It is a cruel, unforgiving world out there, but you needn't go it alone. You have backup. Let us strategize as cleverly as possible, so that today's troubles may become tomorrow's conquest.
For the Glory of Anonkind, I ask you: what is on your mind?
holy moly. it's been more than just a minute, love! I'm glad to see the return of such a loving person.
Caleb James
user because i dont wanna get banned
Elijah Ramirez
Glad to see you back! We've missed you 'round these parts.
Brandon Hill
We got lots of stuff to delete
Colton Kelly
Have my own. Thank you though.
Now now, Jill. There's no lack of love with you around. I merely contribute a tiny bit.
Happy to see you, sister.
Your call. But honestly...probabilities are low.
Cooper Sanchez
Thank you very much for the warm welcome! And nice dubs.
Cayde...what have you been up to...?
Leo Baker
It's wonderful to see you again E>
Luke Smith
Likewise, Sky. Have the kids been behaving while I've been gone?
Ryan Parker
fuck you
William Kelly
Glad to have you back. Missed you greatly.
Isaac Perry
Eli Diaz
been banned before its mildly annoying
Carson Lopez
More or less! I know I speak for everyone, and especially a select few of us, when I say I'm very glad you have returned E>
Chase Morales
Stay classy.
What?! Come now, Velvet. Don't tell me you've gone soft over the past few weeks.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you love me."
Camden Richardson
Leo White
Welcome back, big sis-senpai
Jason King
>I know I speak for everyone
no you dont
Nathan Ward
No evasive maneuvers to perform? I'm sure one of Alice's tutorials must be floating around somewhere.
That's very kind of you to say. But the feeling won't last long. I have all sorts of new rules and regulations to impose on all of you.
That's my little sister.
Louise! Status updates galore after threads?
David Jackson
I imagine so. I'll contain my emotions for now~
Leo Garcia
the main tutorial is Sup Forums is a cesspool and i hardly go to it, so thats the ez evade
Ian Morgan
Suicide as per usual
Ryder Wilson
regardless, you've been deeply missed. your assistant said there's a pot of coffee for you whenever you need it. oh, while I'm thinking about it, I did a little edit for one of my phone backgrounds.
Bentley Ramirez
Intrussive thoughts, user?
Bentley Sanchez
thanks man, you already helped by making this thread
Sebastian Brooks
>captchas slowing me down :( Uh....nothing. So how's life?
Owen Clark
I think the prohibition has been temporarily suspended. I'm barely holding on, afterall.
The optimal strategy is to never even attempt the game.
For what reason?
Tell him that I thank him kindly and can't wait to speak with him in a bit.
Oh Jill...that's too precious!
Daniel Cox
Why suicide? You wanna talk about it?
That's what we're here for, Friend.
Impose more Rules and regulations on me. I don't want fun anymore.
Thomas Bell
Why is that friend? Just life got you down or is there something especially bad?
Luis Watson
helo two bee i missed u
Christian Bennett
and that is why i am user
Isaac Reed
B-barely holding on, huh?
Jayden Gonzalez
BIG SIS! God, it's great to see you again!
How are you?
Matthew Price
Did I?
Er, well...glad to have helped?
A lot clearer, brighter...happier.
Careful what you wish for. I'm notorious for being a fun-killer.
Likewise, chaz. Thank you for the bump!
These kinds of returns can be slightly emotional, can't they? Thankfully, it's the last of its kind.
Ian Davis
Good luck user!
Jaxon Martinez
ROCK! I'm doing fine; grand, even. And yourself? Have you been minding yourself and the others in my absence?
Levi Ross
Mm. Yeah, that's right. I'd been expecting your return for some time~
Nolan Green
hey, user. I don't know what's up, but if you need to talk, I'm right here for you. "A-ah....... I'm sure she can wait.... I'm nothing special"
I just got a root canal done, had to burn some gum away. Fucking hurts and meds not helping much.
Carter Cook
Sorry for your pain, user. Best you can do is kinda wait it out, I'm sure it'll go away soon.
Christopher Gutierrez
Oh, things like that will hurt, but its not so bad over time. Try to find some way to keep from thinking about it, I usually focus on work or go out and play basketball or cook or do something, anything to distract me from the pain.
Robert Sanders
I was supposed to be back last Thursday, but as you could imagine, I had tons to catch up on in work and school.
Sorry to have kept you waiting!
Classic Phi.
That sounds agonizing. What kind of painkillers were you prescribed anyway?
If those are failing, all I could really recommend is applying a cold compress (i.e. ice) and toughing it out.
Nathaniel White
Damn, I would advice to try and focus on something else but I know that must hurt like a motherfucker. I can only wish you luck, and hope that you heal back up quickly.
Asher Nguyen
Oof... That's unfortunate. I wish I had advice for that. Sadly, that seems like the sort of thing one has no choice but to endure, dear.
Leo Sullivan
I admire your ability to put such things off for your academic and career success. I wish I had the same capability.
Jacob Garcia
2b!!! Holy shit, its good to see you!
Josiah Reed
Great, great!! Man, that's splendid to hear. I've been doing well! And yeas, I've been doing my very best while you were away!
I'll keep on doing it!
Youch... I had a root canal done once, it was horrible. So I get what you mean... It'll heal up though, it's just temporary.
Charles Adams
I agree with Al, best to do something to take your mind off it for as long as you can. Find something you can get super absorbed in.
Levi Gutierrez
They told me to take Advil.
Camden Gutierrez
Ehh... I'm no doc, but I don't think advil would cut it. Maybe Motrin or something.
John Hughes
You do. You just need to find something that is just as important, if not moreso, than this community.
Mantis! I was wondering when you'd show up. I was afraid you might have had a work schedule change. It's always a pleasure to have you.
