>I get there >Tells me room number >Tells me to take my clothes off >She asks me "Do you want to pay extra for the extra service? its going to be 240" >wtf.jpg >me "its a qv, what do you mean I have to pay more?" >whore:if you want fs , you gotta pay more, you can only get a handjob and companionship for 100" >wtf.jpg >me: Ok give me my money back, and ill just leave >whore: No, i wont give you your money back, im already naked >me: umm no your not... you're in bra and panties and this is a bait and switch >whore: I'm going to call security >whore knocks on the bathroom door , another whore comes out "this trick wants his money back" >other whore "he isnt getting anything back, call security and and they'll beat him up" >wtf.jpg >me: ok, w/e im leaving
after I leave I call the human trafficking hotline and report suspicious activity in their hotel and room number.... fucking stupid bitches.
you think they can trace back my cellphone number and have one of their niggers shoot me?
Henry Scott
No that's stupid. Also if you weren't strapped with a gun yourself and you went into this situation then you deserve to be shot.
Cameron Lopez
I didn't know I was going into this situation... this is the first time, usually it has gone pretty smooth, are you familiar with these types of situations?
Liam Diaz
I'm somewhat paranoid that this whore might traceback my number and find out where I live.
Logan Reed
Anybody got more stories like these, where you have been baited by some hooker?
Connor Hughes
This bullshit only ever happened to me in Vegas. I called some flyer with a Jap's whore face on it and some White whore shows up. >I'm dtf so I go with it >give her money >bra and panties >phone call >wants more money to do anything >I'm almost broke... >Vegas, remember? >pay her too much for a hand job >no happy ending... >thinking too much about the scam >probably $200 plus just to get my dick moisturized
Noah Smith
lmao wut
Easton Davis
goddam, anybody else been baited and have it gone down hill from that?
Charles Walker
What happens after you call human trafficking, anybody how they proceed?
Isaac Cox
I wonder , if these women will get arrested
Jayden Barnes
why didnt you literally just call the police?
Eli Gutierrez
i have a scary story about seeing an escort. interested in hearing it?
Gabriel Cox
Share user
Jaxon Morgan
lol the security are running it as a sideline and they've paid the cops. Do not deal with criminal shitbags ever.
Kevin Flores
yes, very interested, go for it user
Daniel Moore
Robert Allen
This happened with some friends couple years ago
>be 20 yo me >just out of the casino, earned whore-quantity money >lets go fuck some hoes >start calling some numbers from fb >"We're 3, are there three of you?" >"Yeah yeah, come on over, baby!" >got to the house >wherethefuckami.gif >colombian blonde whore shows up, short, nice ass, butter-face. >where the fuck are the other hoes? >"Dont worry my friend is in the bedroom" >other misleading whore talk >friend goes up first with butters since rock-paper-scissor favored him. >let him go cause we're gentleman >go to the back with other friend >dark room, a voice comes out of the corner >"Come on. Dont be shy! >reach for the light switch >WHATTHEFUCKAREYOU.psd >a black obese woman is sitting on the bed >legs big like logs of wood >face plagued with zits like a minefield >and yellow teeth covered with a cheap red lipstick
Nicholas Lee
if she could do that she wouldn't be a whore
Wyatt Parker
are you serious? How do you know bruh?
Jaxon Moore
Are you retarded? This is a hooker we're talking about, not the fucking CIA.
Adrian Wright
Nolan Lee
Continue please
Tyler Perry
ITT: Don't visit prostitutes in a 1st world country
Alexander Smith
>be me, 19 years old >horny af late thursday night and start browsing backpage >see ad for some qt3.14 asian chick >9/10 body, pics taken in hotel room, looks good >contact her and ask about her rates and she's pretty friendly >says its too late to meet up but would love to keep talking to get to know me and see me in the morning >talk to her, she tells me she is an electrician from toronto and spent all her money, is now stuck in edmonton and is doing this to finance a ticket home (??wut m8???) >asks me to send a selfie to her, i retardedly do >asks me my age, occupation, if i'm in school, friends who do this, etc etc. >gets late we both go to bed, i agree to meet her at her hotel at 10am friday morning >wake up and she texts me "hi user, really excited to see you. do you do any drugs?" >reply I smoke weed >"okay bring any drugs you may have also and we can have more fun" >carry my weed in my car anyways and hear to hotel >get to hotel parking lot at 9:30am and sit for half hour >10am, she asks where i am. I make up some bullshit im stuck in traffic >10:45 and still sitting in parking lot, something isnt right >11:15am and i text her something came up and i cant come, block her number and start rolling a joint >literally 2 minutes later 2 males wearing black wind breakers leave the hotel escorting this asian escort girl between them and all three climb into the back of a white van parked LITERALLY 3 SPOTS AWAY >panic. feel like I am having heart attack. turn my phone off so they cant trace. drive home. keep phone off for 2 days. hands shaking constantly, cant eat or sleep. >week later and nothing happened yet. >year later. still not in prison. dodged major bullet.
