Does it make you feel good knowing your money is based on absolutely nothing?
Does it make you feel good knowing your money is based on absolutely nothing?
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Such an intellect you are
All money is based on nothing.
Do you ever wonder why the removed the gold standard?
When you take a loan the bank create money it's as old as civilisation itself.
Why does gold have value? It's just shiny rocks someone dug out of the ground.
Soldiers used to be paid in salt. Salt had real value, it was an essential mineral to live.
>The foundation of your wealth is gold
>believing the eternal kike in the year of our lord
And what's gold based on? The fact that it's shiny?
Anything CAN be money
gold is finite (element), transportable, doesnt get ruined easily, etc
you cant manipulate the currency when it is tied to something finite
now you have the dollar with a promise from the federal government that it is worth something
absolutely hilarious
The market says it has value. Why? Because they say so.
Daily Reminder: The new $20 bill is amazing.
It feels bad man, it feels real bad, you see the whole thing blowing up a mile away -- it's obvious we live in a debt bubble that's just about to burst. It sucks ass bro. It sucks. I'm buying gold and bitcoins as much as I can rn.
and the only reason the bank is in business is because it can cover the loan with things society deems desirable
not promisory notes based on nothing
that is until recently when they conned you all
*turns in xbox one, slices tombstone pizza, pours a glass of mountain dew, puts food stamp card back in wallet*
Im doing just fine.
>based on absolutely nothing
Actually its based on your home country staying economically and militarily relevant in the future. Fiat is like a small fraction of the stock in your current government.
Being as I'm a goddamn American I am not worried about our debt or future as long as we have the strongest military and international influence possible.
Probably perhaps.
Gold/silver/platinum are all very unreactive metals so they're ideal for aesthetic things but also have practical functions as well
They don't wear away and rust like most metals
Money is based upon time, and time is your value.
>you cant manipulate the currency when it is tied to something finite
Of course you can. If gold can be used to back currency, then you can further back it with silver, iron, tin, aluminum, platinum, copper, wood, seashells, tobacco, liquor, cigarettes, beans, cotton or even paper.
This is what Amerikeks actually believe
yeah and then no one trades with your currency you fucking idiot
say you have 10 ounces of gold and you set the $100 to be equal to 1 ounce and the rest etc
you cant make more money without having more gold
not in the usa tho
you enjoy the big banker cock with the fake money
thank you bankers
actually you could but you would have to change the exchange rate and so people holding $100 would get pissed and stop using your bank
not in the usa tho
you are forced to enjoy fat banker cock
As opposed to being based on gold?
I mean technically any monetary system that we set up will be based on whatever fictional value we ascribe to it. Attributing value to gold is just as nonsensical.
I wish I had one of these McKinley bills
Nothing has any intrinsic value. People are the ones who give it worth.
Gold isn't anything special, it's just a rock; however, people think it's a pretty rock and so they make it worth a lot—same with diamonds.
>"We should back the value of our paper with shiny, useless rocks!"
Fuck you, it all has no value. Nothing has value. Our lives have no value, except what we give to it. Something-something existentialism.
All money is based on fetishism -- yes, even currency backed by muh shiny, since the shiny thing is fetishized.
it is nonsensical to attribute value to a finite element?
are you 12?
do you enjoy the banks manipulating your dollars and stealing wealth from you by inflation and deflation?
you enjoy dollars that are not fixed to anything?
you understand gold is a finite element and cant be manipulated?
unlike your banker notes
gold is a finite element
it has intrinsic value
it cant be manipulated
this is econ 101
do you ever wonder where all those printed dollars go?
Wrong, petrodollar.
> it is nonsensical to attribute value to a finite element?
Isn't paper a finite element?
> are you 12?
no, I'm 13
> do you enjoy the banks manipulating your dollars and stealing wealth from you by inflation and deflation?
Sure, there was no currency manipulation prior to paper money... Do you realize that inflating/deflating the price of gold would be as simple as withholding/mass distributing?
> you understand gold is a finite element and cant be manipulated?
No, this is completely false. That is why your entire premise is flawed. As far as that image, it's not really saying anything other than that median household income rose throughout the 80's, 90's and early 00's and has taken a dip under socialist Obama. Doesn't really surprise me.
>it has intrinsic value
no. It's value is arbitrary
>you cant make more money without having more gold
When the US was under a gold standard, the amount of $ assigned to an ounce of gold was market determined. Do you know how FDR set the price of gold? He decreed it to be $21 per ounce because 7 is a lucky number so he tripled that number.