That's right. Efforts do not stop now that I'm back. They only double. So, Rock, prepare yourself!
We still need to work out your schedule, by the way.
Yeah...that's not going to help much. *sighs softly and shakes her head*
Hate to break it to you, user, but all you can really do is endure. The others recommended keeping busy and distracting yourself. Perhaps some vidya is in order?
Ethan Flores
>not a doc >that won't work >try this other Hur dur.
Eli Rodriguez
Got any better ideas?
Julian Mitchell
>comes to Sup Forums for advice >complains about the advice rather than simply not following it
Parker White
no I just like making fun of people
Blake Kelly
Cheap thrills. All I can do is judge, really. Not much I can do for behavior modification.
Carry on, user.
Ryder Garcia
Right! Throw me everything you got!
Also, yeah, we do. I'll have to give you a hefty status report later
Sorry, I just go by experience.
Kayden Rivera
If you don't have something good to say, shut up about it. Complaints don't get jobs done, the only way to fix a problem is to talk about it, form a plan to work through it, and follow that plan.
Alexander Sanders
I'd rather be alone
John Ross
And why would you rather be alone than with friends? Do you not have anyone you can trust, or do you just dislike people in general?
Brandon Williams
Looking forward to it. I anticipate tonight to be slightly busy, but we'll definitely talk at good length. After threads?
My preference as well. May I ask you for your reasons?
Jaxon Miller
lmao not even that guy but thanks for the you's
Blake Peterson
Hmm? But yet you are here. Some time alone is okay, but isolation can be pretty damaging.
Julian Gutierrez
Just throwing this out there, but as someone who was in Jill's thread yesterday and was already a little wary of all the pseudo-namefagging, you all spending so many posts reconnecting kinda gives this thread an exclusionary feel, which I'd figure runs counter to your stated goal of helping out other Anons. Do what you want, just figured I'd point it out.
Dominic Gonzalez
kys faggets
Angel Jackson
And yet you made a post anyway. Might I ask why?
Brayden Green
Why tho?
Angel Perry
you're capable of leaving then, I'd guess. though if you'd like conversation, some people here are fairly good at it.
Adrian Morris
Come on over and be alone with me, We can be alone-buddies.
Aaron Murphy
That's certainly true but tonight is not just any night. It's a special occasion. OP has been gone for weeks.
Angel Hernandez
Sounds comfy.
But companionship can be even comfier.
Jaxon Hall
I don't want to help just anons though. I'd like to help anyone, really.
I'd rather not pander towards anyone in particular. But what you said makes a lot of sense; it's a problem intrinsic to these kinds of threads.
Zachary Myers
nothing stopping anons from asking advice. also nothing stopping people from poking their head in to say hi. by the way, if you swung in to ask for advice, sorry I dropped out. did you need something?
Anthony Johnson
I have been aware of this issue for a while now, but we are already starting to work on it, user. Glad to see I'm not the only one that saw through it. 2 weeks 6 days.
Benjamin Hernandez
I do have nabumetone left over...might use that.
Noah Kelly
Hm... Why's that user?
As always, Sis. I'll be here in the threads though, so don't miss me yet.
Hm... Well today is a bit special. Op's been gone a long while, and I'm very happy to see her.
How are you though, user?
Luis Lopez
maan i wanna turn 2d real quick and bust a nut a nut in that pink lipped bouncy house of a jailbat cartoon pussy... what the hell is her name?
Luis Harris
The point still stands, We can reconnect in Discord, whereas user cannot.
I completely agree with you, user. That's the purpose of these threads. Working on it, Why do you have to point it out though?
Evan Butler
Hikari. To what do I owe this pleasure? Never expected you to come out of the woodwork.
Got Sonya and Depth hiding around with you as well by any chance?
It's worth a shot. I hope it helps you with a pain, user.
I spent two weeks missing you. I'm so over these feelings of longing for other people.
Carson Wilson
Just Neptune. Though the milf-ish version is named Purple Heart.
William Lewis
Sure, we can. I was unwilling to wait. And I don't regret it. Sonya is actually a bit busy watching something with me at the moment.
Justin Morris
I usually prefer to talk to anons for that reason, though I'll say hi to the other regulars from time to time
Mason Morgan
oh ok. well in that picture she looked like an estrogen molecule turned into an 18 year old female on the first of tha bloody month ;) thanksss
Noah Torres
Hello hello, haven't seen one of these in a while
Hrm as far as I know, Sonya is hiding around Reisen. I'm sure Depth is lurking though!
Luke King
wp my b
Brayden King
Thanks for looking out for us.
Henry Carter
A Rubyposter?
Alexander Morales
We are aware of this. And we are always trying to improve.
Anthony Green
Mm, if user's attention is desired, then OC must be generated. Look at Alice threads. Look at Reimu's threads. You have to offer an incentive beyond kind thoughts and (semi) helpful advice.
It may or may not be in the works.
Get them to come in here real quick to pay their respects.
Nevermind one of these threads, haven't seen you since your courier days! How have you been? Better, I hope?
Lets see if we can draw Depth out...
Thank you...
I mean! It's my duty! *salutes*
Christopher Gonzalez
Oh fuck look at the herd of weebs replying to me
Austin Jones
Have another.
Evan Reyes
oh h-heavens please forgive me user but i dont know what a rubyposter is could you slap my ass and fill me in? lol :D
Jack Scott
I didn't expect people to be so kind, I appreciate it. There are a lot of things I could list as personal reasons but it's in tl;dr territory.
Lucas Peterson
I must be on my way, keep up the good work.
Benjamin Martin
feel free to hit me up at [email protected] if you need a kind ear, okay? I'm not sure what you've gt going on, but you don't need to face it alone.
Levi Turner
If you think it would help to talk in more detail I can give you my Discord or my email so we could talk more