ITT: things that scared you shitless as a child
ITT: things that scared you shitless as a child
Other urls found in this thread:
My mother when she had too much to drink
Fucking this.
She needed it to drown out what a fucking faggot she birthed
I think it was the puns
The movie "Toaster" when the lamp drowns in the river I cried like a bitch. Then looking back that the appliances were left in the home and forgotten about was sad as fuck
I will shoot my dick down each one of you're assholes!
Return the slab, or suffer my curse
This entire show was fucked but I still watched it
>le childhood trauma thread XD
Why is this a thing?
Some of the trippier parts of Courage The Cowardly Dog episodes would skiv me out big time.
Oh, and my parent's favorite family(ish) movie was twister, and I saw it like right when my brain was a major sponge. So from like 4 to 11 I was scared of high/fast winds.
Oh! and fishing! I never could fish in anything bigger than a pond because I always thought that a fish bigger than a perch would pull me into the water and eat me.
She scared me so fucking much Idk ,her legs and get face made me cry
It was actually part of a Harry Chapin song called "The Sniper" There is a segment when he shouts; "I HATE YOU" there was an echo and it was so harsh, I had to plug my ears all the time
Pingus Dream
Also Rusty and the Boulder
Nightmare before Christmas right?
the whole fucking rest of that movie didn't make you bawl?
>family fun edition
>giant flaming skeletal tar demon starts devouring everything in existence
No just that spider freaked me out alot
this thing was creepy as fuck in my dreams when I was a kid
I saw this as a child and it scared me so fucking much
James and the giant peach
This old fucker dying in the beginning of the movie and the rest of his bird friends.
Same animator though, I don't know movies gud. Shit all looks the same to me, like asians.
That's a kids movie?
Nigga,that movie fucked me up as a kid. The air conditioner when he got all red and yelled made me hide in the other room until that part was over.
Hanson had no chill on that one.The whole movie was nightmare fuel
Yeah, really good one too, but you had to get past the 'bad guys' scene to get to the rest of the movie.
recurring dream of drowning
>banjo tooie
ahhh shit
Slight change of thread?
Things that made you sad as fuck when you were a kid.
I had a breakdown after watching The Green Mile for three hours just to have John Coffee die at the end. I started crying at like 11pm in the living room and my mother came in to see what was wrong.
all I said was "THEY K..K..KILLED THE BLACK GUYYYYYYYYY" and she was just like "dawww baby, movies aren't real, Michael Clarke Duncan is still alive"
Then he died IRL, so that sucked
because it can't always be traps/ylyl/replyoryourmotherthat-threads
Fucking wallmasters dude. My older sister had me.convinced that I would be taken by one.
The court scene in Ms.doubtfire made me cry
Why did you betray me like this Spongebob?
This whore
that big rabbit thing from wallace and grommit
Stair steps with no back
I want to that spider
Shit this still scares me
Does spider have puss puss ?
fucking same.
shame Robin Williams is dead too.
Any more like these?
Super unrelatable feel here, but this book was pretty fucking spooky.
The dark fucking Crystal. Scene still fucks me up.
Hopefully the show will be good.
This is one of the greats. But I agree the oil dude was Fucking creepy.
You just reminded me of another thing that scared me, the show had Buffy as the hostess
The scene where they take the podlings soul is the worst
Yeah that shit was fucked
Mmmm Michelle trachtenberg
grandparents had a well on their farm.
made the mistake of watching a horror movie about monster that lived a well...
That little shit gave me nightmares
>Fermats last theorem
It's OK user, it's all over now, it's can't hurt you anymore
It's been solved.
Meramon from digimon, shit fucked up my childhood.
I used to have pediophobia when i was a child, and every single character's face in OOT or Majora's Mask seemed uncanny as fuck to me.
>666 KB
In black and white. In color, they were too obviously prop-like, or maybe it was just that I was older. I was 10 when they first hit PBS in the late '60s.
fuck this nigger and this show
remember not understanding the break in the matrix. felt a lot of dread
The deep end of a public swimming pool.
Snakes spooked me a bit
Yes, this guy scared me
Pirates in ... Nebraska?
The n64 model looked scarier
all those edgy newgrounds things
like dark cut and torture game and that alice in wonderland one
JJ was my nigga
scared the fuck out of me
this too
I used to like the blonde girl, I found Angela's face and hair combo gross af and she had an irritating voice.
That show was gr8
I saw this episode when I was in like first grade. I convinced my teacher and mother that I went to "the zone" when I got bored in class.
Apparently they thought it was cause for concern about my mental health, when it was just me flexing my imagination.
don't ask
This fucking piece of shit scared me every time i saw him
this fucking shit, i was about to post it