Ask a Freemason anything
Ask a Freemason anything
Go to sleep James
Not james
Prove your a Freemason first
what lodge
Do you have to pay a membership or are you born into it?
How many jews have you sucked off?
No surprise there
How many steps?
some guy talked to me in a bar several years ago and told me he was a freemason. I missed the signal that he seemed to want me to join - he said you have to ask.. I must have misheard him and thought he said "you have to be asked" so I didn't pursue it. I kind of regret it. Should I regret it? Can I ask you? B-)
All hail the spawnmasons!
It's definitely enlightening.
Can I have your kik
he said you have to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, and I don't though.. would I be able to/have been able to pretend on that front? it seems like it'd be nice. I don't remember where I read it, but I hear there is financial compensation in some regard for being a freemason? I guess there's not much point in my speculating since I don't have the opportunity anymore :(
For what reason?
I wanna contact you and ask questions
How did y'all build the pyramids? With your Mario karts?
I'm agnostic theist technically. Just keep your true beliefs under the radar. The Bible/Christian basis is just referenced to keep the members truthful and good willed
I would if was at my house
ohh, well I am 99% good-willed, I would say. But now, how to I find that guy again who indirectly asked me? :( R.I.P.
go away Zach.
Al Qaeda will conquer the world
Who keeps the metric system down?
U like 2 stroke it James?
When will Israel go bankrupt?
Are there any predictions about the end of Israel?
What exactly makes a freemason a freemason (other than belonging to the society)? What does the society do? I've never quite gotten the full picture of the freemasons.
Looks like a James H I know. Dumb then, dumb still.
My mothers uncle was a rather high ranking Mason (A 13th something another), am I still eligible to join even though he's dead?
Im a freemason. I would be very careful with what you post if i were you.
good luck finding out who is who Sup Forumsroh
When will Israels end come?
If he admits to buttsecks to get in and remain in will that get him killed? Not like you could track him. If he were going to talk about anything interesting he could just proxy server a few times and you'd never get shit.
With his pic and his lodge number. Shouldnt be too hard.
Lodge 748......Texas. noted.
My grandfather was a Freemason. Why didn't he ever ask me to join?
Conroe masonic lodge texas
Bcs he wanted all the jewish dicks for himself
Kek didn't see he was that retarded. I see the Freemasons recruit retards.
so if i were to email a lodge and go to a early should i announce i want to petition?
Freemasons are a bunch of retarded pagans. Everyone knows all of their secrets. Al Qaeda is not to be infiltrated. Learn from the real men who gave up their family and wealth to fight the zionists and the usa
Once my grandfather got dementia I tried to see if he would spill the beans on the Freemasons. Son of bitch wouldn't say shit. But he did say "believe what you want, vote any way you want, but for your own good always register as a republican."