>Going to Colorado for a few days.
>Want to smuggle some pot back home (NYC) when I leave.
Whats the best way to get it through airport?
Going to Colorado for a few days
An oz or two, just to clarify
shove it right up your fuckin asshole
through the AIRPORT? are you a fucking moron?
you would be better off mailing it
What girl is that?
Mail it to yourself at home. DO NOT try bringing it through the airport. Fucking potheads are retards.
Yeah dude, bring some pot to an airport in one of the states that is looking for people smuggling pot. Great idea.
No matter where you hide it on yourself, you're probably gonna get picked up. Those bastards can tell by just looking at you.
Lemme know how jail is
You fucking idiot, take a bus home with as much as you want. Jesus Christ, its like you want to get caught. Alternative, get a friend to pick you up and split the profit with them for the ride or give them payout. Jeez, potheads are retarded as shit.
They're called niggers.
blksissy tumblr com
better pic there
u could prolly get a gram or two of wax thru the airport, couple ounces? no fucking way
get some resealable moisture barrier bags and mail it back to yourself usps
Don't go through an airport. DIA probably has drug dogs just for that thing. You're better off driving or mailing it back. Your best bet is to just drive.
Fuck your mother.
Don't listen to these fuckheads - it's pretty fucking easy to fly from Colorado with weed. In Colorado, weed is legal, so in the unlikely event that security was to search your bag and find weed, all they actually do is confiscate it as long as you're carrying personal quantities. Google it, you'll find that the only weed arrests departing the Denver airport since legalization are for large quantities.
Basically, just put it in an inconspicuous container in your bag and go. Make sure that bag follows the liquid rules etc so they won't search it and take your weed. Even if you fuck up and have a bottle of water in your bag causing them to search it, all they're gonna do is pull the bottle of water out, look around, and let you go unless the weed is just sitting there on top in a baggie. If you only pack edibles, you're fucking golden - there's basically zero chance that you'll even get your weed confiscated unless you are fucking retarded.
Ya know one of the only airports I've ever seen dogs in? Fucking Denver.
Mail it, dogs have crazy good smell and dogs meant to sniff out drugs are even better.
Then again, you won't always come across a drug dog, maybe in NYC. But I flew from Sacramento to Phoenix with about 4 grams of potent club grade weed and ten Oxys, didn't see a drug dog or anything. Try to get that TSA pre-approved shit, I had it and didn't even have to get stopped at all when I was leaving Sacramento.
This is not right...tell Op the real truth on getting weed back home safely. Op, he's clearly the ibf don't listen to him
You're retarded. It's legal in the state yes, but it's a really big fucking deal if you try to bring it out.
USPS you need a search warrant to legally open.
To get busted for smuggling you need probable cause, a dog, a search warrant and then they can open the package.
If you're not an idiot, and this isn't financially worth it to the gubmt they won't.
Ups, FedEx and dhl are their own private companies. If employees suspect something and open and confiscate what's in the package, too bad so sad.
Seal it, seal it well and send ups.
Anything else I'd retarded.
whats if like to get high is it the same as getting drunk
Nothing you do will cover the scent for a drug sniffing dog to pick out. Just saying, you might get lucky and not get screened by one. But it's CO, so no shit it'll happen.
airports are controlled by feds, doesn't matter what the state laws are. don't listen to this idiot
>want to smuggle weed
>through the airport
>pic related
are you serious user?
Airport drug dogs are rare, and in the unlikely event that you do encounter one, 99.9% of them are only trained to sniff for bombs because the TSA is not a drug enforcement agency and they don't have the budget to spend tens of thousands training a dog to detect drugs and paying an agent to work with it for a mission they aren't even tasked with.
In Colorado, they don't fucking care, because they aren't enforcing New York's laws, you fucking cunt.
Don't listen to this fuckhead. Besides getting a mmj card in nyc is easy as fuck. Why the hell would you risk it?
Put in layered ziploc bags with some books n other shit and mail back home
Yeah, it's a big deal if you get caught on the other side... which doesn't fucking matter because you aren't going through security after you land.
Find me an example of someone being arrested for personal amounts of marijuana at the Denver airport since they legalized weed. Good fucking luck you twat.
It's still federally illegal.
wait... isn't pot super easy to get in NYC?
and thisif you really are too stupid to just get some locally.
Sounds crazy didnt read thread to see if its been said but
If its actual bud, grind it all up. Literally sprinkle it on top of clean clothes. It wont be dense enough to show green on the xray scanner, and you have to spred it out enough or spread it out inside of the shirts so when they look at and in the clothes they wont see anything... but it will smell. They cant do much if its just smell. May search you more, but as long as they dont shake the clothes out you good. When you get home, lay out suran wrap everywhere in a bathroom or have some sortof large clean surface and vilolently shake out yoyr clothes like you got sand in em. Gather it all up on the surface and there ya go
Yeah, and are they arresting people at dispensaries in Colorado? No. Are they arresting people at the airport in Colorado? NO. Look it up.
this. drive it home with a large flat head screwdriver.
FedEx at shit under a diff name to yourself.... Or just keep it in your pockets.
How sad is your life if you're shaking out clothes for weed.
Airports are federal land and subject to federal law. It is not legal to have weed in any airport, regardless of the state.
this sounds like way more hassle than it's worth.
I'd rather spend 4-5 months growing a brand new plant than this dumbass plan.
Buy some shatter, place in glass jar or plastic jar
Take the peanut butter out of a jar and put the shatter inside and cover wit peanut butter
Super glue the safety seal foil and mail it to yourself
Why not just become an adult and stop smoking weed, op?
Edibles. Chocolate, Candy.
Coffee or peanutbutter