never again.
Mason Gomez
Is your facebook by chance set to "allow people to search for me by mobile" (ie, the default?)
>be me >be trolling backpage >get several phone numbers >put them in facebook >find women doing the usual bullshit posting about being single moms
Jaxson Jones
I dont have a social media account , fortunately... but im thinking if lets say human trafficking cops or w/e come and arrest them.. they look at their text messages and notice my phone number... i cancelled my cellphone number tonight..
Ryder Sullivan
Yup, was horny, in the midwest somewhere. Called up a massage escort from the phone book. Young woman comes to the room, they had already charged for the "upfront" fee. She takes off her clothes, I take off mine. Okay, how much for full service. Oh, I don't do anything extra. Ok, handjob. No, I don't do that either. Shit. What do you do. Nothing, but you can masturbate and hold my breast. Well, better than nothing. Just before I came, smelled shit. Looked over at her panties on the floor, she had shit her panties, no kidding.
Nolan Powell
Jesus christ
Samuel Fisher
>10am, she asks where i am. I make up some bullshit im stuck in traffic >10:45 and still sitting in parking lot, something isnt right
Why would you say you were in traffic? did you sense something?
Aiden Anderson
Shit, you are lucky, most of the time it shows a white woman and a nigger shows up.
Landon Edwards
I was super nervous and mostly procrastinating on seeing her. this was the first time i did something like this and was panicking like fuck lol
Oliver Bailey
Any more to this?
Luis Diaz
>not using a burner phone What the fuck is wrong with you?
Xavier Perez
>we're there on the door wondering what the fuck to do >looked at each other and thought of the money we payed >im not gonna cum with this fuck that shit >... >... >... >all right if we turn off the light back again should be fine >(fuck, maybe thats why it was off from the start) >got off my pant put rubber on >she starts sucking >OHMYGOD.gif >blowjob shreds my mind >look at the ceiling cause if i look at her face it all over >soft teeth using, ball massaging, a fucking professional >soul coming out off my body >bout to cum, and my friend ends his turn with the colombian whore so its my turn
>rock hard, colombian girl starts teasing >"How do you want to fuck me?" >*cock-twitch* >tell her to ride me To this day i cant forget that ride >bout to cum >she starts to whisper to my ear >OHLAWWD.gif
Finally after everything we got dressed and parted ways It was a bait n switch that in the end reaaaaally worked out
Evan Walker
This is kind of a bait and switch. A friend was a year behind me in high school came to work at the place I was working at. His work group decided to go to Oakland and pickup a hooker on a friday. So they pick up a hooker, drive to motel. My friend, being 18, they let him go first. He was in there for 45 minutes when the door to the room comes open and his fellow workers see the hooker running down the street. Thinking he had been robbed, they capture the hooker. By this time, my friend had caught up to them. user, what happened? Did she take your money? No, I was making out with the hooker and then found out ITS A MAN. Oh, said his co-workers. Hey, one of them says, you were kissing all over this tranny for 45 minutes?? He felt so ashamed at this he made the mistake of telling me about this....lol
Justin Mitchell
I know what you mean, I am nervous as fuck everytime I go see one, because i think.. what if its a cop? what if theres a nig behind the door? what if shes not the bitch in the pic? Its a fucking RUSH when you knock on her door... one thing I learned and advice for novices
Check the phone number Do a google search on the picture, some are legit... some are just instagram whore pics If shes asks you if you're affiliated with a cop, shes ok Avoid the bait and switch and make sure that the price you're asking for is for FS on the phone
Jeremiah Stewart
i know... fml
Liam Davis
>I am nervous as fuck everytime I go see one, because i think.. what if its a cop?
