Where there are blacks - don't turn your backs. Nog soccer player savagely kicks defenseless white player in the spine because he didn't like a call on the field.
Tip-top impulse control, fella'
Where there are blacks - don't turn your backs. Nog soccer player savagely kicks defenseless white player in the spine because he didn't like a call on the field.
Tip-top impulse control, fella'
Other urls found in this thread:
>contract terminated
Also he's from Jamaica
wew, brutal. Was expecting a dive, got full blown nignog.
fuck that must be painful, cleat from a guy who knows how to kick right in the back.
Jesus Christ. Anyone have the webm of the girls in I think Brazil? When nig kicks another nog full force in the face.
That's why I like hockey.
Actually I take that back. There are still some bad chimpouts in hockey when blacks are involved.
It's almost like race has everything to do with it.
Send him back to Africa to burn in a tire with his homies.
360 no scope cinderblock
>Tip-top impulse control, fella'
>why do apes act like apes
Low IQ
No father figure
No soul
Tom Wilson is a bigger nigger than Simmonds and every true hockey fan knows that
Hockey fights are gentlemanly otherwise.
The nigs contract was terminated and the guy he kicked went to the hospital.
Yeah bro whites never chimp out, we're angels dude
Who needs sport?
Got anymore black hockey fights?
die whitey die
>Tfw I knew a guy in Brampton that sold Emery ounces of blow
Emery is a spastic coke head
Just look up Donald Brasher or George Laraque
no criminal charges?!
Okay cuck, surely you have a gif of a white guy doing the same thing.
White guy likely deserved it, I'm sure he was calling him racist shit during the entire game in order to provoke him and ruin the career of the black guy, white people are known to pull this type of sneaky Jew lite shit.
Don't act like you're angels either, a white guy immediately chimps out against the black guy.
Fucking racist pieces of shit.
>a white guy immediately chimps out against the black guy.
I'm 99% this is b8, but it's not chimping out if it's against someone that started the violence.
There's actually a statistically significant increase in anger control issues among blacks compared to the population as a whole. Even some of the nicest blacks kids I know (I'm a teacher at a minority-heavy school) will visibly struggle to maintain their composure when things don't go their way.
Honestly, I think it's a bigger source of the gap in achievement between whites and blacks than any difference in raw intelligence.
Black guy here.
Don't act like a nigger and you won't get treated like a nigger. If that white guy was talking shit, I would have tried to beat him at soccer.
Shit talking is part of almost every sport. He's just a nigga who can't handle bantz.
>watching sport as a hobby
Relentless shit talking on the field is a beaner tradition that surpasses the loud boisterous claims of blacks and delves straight into demeaning an opponents family in the most vile way possible.
It takes two to tango you racist piece of shit, the white guy also chimped out, there's literally no reason to attack the black guy since the people overwatching that possibility were going to intervene anyway.
Stop justifying this racist bullshit you human turd.
I do not think you are actually black, either way whites can say pretty racist shit which could drive the most peaceful man to the edge, what you're posting is simply speculation and your opinion.
you are aware that as a mexican or espaniol heritage , you are just a tanned white person right?
fucking disgrace to our community pal.
Laraque had some class, even for an enforcer who tend to be gentlemanly in the first place.
Watch the whole thing if you want to have some kind of hope for that sordid race.
At least you know Mexicans aren't white.
I'm fully native, it's so rude of you to assume such things I'm not even going to bother describing it.
I don't think it's a tradition, but sure, it happens.
I doubt that Hispanics call themselves racist shit on the field, we are a family oriented culture which is why family insults may be used sometimes, however, they are not personal or racist in the slightest.
>worrying yourself with race instead of the qualities of individuals
it's why you have never accomplished anything of substance outside of riding the coattails of actual productive 10% of white people
Insulting someone's family isn't personal.
Insulting whites because of their race isn't racist.
Mexican intellectuals everyone.
The family insults are as generic as they can get, they don't even have to be true. It is what we call 'bantz', racism, on the other hand, is not 'bantz'.
Racism in its purest form can only originate from groups with power, for instance, you claim that blacks are subhuman because they're poor, and you dare make that comparison because you belong to a group which was better off economically in this time frame.
If I, or a black person says that white people are quirky because they use matching family outfits it is not racist, because I, or blacks, do not have leverage or societal power over whites.
oh ok
then can kill you because you "deserve it" because i decided so
yeah, no
>Racism in its purest form can only originate from groups with power
ad-hoc special pleading fallacy
racism is: demeaning judgement based on ethnicity
nothing more, nothing less
stay mental-gymnast tho
>and you dare make that comparison because you belong to a group which was better off economically in this time frame.
*red herring
*appeal to accomplishment
*appeal to emotion
*ad hom
a second reply is necessary to inform you of just how much of a fallacious, self absorbed, pretentious wannabe sjw psycho armchair lib you are
drop dead in real life
mexicans need to be curb stomped.
>do not have leverage or societal power over whites.
How much more power do you want you sack of pure shit,
why don't you describe what it looks like when you "have societal power"?
I will wait you subhuman cunt.
I still don't understand why no one has 2 handed emery in the back of the head
Why the fuck does the other black guy stop the White who rushed in and pushed the guy. Then he runs to his side and faces the guy who got kicked ..
Race first. Team second.
>Race first. Team second.
Well yeah what do you expect, they are very tribal.
>kicks him and runs away
Fucking niggers dude
>tfw i've lived in brampton for 28 years
I always saw the racism thing as Argumentum ad dictionarium.
I define racism as privilege plus power
Whites are the only ones with privilege plus power
Therefor Whites are racist.
If a white person:
-Says anything publicly that offends a dark person
-Takes any action that even inadvertently creates an unequal outcome for a dark person
-Performs any action perceived as discriminatory towards a brown person
They are subject to loss of income, civil suit, prosecution and, ultimately imprisonment.
The same is not true for brown people doing the same to a white person.
Please tell me what "leverage" means to you if the above is not leverage? - create a special definition that accounts for the above.
Jesus christ look at how slanted his head is...
"we're all human"
are we really though?
>an only originate from groups with power
You're spouting the SJW cultural-marxist, Critical Theory bullshit. And considering this is Sup Forums I am GUESSING you are trolling
"you claim that blacks are subhuman because they're poor" No one's saying that, Romanians are poor and they're not sub-human
>a white guy immediately chimps out against the black guy.
Rushing to the defense of the someone being attacked by a wild animal is not chimping out. Further, he does not pursue after driving the animal away.
Fuck you Pablo.
Take the rafter out of your own eye before pointing out the spec of dust in someone else's.
That would be waycist