Hey Sup Forums can you watch my glass of milk while i go to the store?

Hey Sup Forums can you watch my glass of milk while i go to the store?



Don't cry, OP.

clean it up before Op gets back

Shit, I'm sorry, OP, but it magically changed color while I was gone. Are you angry?

Why is the cup thicker???



Shit, not again!

fuck man, what do we do before OP comes back?!


You rat fink!

now Lance, I apologize but the wind's getting blown out by the Napalm!

also I got OP some more milk

Okay, guys. I'm back from the store. I got more milk. Make sure this gets to the fridge.

not another spill. im still cleaning up the first one..

Gps says that i will be home in about 13 minutes. Really cant wait to get my hands on my fresh cup of milk


Scram, Leafposter!

get your nigger milk outta here


He has enough milk already, bro.

I just got back with some gourmet milk. You faggots better be careful not to spill again.


Who are these imposters?

I bet they're actually lactose intolerant.

Fuck you faggot.

>mfw they sold you regular milk in a bottle

Kek if its one thing i hate its intolerant people

Also im almost home

Shit! OP's coming back, clean it all up!

>tfw i cant have fresh milk atm because my fridge is broken


Seriously Sup Forums?