So, I´ve heard you can have a lot of fun from clonazepam. The prescription said 5 drops, but I want to get stupid high...

So, I´ve heard you can have a lot of fun from clonazepam. The prescription said 5 drops, but I want to get stupid high. How many drops I need Sup Forums? Can something bad happen to me?
>pic related, I have exactly the same.
Also, legal drug thread.

Clonazepam is technically illegal without prescription. But I took several mg of this benzo when I was younger and remember having fun alone wandering around in florida and chatting up babes.

how many drops would you recomend?

Careful, clonazepam can have permanent/long lasting issues with memory recall and brain fog. Try a different benzo if you are serious about wanting to get messed up.

Also, clonazepam has a long duration of action and you might be prone to do less-than-intelligent things while under its effects. There are reports of users that literally have no recall for periods of days from the abuse of long half-life benzodiazapines. So maybe try not to re-dose and don't take it habitually.

25-30 but my body is used to it, so be careful
and pleae TURN OFF your social media if you dont want to do stupid things
lets get a lttle bit high together user

I like that idea, its gonna be my first time so 15-20 drops sounds good?

and no
u can't die lol i've already taken 100+ drops and im alive, i almost died because of Amitriptyline

yep. listen to some good songs. turn off your facebook and celular
enjoy you little peace of heaven

Dont do it faggot...the meds reccomend 1 or 2 drops...go further at your own risk...

you probably will just get sleepy

i used to take clonazepam for insomnia

i wish i could sleep with 2 drops lol i just fucked up with my life
I get electric and impulsive.

hey user
dont be like me

Ok, I mixed them with water and already drink it. I´m waiting man
Well the prescription said 5 drops, my best friend did 10 and he told me he got high but pretty boring

im listen to songs its cool
after all ill go to the window to feel the breeze and listen to my songs
pretty cool i love this
my life is horrible lol
what kind of music are u into to?

i like clonazepam, makes me feel good too
i only had bad xp with amitriptyline and pristiw

pretty much rock and inde, but when I´m on drugs I crave for Pink Floyd o Yes, progressive music blows my mind

what indie bands? i'm into 90's emo lol but i also like progressive

Yes dude but 5 drops if you are in pain or some shit...good luck

I fucking love tame impala man

girl here
im listen to old gray

nice, are you on the effects to?
If you are, tell me about your experiencies with this shit, I´m starting to feel a littl dizzy, but I´m courious about things like if I´m going to hallucinate or something

how many drops did u take OP?

U might wanna smoke a toke :v

Benzos are chemically similar to alcohol but feel more clean. If you want to play it safe, take a drop, see how you feel an hour later, then take 2-4 drops. Close bottle between this, as it can cause memory loss, and since it's clonazepam, it'll cause muscle relaxation (harder to fap, easier to take a horse dick)