Proud Canadian over here, ask me anything fags.
Proud Canadian over here, ask me anything fags
How's the Somlian gangs?
Haven't seen any of em myself, so I couldn't tell ya.
When was the last time a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup?
Why did you vote Liberal?
Do you remember that schizo asian guy that would fap all the time or something like that
how are the native american people like where you are from?
Yeah good question! why did you vote for Trudeau? *spits*
I'm sure we could good that one
is weed fully legal up there
Lol fuck you bro, im not even OP but that hurts.
Because we were tired of Con's shit, NDP is a joke, Bloc is for the french, and the Green party isn't real.
So now we have a photo-op for a PM.
Good job faggot.
Seriously, that "milk in bags" thing, that was all just a joke right?
Why are leafs such kike loving cucks with immigration
Most conniving group of people-fact-
>> they friendly to your face, but then sell out their own people to the jews.
How do you like your steak cooked?
It comes in cartons to. The bags ware for when you want a lot
Yeah, my family generally goes through at least one 4L bag each week. A 4L bag and a 2L jug each cost about $5, so it just makes more sense to buy the bags.
It's just the cucks in Toronto and the people in power.
Who were voted in by the people in the GTA
How did you faggots end up conservative? Is it because you can't function among the liberal normies from your high schools so you turned into an edgy conservative as part of your rebellion against them?
Lol. This board is 18+
I'm run a busines so I want a party that represents busines.
Weed tho amirite?
>>don't like Libs turning your country into the next Europe
>>must be Conservative
Go back to policing comments on
I don't believe you even pay taxes on your little neighborhood lawn mowing summer operation, user.
204. Looking for oxy or any painkillers
Downtown righr now
Being born into a developed country isn't an accomplishment. Being proud of that is fucking stupid and seems to be indicitive of your lack any other meaningful accomplishment.
wtf is she even trying to do
>muh Europe is bad memes
You've been chugging the Breitbart Koolaid way too hard.
Get hit on by gym guys.
reddit cringe
Those are in amarica retard
fukken wasted dubs on a fukken milk still come in a bag
You must be proud! Look at your neighbor in the south and see how the POTUS is fucking them!
U Sup Forums fags do know that even canadas conservative government is basically left
when compared to usa
u know healthcare, a good social welfare program, etc..
>>muh religion of peace
Countries that let these people in learn to regret it. Maybe when your peaceful neighbourhood has some Muslim ram a bunch of kids with a rented vehicle you'll think differently.
People have been racist in Canada for a very long time, it's just not talked about as much as people from the US.
>>Sup Forums
how are laws and the recreational use of cannabis?
>muh religion of peace
I hate Islam as much as any other religion m8.
Have you sang for your mcdonalds yet
Sure you do. Yet you're clearly okay with a government that wants to import people like these by the bunch. Eventually you'll start to hear "Oh terrorism is just part of living in Canada. There's no way to stop it from happening."
Naw their not racist. They, and you are very confused.
Those immigrant doctors are frauds. So are many other imported professionals. Call them frauds and it's a racism case. In the mean time they put alot of people in harms way.
It's not about racism. That woman was pissed because she already saw a sand nigger to look at her little niglet. He wouldn't treat her. So she seeked out a white, competent doctor.
My doc is no different. He's some Nigerian asshole but he's incompetent as all fuck. Like criminally. But idgaf cause he's all I can get and he's basically a prescription pad.
I've watched a paki guy get registered as an engineer in Canada, cause huge incidents and lawsuits, and never get questioned. Turns out he used his brothers degree to get in. Noone will touch him cause he's a fuckin paki.
This is Canada now.
I'm really none too thrilled about it if I'm being honest but considering the kind of shitholes they're fleeing, I think it's the only right thing to do. The vast majority are harmless and we have a ton of criminals already so it isn't like adding a few crazy towelheads to the mix is going to alter the fabric of the universe.
I'm American btw, not Canadian.
What is that all aboot'.
Why is Western Canada far superior to the east?
Probably for the same reasons western US is superior.
Detroit native dating a Canadian. I love her. Go Canada. Though she will probably move to the states eventually :)
I bet she's from Windsor isn't she. Keep the trash on your side :^)
No. Fuck you faggots.
hahahahahahahahahahaha i love you Sup Forums
not op here but albertafag. They constantly drink and are on drugs. Don't play hockey against them cause they're dirty and they let adults play on u18 team. they also don't show up often, presumably because they are hungover or whacked out on xanax or crack
not yet but cops usually turn a blind eye unless you're dealing
only in the eastern provinces
there is basically none in bc
Is she your long distance internet girlfriend? I didn't know people even still did this.
Does your wife still make you watch her fuck niggers ?
>*tips fedora*
>not allowed to not be ashamed of your heritage in a setting where said heritage is universally looked down upon
underrated post
what part of Canada?
Most of the reserves are complete shitholes, full of drunks, crackheads, unclaimed babies, AIDS and stolen bikes.
Libtards think that they need more money and that the old residential school system lead to the downfall of their society. Most reserves are so corrupt that a village of
I was drunk at a bAr and went home with a trap, I'm not sure what happen, do I go get a sti check?
when the american teams with 90% Canadian players win the Stanley cup and wonder why the "Canadian teams with international players don't win"
Well you statistically 100% have super-AIDS if you fucked a tranny so you'd just be confirming what you already know, but sure go ahead.
100% this....all these fucking retards saying we need to give them more money and need more hearings and committees on them
Lucky bastard.
Those are in Edmonton.
I didn't vote Con's either, Harper was spineless but Trudeau is so much worse.
I'm English but I wouldn't mind Bloc. Quebec is a welfare state, get it out.
Why are Canadians so unfunny?
pic unrelatedd
Why do you allow Quebec to cuck the rest of your country? You give them so much in the form of govt. spending and yet they want to break away and be their own independent nation (lol). Also, I don't know what the fuck they spend their infrastructure money on bc their roads are complete shit.
refer to
except substitute "Frog Assholes" for "Useless Chugs".
Also, double dubs witnessed
>Canadians unfunny
Loads of funny, popular Canadian actors
Loads of Canadian comedians
Loads of Canadian writers for sit coms, late night shows, movies, etc.
>Canadians unfunny
You speak the truth user
Am Edmontonfag. Haven't seen any Somalian activity. Met a few Somalian guys and they all seemed pretty cool.
>Canadian actors
>((Canadian)) actors