>be me >be Ausfag >Have brothel within walking distance of home >Give no shits because it's legal >$80 full service
Eli Gray
Josiah Collins
So fast forward a couple of years later, I was in Vegas. Horny, cruise Boulder Highway as sometimes they have street hookers there. See this gal, blonde hair, cute face, hmm...wonder if its a cop, get worried. Everytime I drive by, she steps back in the shadows. Hmm, odd, okay, I know what to do, pull up. Hey you nee.... she rips the passenger door open and jumps in. Okay, not a cop as an undercover cop would never get into a car. So I ask how much, 60, etc.. You have a place? Yes, she says, seedy hotel right up ahead. She says, get confortable I am going to hit the shower. Take off clothes, get rock hard as she was cute, blonde, green eyes, looked good in clothes. She comes out wearing a T-shirt almost down to her knees. Okay, take off T-Shirt. No, she protests I can't. OH SHIT. I think back to my friend's experience with the T Girl. No, you take the shirt off. She protests again, I reach for my underwear. If you don't take that off, I am leaving. Okay, she says, its your money. Takes off T-Shirt. Rock Hard falls hard, almost withdrawing into my body. I start to wretch. Almost vomiting. What the fuck happened to you? Oh, she says, I used to weigh 500 pounds and then I discovered crack, the weight just fell off, but not the 100 folds of skin!!! Well, needless to say, not much happened after that...
Liam Howard
Ikr kek
Jose Harris
you lucky SOB, how are the aussie whores? They qts?
Eli Morris
>Be me, lonely college student >Decide to search through Backpage >Incredibly cautious and nervous when contacting escorts, constantly tell them I am paying them to hang out and never be explicit >By this point have canceled the first attempt at meeting an escort after I walked to the motel we were supposed to meet at >This time find one that is affordable and keeps asking if I'm a cop >We are meeting in a Motel 6 >I look it up on Google maps and decide to walk the two miles from my dorm to there >Finally make it >Motel 6 by the highway >11 PM at night >I decide to scope out the place first >Walk around nonchalantly >Go to the back but turn around when I see a black man and woman walking out of a car >Text her that I'm there >She tells me to "meet her out back" >Heart starts pounding, ask her what her room number is >She says "217" but still insists I meet her in the back >Decide to walk casually past that door to see if there was anything >Fucking huge man smoking right in front of that door with his hands over the banister >look away and begin run walking down the stairs and away from the motel >Text her "This is a setup" and block the number >Return home with my money Luckily the next time I managed to actually have sex in a parking lot with a petite black qt, I can tell that story if anyone wants
Noah Hughes
They are mostly illegal asians as far as i know. Depends on location thou
Ryder Davis
You banged her, you madman!
Asher King
If you are in a situation that you are worried she is a cop, have them flash you. What cop is going to do that. Then if she does flash you, she should allow you to feel her up, cop a feel of breast.
If you are picking one up on the street, don't mention money or sex, just ask if they want a ride. A hooker will get in the car, a cop won't. Even if the hooker gets in car, do as above and flash/feel. Again, no female cop is going to allow you feel them up.
Lincoln Parker
fuck yeah... share that shit
Juan Reyes
>Rock Hard falls hard, almost withdrawing into my body
Ummm...apparently you missed this part..... I mean, she offered a handjob, and nothing was going to coax a hardon, not even if taylor swift was nude and begging for it. I mean, literally, slapped my flaccid dick against the bathroom doorframe, nothing. I mean nothing.
Elijah Lopez
You guys ever called the human trafficking department on these whores?
Sebastian White
Been to Aus 3x, Sydney. The whores look like Alicia Silverstone, are cute as fuck. Met up with other street walkers cute as can be. If you go to the whore houses, its like full VIP with hot tub, 8+ lady offered a drink, there were bottles in the room. Lady says "its all included" Man I am telling you, felt like a king. Would go to Bondi Beach during the day, beautiful topless women, fit, everywhere! Would go back, eat great food, drink plenty of VB, find another hooker, it was glorious.
