Whats the earliest age you think a child is aware that someone is sexually interested in them, you know like basic shit,staring flirting etc, ps. not a pedo just need to prove a friend wrong,he said no younger then 13 or 14 i said young i said kids nowadays probably like 8 or 9 ish, What Do You Think?
Whats the earliest age you think a child is aware that someone is sexually interested in them, you know like basic shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
10 and 14ish
Id say in the middle around 10 but my nigga beside me say 8
can someone post the greentext with the dildos hanging from the ceiling and the guy yelling at the end "YOUR TURN MISTER LAWMAN"
A friend of mine, she start at 8 years old, with hers babysitter 18 years old boy
coming from personal experience i think its if this type of interaction has been exposed to one.
I rememver my brother having sex with me like it was a game when i was around 5 then i started wanting to see women naked a lot and i even undressed a few sleeping baby sitters
it can be around 7 if they were conditioned like i was
>not a pedo just need to prove a friend wrong
Well isnt that what a pedo would say?
You've pushed your luck too far this time, mister pedo, the internet has a new gang of vigilantes.
I love the "kids these days" crap. Plato is the first recorded example of someone claiming that and he was saying that shit 2500 years ago..
I personally was about 8 or so when I had my first orgasm. Nothing came out but I vividly remember the whole experience. This was almost 30 years ago.
fucked up question to ask, OP.
Pedophile circle jerk. Go die somewhere.
what did plato say?
I think it takes some time for them to actually know when someone else is interested, but they pretty much show interest very early on, but the interest isn't necessarily purely sexual in the strictest sense of the word, but once they're around 8 or 9, I believe they already know what they're doing when they get a boner or when they touch another kid's genitals.
They probably know something even earlier than that, but I don't think it becomes actually sexual until around 8 or 9. After that I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing when they intentionally touch somebody else's genitals.
this one?
google, man.
Idk man I'm 28 and I still can't tell if someone is sexually interested in me.
Yes this is the one
: The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
-Plato attributed to Socrates
The ancient world equivalent of the OP's statement about "kids nowadays".
this lol, 27tho
nice. thanks.
Jesus, it sounds like he was describing baby boomers.
The problem is you don't know what sexual means.
If you did, you'd know it's as soon as they are born.
All is sexual; sex is the purpose of human life, especially when we view the forces at play within us in the context of evolution and general animal development.
That said, at the same time, nothing is sexual and everything is just energy which our bodies direct in certain directions as we develop. This development aims to give us a normal, heterosexual drive. But we can become anything, and what is moral is not the same as what evolution seems to have aimed for us to become. This means being gay or bisexual, though not "intended" by nature, is in no way immoral due to not being the "design" of nature.
But to create a bridge in your mind, maybe, I'll say this: children think nothing negative about sex until their parents instill a negativity about it in their minds. If the parents don't, then they have to teach their children solidarity and integrity; otherwise society will corrupt the innocence in them.
tl;dr your definitions of innocence and sexuality need to be uprooted
Doesn't apply to everyone but I was very sexually aware by age four.
I wish I knew the psychology of getting a girl to want to have sex with me. At the very least I want to know how to get them to willingly give me a BJ.
So I guess it really isn't traumatizing to kids when being molested or having sex with an adult if they're not taught that it's bad.
We are interested in the other gender's genitals as soon as age 5-6, without realizing it's "sexual". Same age. Grown up genitals are gross. Porn is not doing anything.
Sexuality, and the actual intent to do something sexual comes into play no sooner than 10-11 years of age.
Source: personal experience.
same I was jerking of at 3 and pretty much always aware of sex, it just fucking depends on how and who the fuck is raising you
Wrong. Review the statements of mine which you refer to, then assess your logic.
"... dark continent ...
because of the stigma attached to it.
The information you and your culture have is so limited that your understanding is mostly an interpretation which your imaginations fill in ...
... and your culture, your civilization, enforces its ideas of something which would, indeed, otherwise disrupt it and change it forever.
But look forward. Change is inevitable, just as we see technology improving with passing years.
Language, religion, cultures, governments ...
... are technologies."
- jellyfish
But it's not harmful to them is you make relaxing, fun and if they trust you.
I think 14 should be the age of consent. Thoughts?
Get it in your sick fucking head that THEY DO NOT WANT YOUR GROWN UP DICK NEAR THEM! Every fucking experimentation they actually WANT to do involves someone else THEIR age!
I was sexually excited at 4 once my brother(9) helped me learn that rubbing my clit felt really good, masturbated basically every day since
That's not really a true statement, I was interested in boys and their dicks by the time I was 7 at most, and it certainly wasn't just boys my own age
is me
Now that's some grade A BS. They eager to please adults and they know little to nothing about sex. If done right, they can have a really good experience.
