CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE: Chef Dan Edition RULES: >first dubs or better each turn decides the fate of our main character >any other dubs or better after this will be ignored until the next turn; so sory >if there is already a winner, wait for the next turn before trying to decide Dan's fate--check'em and don't waste your dubs >next turn starts when OP posts the next picture >the game ends when i say it ends THE PLOT: Dan has insulted french master chef Mamadou's cooking, and as a result has found himself in a cooking competition with Mamadou himself! You're in over your head Dan-- what do you know about cooking?! For your sake i hope you manage to impress the judge. Dubs or better decides Dan's fate.
Dan's previous adventures (they're archived somewhere if you've missed any of 'em) Dan Gets Mugged By A Black Edition Dan Gets Mugged By A Black Edition Part Two Dan The Ice Cream Man Edition Dan's Saucy Date Edition Dan's A Dad Edition Marooned Dan Edition Dan's Delivery Edition Sir Dan's Quest Edition The Great Houdanny Edition The Great Houdanny Edition Part Two Funeral Dan Edition
Gabriel Baker
Hit Mamadou's head with a pan and win by KO
Aiden Scott
Dan microwaves some hot pockets
Joseph White
a black man breaks in and mugs dan again whilst doing so he shows his superior manhood in comparison to dan's inferior sandworm, all the white women go crazy over the black man and he fucks them all infront of dan
Dylan Gray
Ryder Collins
Dan begins by boiling noodles in his pot
Colton White
Dan finds a dildo in the freezer and licks it....his tongue gets stuck to the tip of the dildo.
He freaks and starts running around the kitchen with the big fake dick flopping everywhere while he's screaming.
Samuel Hernandez
Oliver Gonzalez
Joseph Morris
Rape the chef on a bed made of spaghetti
Luke Clark
Easton Brooks
Bentley Moore
Dan cooks his own clothes
Xavier Roberts
Jonathan Powell
Jeremiah Parker
Dan checks the freeizer to see what ingredients he has to work with. At the verry back something purple catches his eye. Dan takes it out and tastes it to see if it is grape flavored. Turns out it was just a vibrating dildo. Dan tries to take it off his tongue but now it's stuck! Dan looses his cool and runs in circles. Mamadou has already picked his ingredients and is chopping them now. Your falling behind dan!
Anthony Bailey
Ryder Thompson
Roll again
Juan Long
Dan orders a pinapple pizza
Logan Miller
Roll for pizza
Josiah Murphy
Liam Morgan
Jaxson Ortiz
Dan decides to cook a lobster, but when he tries to put it in his pot, the lobster grabs his dick
Hunter Collins
Jonathan Moore
Roll again
Oliver Long
Roll again for dubs
William Ortiz
Dan pisses in his own mouth to get the dildo out
Angel Bell
Rolls singles
Noah Carter
Hey that just might work! Do that
Ayden Adams
Matthew Gutierrez
Dan orders Chinese food.
Ryder Brooks
Dan rapes the chef
Josiah Jenkins
Levi Parker
Carson Nguyen
Reroll one last time.
Aaron Rivera
Sebastian Hernandez
Dan can't cook for shit, so he plans to cheat. He orders Chinese takeout and plans to serve it to the judge, it will take some time to get here, so in the meantime Dan need to keep looking busy.
Nolan Anderson
Dan gets a fork ties it to his dick then sticks it in an outlet.
Dylan Bennett
Do it
Ian Butler
Isaiah Wright
Dan sabotages the other chef by pissing in his bowl while he isn't looking
Liam Fisher
Aiden Morris
Ryder Wood
Daniel Ramirez
Anthony Davis
Nathaniel Reed
This one
Tyler Gray
Dan uses the spicy meatbal on other chef
Landon Cruz
Dan poops his pants on purpose then scoops sone in his hand and drops it in chef mamadous pot when he's not looking
Justin Rogers
Owen Lee
Rollin for this, better than my piss idea, lul
Isaiah Hughes
Indeed. Roll for this insetad of pee
Kayden Rogers
Dan stabs mamdou
Austin Butler
This but chef catches him and dam must stab
Henry Diaz
Dan realizes that the chinese food may not arrive on time so he bludgeons mamdou with the dildo and steals his food.
Chase Diaz
Ethan Gray
Samuel Allen
Gosh darn it , roll
Ian Phillips
Sabotage will ensure that Dan wins
Henry Campbell
This but he has to whisper "poo poo catchoo, smelly joo"
Austin Turner
Dan decides to get the dildo off by dipping it into the boiling pot that Chef Mamadou is cooking with which both frees him and contaminates the other chefs dish!
Aiden Jones
We'll electrocute Dan now thank you
Aaron Wilson
Gavin Foster
Due to the dildo obstructing his breathing Dan becomes confused. He starts beating his meat
Jason Lewis
Dan runs his tongue under warm water and frees the dildo, he then puts it in chef Mamadou's dish
John Powell
Finally WINRAR
Dominic Nguyen
Ian Price
Jonathan Murphy
Juan Hall
Xavier Allen
Dan magically takes the cat from his thought bubble and tosses it into Mamadou's pot. Whether this contaminates the food or makes it better is up to OP.
Colton Fisher
Dan gets aids and gives it to mamadou
Angel Wright
Dan beleives that if he electrocutes himself, his body will heat up and the dildo will fall off of his tongue. He straps a fork to his shlong and sticks it in an outlet. This goes terribly wrong and fails to dislodge the dildo from dan's mouth. Dan can be such a retard at times.
Lucas Gonzalez
a poorly drawn glaceon freezes mamadou whilst saying: "user the fag has summoned me."
Joseph Price
Dan goes off set and clips his toenails, putting the clippings in Mamadou's pot
Jack Martin
Brayden Martinez
Dan boils a pot of water and dumps on the French Chef.
Benjamin Jackson
Liam Phillips
Gabriel Myers
Dan jacks off into mamadou's pot while he is not looking
Austin Perry
Dan ties down chef Mamadou and uses the dildo to fuck him
Cameron Baker
Dan has the dildo magically removed and it goes and fucks mamadou's food, contaminating it.
Ayden Brooks
Dan cuts his tongue off with a knife and sticks the dildo up mamadous crusty ass. He removes the rest of his tongue from the dildo first and tris to reattach it to his face.
Logan Howard
Jaxson Morgan
Jayden Kelly
Isaiah Ortiz
roll for this
Hudson Scott
Dan decides that in order for him to get it off successfully, he must shove the dildo up the judges ass to warm it up
Liam Price
Dan uses the heated stove to melt the dildo off his tongue, and places the hot plastic and metal in Mamadou's dish
Adrian Walker
Samuel Roberts
roll :)
Daniel Gutierrez
Dan puts on a chef disguise and poisons mamadau's food
Ryder Gonzalez
Lets do this
Blake Hall
Aiden Martinez
Dan awakens to his powers as a human battery and starts cooking a potato with his hands