Carson Johnson
Pretty much what this guy said. Plenty of qts if you like Asian girls.
Zachary Murphy
this is why this shit needs to be a regular business transaction.
Kevin Ramirez
After banging this one cutie (and with the liquor included was very reasonable) she says she was getting off shift and she could buy me a drink. Wow, okay, sounds good, we go to a place nearby in Kings Cross. Order drinks, waitress brings them, figuring "she was going to buy me a drink" was a figure of speech, I reach for my money. The lady says, "its my shout" Yeah, she even bought drinks, Aus is heaven, if it wern't so far away.
Aaron Murphy
>in China >go to local hooker bar >order an Asian bourbon >girl says for a "special tea" she'll do anything I want >it's a hundred us dollars >she barely worth twenty >convince her that I want some basic services first then I order tea and we do it full >dumb bitch agrees, blows me in the corner >cum on her face, then book out of the bar with my dick flopping everywhere >Hop in the back of a moving farm truck
Slipped the farmer a few bucks and he took me to my hotel.
Leo Howard
how much, to be treated like a god?
Christopher Smith
>After that incident I contacted another escort >She seems like a lone operation since I can actually haggle the price >50 dollars for what is supposed to be thirty minutes >We decide to meet in her car in the parking lot next to the stadium >I get there and wait for half an hour >She texts me that she is getting condoms at CVS >I wait even longer >She gets lost and eventually finds a spot in parking lot on a different side of the stadium >look for her >She says she saw a police car and got anxious so she left >We finally meet in the Starbucks parking lot >Get there, it's crowded >Anxious as heck >She describes her car as a white hummer >See it and walk by it and try to look in to see if there is anyone there >See the door open a little and close again >I walk there >Here goes nothing >Open the door and sit expecting to see a man about to rob me >It's a 5'2 petite black girl who's actually kind of cute >Car smells like weed >She's looking around making sure there are no people >She says she is going to lay the seats down I lie back and take off my underwear >She jerks my penis a little and says "You're kind of thick" >I tell her "thanks" >I ask for a blowjob and she says no (after I've paid) >She starts giving me a handjob >meh >Ask her to put the condom on >She gets on top of me and rubs some spit on her pussy >Starts moving up and down >She says "Uh" and "Shit" several times as we go faster >Go full neanderthal and start shoving her down on my cock >Car is literally visibly moving up and down and I can hear loud schlicks every time she goes down >Pussy is really tight >Start thrusting faster and now it sounds like I'm stirring macaroni and cheese while jumping up and down in the car >She pulls off as her legs start quivering intensely as she holds her pussy and gasps >Kiss her small titties while she cums >Ask her to lay her back on me and we'll fuck like that >We do >More moaning and pussy schlicking >Surprised I haven't cum yet Cont.
Jaxon Howard
I want to say it varied between 60 - 100 USD, depending on if you picked up a street walker (still great quality 7-8+) versus going to the whorehouse where the all inclusive drinks/spa was.
William Evans
>Continue to fuck >A group of people suddenly walks by to get in their car >There's no way they didn't see or hear it >Get frightened >Put on my pants really quickly >Wait until they leave >OPen the door and walk out >She rolls down the window with a grin and says "bye!" >I walk in a daze back to my dorm with the condom still on
Nathaniel James
HOLY SHIT BRO, YOU THE MAN! Wish i was thick... =\
Landon Smith
I went to get a blowjob from a chick from CL, turned out to be a guy, fucked him in the ass anyways cuz he had a fatty
Adrian Hall
NO FUCKIGN WAY? I gotta visit this place... the whores in CALIFORNIA are fucking trash, a good 7+ above is usually around 200 - 500 range
Evan Torres
LMAO you were that fucking horny.... do you feel any gayer?
Aiden Nguyen
Any one of you anons, have had a good experience with any other website besides backpage? Where can I find some qts for a decent price in California... ??
Gabriel Gutierrez
So not only did you go from hot woman to man. You went from man to fat man.
God, you must feel like shit
Lincoln Lewis
Nah, I'm bisexual. It's not like I sucked the faggot's cock. Try physically dominating another man sometime, shit's gratifying
Luke Foster
Well, I guess they are cleaning it up, used to be whorehouses everywhere and street hookers...
