sup Sup Forumstards
this piece of human shit abused her cat, set her cat on fire, and livestreamed smoking it's ashes. thoughts?
Sup Sup Forumstards
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Cats suck
She's fat and not pretty.
It's a fuckin animal, and a shitty one at that.
KYS for even caring about a single lower life form dying.
I want to fuck her senseless and choke her. What's her name?
Atleast she is dating a white person
of course they can
>they don't, but they surely can
Post proof, otherwise nypa
get out, newfags
OP here
It's known between all her "friends" and such. The livestream of her smoking it's ashes is on her facebook. Never posted here before, don't know if I can link that.
last name is Wilson. OP, if you're making such claims, what's wrong with showing us her profile?
If you want to expose her or do some other shit, why the hell would you hide the name?
Still don't know if it counts as against the rules, I would be happy to add her name otherwise.
Stop being such a massive faggot, just post it.
Aakkii Wilson.
Have fun faggots.
if you aren't gonna link us to any post or vid and you have no proof, give us her name so we can find out for ourselves whether you're lying or not
How cute. I really really want to marry her, buy a farm snd abuse all kinds of animals all day before having romantic sex in their remains in the evening.
Also gtfo with you cat-cult shit. They may look cute but are dumb fuckers stinking and making stupid noises. I said that back in 06.
link the vid, faggot
facebook com/aakkii.kelly.3/videos/443075466077019/
lazy faggot
Alright, did some digging and I found this.
What a piece of work
to clear confusion, I think she went through a Michael Cera wannabe wife phase. this is the same person. she deleted everything having to do with killing her cat but someone got screenshots of her garbage posts
>white people
Just your typical tumblrina
This is what you get, Sup Forums, for listening to animal-fucking tumblrinas.
"Like I heard like, she smokes? LawL, we should like, totally tell Sup Forums that she killed like, her cat? Like, those guys hate people who like, hurt cats. Plus she's like, lawl, fat? LoL!"
And now every faggot is requesting personal army. Why? "Durrrr b likes cats"
FUCK you and your fucking cats. I hope it died slowly engulfed in flames.
Plus: if you like cats, your mother will die of brain tumor 3 years from now, alone, shitting herself in a hospital.
Immunities are void. Posting immunities doubles the curse and it jumps to every person you love.
Get fucked.
Hahaha thats a whole lot of hardcore for a fat turd, I bet you'd get stabbed being this hardcore irl
bad day?
Post the dead cat or get out
Autists often experience emotional ups and downs.
Cats are cool. That woman doesn't need you to white knight her, Alexander.
>I think a cat clawed off user's dick, you guys
fuck off. I get NYPA and I don't think this dude is requesting one. I visited her page and it looks like plenty of people already gave her shit over the cat. calm down, spergie. it's okay.
>black people
hahaahahahahahhahahahhahahhahaahha this bitch is so fucking stupid
You're only saying that because you yourself are an autist FYI
>Why? "Durrrr b likes cats"
Nah, I'd encourage people to fuck with her because of Assuming that's legit. How did she kill the cat? Unless she tortured it, I don't care that much.
She got what was coming to her stupid face, I mean really, the burglary is unfortunate and all but she could've spared herself the brain damage by just staying down, it's clear that the nigger was just trying to knock her out. What a stupid cunt lol
>Unless she tortured it
She looks like that kind of a landwhale that would torture her desperate unlucky boyfriend for playing Mario Kart because it's "Culture appropriation"
She claims to have burned it and then smoked it, however the authenticity of such claims is questionable at best due to the lack of any proof of said claims. Idiot.
lol fucking loser
Fuck, how fucking stupid is that? It's like doing something to get famous but then hiding the fact that you've done anything and then just claiming to have done such a thing fucking fuck what the fuck???
She set fire to her pussy??
She "abused" it first, I guess you could say the pussy got "fired"
Guys, I think I've found a picture of her dead cat, but I don't know if it is cool to post it here. Would people be mad at me, or would i get in trouble if I did?
Is no one going to say anything about the maggot shit!?
this can't be real. this has to be a masturfully crafted advanced troll. if it is real, buckle up buckeroos.
Post it
How do you smoke ashes?
Has she posted nudes?
Gee, i don't know. I'd like to see a larger consensus.
Man, the replies to you really make you look stupid, *insert name here*! #HAHgoteeeem
not to mention the lice and eczema. this bitch has to be the filthiest person in her entire state. kill it with fire.
You snort them and then set yourself on fire obviously.
we post dead cats all the time, faggot. post it for proof of her shit so we have reason to take care of this filth pig bitch.
Anyone here able to translate whats on the disk?
Oh look she has autism
Disgusting. It's paint.
Edgy m8
is she retarded why the fk she wont just stay down
cats are fucking awful animals, way worse than even shitty humans
fuck em both to death
whatever it is, its japanese. although it looks like the handwriting of someone pretending to be japanese, those shapes are drawn like shit.
"i wanted a fucking dog"
pretty funny sounds like a legend
fuck you got me
Fucking tard white trash. Darwin hasn't got to her yet.
she can take a fukken punch
What? When a nigger sticks a gun in your face and says GIMME ME YO WALLE NIGGUH do you a. Give the beast yo walle or b. Get capped and the stupid cunt said well might as well do a rocky 1 get my face mashed in har har har and she did fucking stupid cunt
what does it say for real tho. no such word as 'fucking' in moonspeak as far as i know.
Maybe you just don't know very far?