Really young, I was in kindergarten when I had my first crush and I was EXTREMELY curious about females then too
Preach! Kids sometimes are sexually attracted to adults. I know I was when I was little.
With those conditions, they will not be harmed in the short-term. But in the long-term, they will have to have inner strength to know that they are not terrible people and that their parents are not terrible people, because that's what society will try to convince them of in order to eradicate the behavior and attitude.
Children are sponges. They absorb what you put on them. Most parents will nip the sexual interest of children to adults (which is first directed to the parents, and therefore a very personal matter) in the bud. Girls and boys go on to develop somewhat differently after this event, but both experience a lull in sexual development.
This lull in sexual development is sorta unique to humans.
After they hit puberty and become aware of what sex is.
With me and my step cousins, it was about 7 when we started "sleeping over"
This is why I think the age of consent should be much much lower.
What did guys do to each other???
You mean after they hit puberty, become horny, and learn from their friends how to objectify the opposite sex.
you don't need to hit puberty to feel horny, I was a very horny 5 year old girl.
Kids are HOT!!! There, I said it. I don't think there's anything wrong with kids and adults have good hot sexual fun. So long as the kid is willing.
Yeah, well I was jerking my massive hard dick at the ripe old age of 2.
Well because we had "Cinemax afterdark" at my gmas, we recreated what we saw. I wold lick her pussy ask she would lick my dig as we didnt now she was supposed to suck. from there we found out what holes i was supposed to stick it in as she would say ouch when I tried it in her butt.
When girls start having periods is around when thet start getting sexual understanding. Not sure about dudes
Kids sure love to chatter.
That's bullshit, you can figure out touching yourself feels good before gradeschool
lol wake the fuck up. Read some of the rest of this thread.
That's so damn true! But I don't think kids know how hot they are. How much desired they are.
Yes but op is asking about sexual understanding in shit like flirting and such.
You think some preschooler knows that you're flirting with her/him
Neither Plato nor Socrates said it. It's actually a quote from a play by Aristophanes.
8/9 for guys a little later
i remember when i was 8 and my cousins did "that", we didn't know exactly what it was, but saw it on tv and thought it was naughty
I would say age has nothing to do with it. Upbringing does if they have 2 parents attentive they may not notice that till 10 to 14. Single parent and 2 none attentive parents i would say they could catch on to that as low as 6. They can learn a lot more than they should from the internet and tv.
I had kids in kindergarten flirt with me and try to be my valentine and want to kiss.
I think if you smile at them with a full, loving, meaningful smile, they will instantly know and be drawn to you.
You could say they have a special sense for it. They can tell you're an adult that has an interest in them that stands out from the other adults.
its different for everyone.
Depends on hormones and external stimuli.
External stimuli due to exposure to indecent or borderline sexually inclining imagery (which can be very bad for young children since you are exposing someone to something that the brain doesn't know how to properly respond to).
> Basically girl usually can be between 12 to 15 years old, first it will depend on period and sexual self awareness.
But it can be younger since some culture exposes children to external stimuli that can affect this development. Usually coming from a society with high poverty early marriage will be normalize in order to reduce the family burden of feeding extra mouths.
But the pedo narrative will always be wrong, because even if younger marriage would be legalize the social burden would be increase and pedo being pedo will use and abuse. Since Pedophilia is a unnatural state of mind which rejects the idea of loving someone older always seeking the younger (the very very young), family grown around it would have high divorce rate, possibly a high level of abuse and possibly death due to a young body being pregnant.
> If your a pedo seek help.
You're using the lens which I described here
That's the lens which, unfortunately, most of us grow up with.
But do they care about looks When it comes to them being attracted to an adult?
I have to strongly disagree. Some pedos would not abuse and take good care of their child bride. There is nothing with sexually attracted to little ones. we don't need help. It's perfectly normal to be attracted to someone younger.
I would say hygiene and caring about how you look are important.
The way you carry yourself and your confidence, as well as your generosity and kindness (treating girls like princesses, communicating respectfully, openly, and honestly, etc.) are more important than looks.
Nothing that you can't learn in small but directed steps. To know the direction, search your dreams. To have the motivation, listen to your heart.
I'd say 10. At least that's when me and my girlfriend at the time would fool around. Never actually fucked until we were 13 tho.
So in others don't come off creepy
try reading this thread. I think you'll like it.
It mentally and physically harms children. You are mentally ill. Pedos are not normal and not ok. This push to normalize it is horrific.
How does it mentally harms them if ease them into it to where it's fun and safe?
Take heart, user!
If you think you'd have a hard time learning to be not creepy, remember this:
Great conviction precedes great action!
Know your heart!
If you grasp how awesome the goal is, the journey WILL happen : )
You mean grooming? Yeah it still fucks them up and leaves them feeling messed up and wrong for the rest of their lives.
