momentum
things would move at different velocities depending on how much mass they have
a big ass boulder is going to move a lot slower than a tiny pebble
>things would move at different velocities depending on how much mass they have
That is not how conservation of momentum works, bro. If the object is more massive, it already has more momentum. That still needs to be conserved.
It's literally the first law of motion.
I just know it as m1v1 = m2v2