Stop with this nonsense that gold backed currency cannot be manipulated. It clearly can, and it has been many times.
>hurr-durr it's shiny
Do people really not know that gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals have vast industrial and commercial uses and are in finite supply on this planet?
>a finite element
Are you fucking retarded?
it's rare, costly to acquire, doesn't tarnish and looks pretty
Everything is a finite element.
>not seeing the picture and realizing we are talking about paper
Christ, user.
Your brain cells are extremely finite
money doesnt have to be backed by precious metals or commodities
gdp growth tracked over time justifies a specific amount of wealth . that wealth is divided by how many units are in distribution not counting whats held as reserve currency thats bought by currency exchanges and other nations for trade reasons
you just need to keep gdp growth up if you want to keep minting more. other wise in after some time a currency evaluation will crush the value of it
>its backed by the promise of the government
>government is run by lying politicians
With enough power, carbon atoms can be converted into pure gold molecules.
University of California, Irvine experiment confirmed this.
It is just not cost effective to make gold this way.
Nothing is ever finite if you have access to unlimited energy.
As opposed to your infinite wisdom.
Shut up, you dork. You have no idea what the value of gold is. Are you going to carry around gold bouillons trading them for bread and silk.
>not using credit/debit cards
Sure is bad credit in here.
Not really, but everything needs control and a system. I guess just be glad (or sad) it's not like that one movie where you spend moments of your life.
yes because without that I would be rich as fuck from betting against the housing market
fuck off kike
is based on blood duh
It makes me feel bad that I paid $90 for a shitty blowjob
>tfw just saved $55 on my new 32channel surfboard 6190 cable modem via amazon
thank you credit card points
user, there you go explaining basic economics to freshmen anarchists. These people have recently read Hans Hermann Hoppe and they have superior financial knowledge than us mere plebs.
It's base on it's the only thing you can pay your taxes with. No dollars to pay your takes -> eternally fucked by the US Government.
Cry harder anti-statists (i.e. traitors). Might makes Right.
> Actually its based on your home country staying economically and militarily relevant in the future.
You're half right. Fiat is based on debt - which is basically a bet that the country will be economically stronger in the future than it is today. The problem is, this is a system of exponential growth - literally a cancer.
Exponential growth with limited resources - wew.
I cant believe I am going to try to illuminate a dimwit who would actually assert that paper is finite.
Gold, Silver, Platinum and other precious metals are INVESTMENTS, not an alternative to cash, obviously. Considering the banks worldwide are going into reverse interest rates, putting your money in metals is A Lot safer and more profitable.
Yes, I will meet you at the town square market place and you can give me gold bouillons for fish and loaves and other essential grains.
Shut the fuck up and accept the fact that you live in the 21st century and stop pretending like you're fucking Adam Smith.
it's the exact same for language
>goldcucks unironically calculate the "value" of their rocks in "worthless Dollars"
scrubs not knowing actual useful properties of gold i.e. electrical, chemical, mechanical uses
>it's le current year
gold has been used a currency for thousands of years, this whole sucking banker cock with fiat money has NEVER WORKED, THE FIAT CURRENCY HAS ALWAYS CRASHED
pick up a history book
>let's go back on the gold standard!
>regards not realizing that there isn't enough gold in U.S. reserves to back all money currently in distribution
I'll take "What is the Petrol Dollar" for 800 Alex.
>mfw all these poltards with no understanding of Keynesian economics
You guys should go back to discussing Donald Trump and white genocide.
Gold does not pay dividends. It's terrible as an investment.
it's not based on nothing, it's based on everything
>there isnt enough gold
>so lets back the dollar with a commodity that is being burned literally by the minute
What is the value of gold based on?
Is that the one where you hire niggers to burn down my house and then tax my neighbors to build me a toolshed?
While all true, it's not what made gold valuable in the first place
Seems to have been working good enough since 1971.
Holy shit, I'll give them credit because that's pretty funny.
do you know how gold is made you fuck? i'm sure you think that the kikes have a giant supernova they can just form gold out of
>My money
>Based on nothing
Surely thou jesteth my good fellow?
The gold standard allows money hoarding and disincentivizes borrowing/lending money.
Money since forever has been based on absolutely nothing.
We place an abstract value on a tangible object in order to make transactions easier. That's it. Gold, pounds sterling, toilet paper, it all literally has zero value unless we assign it that value.
No it doesn't.