You are predatory scum.
If sex was made illegal with anybody over the age of 13, cancer would cease to exist in 45 years by closing the window for epigenetic damage to accumulate.
This is not a push to normalize. Not trying to push you.
Sorry if we made you think that.
We're perhaps just a little too enthusiastic right now because in this thread we all came out and shared love with one another.
We feel we are with friends, which is not a feeling we have very often. Er -- you know what I mean.
Sorry but i have known 2 girls who have been convinced into sexual acts when they were 9 and another 10. Each of them were psychologically unstable in their teens and they were prone to self destructive behavior.
> They also disliked men complimenting them because of the abusers.
> Children cannot consent to something they don't fully understand. Even if they were thought gradually they will still suffer psychologically or they will repress the memory only for them to resurface later in the future.
Your argument is invalid.
I'm learning a lot from. Any more advice?
They may happen to some kids, but only very few.
Is cancer a fair price to pay for the morality of preserving innocence?
Your opinion ≠ Actual fact
Forcing a child to do something against their will with the use of threats, is what harms them. If there's no force, and the teen isn't being exposed and coerced to adopt the mindset that they have been "abused", and are helpless "victims" of an evil monster, even though it was consensual, they can't be harmed simply because no harm is being done to anyone.
Stop trying to push this retarded notion that consensual sex is inherently evil just because YOU decide who is able to consent and who is not, using your own arbitrary standards.
DAMN RIGHT! This is why I think the age of consent should be lowered. I hope that happens one day. Sadly, i fear it won't happen in my life time.
The earlier the age children becomes aware of sex and become sexually active, the fewer babies are born with cancer.
Science Bitch.
>Children cannot consent to something they don't fully understand
What makes you think teenagers don't understand sex? They think about sex 24/7, wtf are you even on about?
If there's ANYONE in this world who KNOWS what it is to want sex is a fucking pre-teenager who wakes up with a boner and goes to sleep with that same boner he had when he woke up.
you get to call it grooming because you have analyzed girls who have, for some reason or another, told on their childhood lover.
These girls were, at best, cared for in the short-term scenario (the adult made them feel safe enough and comfortable enough to enjoy the sex and the relationship), but, for the most part, none were cared for properly in the long-term scenario. Perhaps the adult didn't really care about them as a human being, or was making a huge mistake by rushing a relationship he wasn't ready for.
The children need solidarity and integrity in order to not allow society to convince them that they are terrible people or that their lovers are terrible people. Society wishes to eliminate the behavior and attitude.
Where the child grows into an adult with a weak self-image, he/she will cave in to the seeming omnipotence of society and its judgement upon pedosexuality. The adult who was once a child will eradicate from his/her mind any enjoyment of the sex and any information that would lead to thoughts that pedosexuality is OK, because it is implied by society that all pedos are to be annihilated without exception or mercy.
If the child IS cared for properly, and given strength and a good self-image, then he/she will be free to become a pedophile if he/she wishes to.
My niece is 9 and constantly wants me to "body slam" her on to the couch. But only if I put my forearm between her legs and my hand kinda on her tail bone but not cupping her butt. The forearm is her main thing. She knows what she's doing. I oblige. Harmless
>started masturbating at age 4
>first orgasm at age 7
>realized about the world of sex and sexuality at age 11
Not true, he said "certain kinds of cancer" are caused by epigenetic information. He also says this information is often passed down the generations,so it could take much longer than 45 years for this solution to impact some cancers. This would hardly be worth the increased mortality rate for infants and their mothers. Worse, could be the epigenetic impact caused by early motherhoods.
Statutory rape isn't punished because of the later impact, it's punished because it's taking advantage. Children are incapable of making rational well informed decisions, so they are incapable of consenting.
There has never been a diagnosis of cancer in anyone who has Down's syndrome. Ever.
Well put. If you don't mind me asking, what causes some kids to turn in their adult lovers? And is the Philippines or Thailand the few parts of the world where pedosexual is more accepted?
I wish my niece would let me do that. She's 9 to and kind of looks like Shirly Temple, but cuter.
try reading the rest of this thread.
It'll do you a good turn.
You bet they are.
Not accurate, and not the full story.
"numerous epidemiological and clinical studies reveal that Down's syndrome, PD, schizophrenia, AD, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease (HD), anorexia nervosa, diabetes and allergy-related diseases (among other health problems) seem to protect against many forms of cancer, including solid tumours, smoking-related tumours (especially lung, colorectal and bladder cancers), prostate cancer and Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma." nature.com
And to be more specific, Down's Syndrome reduces the rates of Embryonal tumours in childhood (for example, neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma), Breast cancer, and Skin cancer. Cancer still exists though.
I think you need to kill yourself before you start buying dolls and acting like a faggot.