Actually, just leave California in general, place fucking sucks
Jonathan Long
having a fat ass =/= obese
Easton Sullivan
I once ended up robbing a hooker on accident.
Anyone want the story
Logan Nguyen
See this post, they've cleaned it up as of late....
Michael Cooper
>had a fatty When used to describe a man means fat cock you faggot >man >with a fat ass >not obese
That's not how men's bodies work
Chase Cruz
bro, share your story
Brayden Rivera
Lol sorry I'm not as gay as you, I don't know all the lingo
You're really defensive for some reason lol Dude had thick thighs and wasnt fat, I don't really know what else you want me to say. Fuck off and suck a dick lol gay boy
Mason Mitchell
I'm pretty sure you're gay, if you find satisfaction from dominating another man and banging him in the butthole... but yeah... i guess you could be bi.....
Liam Taylor
Lol. Be me yesterday. Call an escort for $45 cbj and cfs. Seen her twice already. be her, 5'5 with a petite frame and small A cup tits with nice bolt ons her cbj makes me rock hard and her pussy is tight. When she gets on top of me i almost bust bc its so tight. We switch to doggy and she takes me to the large mirror so i can watch myself fuck her. Shes pretty damn hot. Rolf. Best $45 spent on a session. Oh, i also bring my hidden cam with me and record my escort sessions. So hot. I go back to my vids when i need to nut.
Nolan Garcia
do you post your vids somewhere... Im interested, link
Cooper Gutierrez
I genuinely hope those girls get beaten and raped for being that cunty
Benjamin Miller
This is why sites like TheEroticReview are necessary. If prostitution is not legal where you're at, you cannot negotiate beforehand EXACTLY which services are included in the price. Theeroticreview tells you exactly what you tend to get for the money. And from what I understand, there's just as many scammers and hustlers in prostitution as legit ones.
But if you live somewhere it's legal, you MUST negotiate exactly what you get for the price.
I went to Nurnberg's red light district and I got burned in the same way. A chick said I could get serviced for 60 Euro, she was a super hot stereotypically looking German 18ish year old. So I thought, that seems like a bargain for a fuck. It wasn't a fuck. It was a fully clothed handy while I had to wear a condom. And she went about it with the disinterest of a woman doing dishes. I asked if she could be naked, and she makes the money gesture with her hands. I shell out 40 more Euros. I think about asking for more but she's so disinterested and not-friendly about it that I can't even get hard. Not to mention I had a gf back home....
So that was my one prostitution experience. Similar to yours from the sound of it.
And though I've had my years where I was almost a womanizer, those have long passed. I think about trying out a hooker again. But if a hooker treats you like this, honestly it might damage what little masculine pride I have left. Having a hooker show blatant disinterest and try to scam you is a bit hard on the ego.
Cameron Nguyen
>decide to order up an escort after I get a card from the strip club >tell her I what I want, she says 300 and her security has to be there >no skin off my ass if nigger wants to play cuck >get a hotel room and tell her to meet me at 8
Now, at this point it's 3pm and I hadn't eaten. I made the mistake of eating endless hot wings at a bar, with 3 rounds of beer and shots
>tipsy and stomach churning I get a knock at the door >cute black girl with bleach blonde hair, nigger security behind her >invite them in, farts escaping my ass as I do >she's visibly turned off and security is just giggling >hold out the 300, security takes it and puts it in his black pouch thing >he says he'll sit in the bathroom til we are done >phfttt "thank-" BRRRFT "you" >she's scowling now so I suggest let's get this done >she begins to suck me when my fart comes with a prize >itAin'tStickersNigger.jpg >shes screaming, security runs out and I run in and begin to sharts hard >hear them retching see nigger left pouch in here >finish up, grab pouch and say, sorry I'll leave >they are still gagging >nigger wise up and sees I took the money >chases me down, tackles me >at this point I'm just shitting all over the place, with reckless abandon >he gets up and starts to puke >check out covered in shit
Cleared my 300 plus 250 more
Cameron White
>calls me gay >fucks men up the ass willingly
Ain't there some sorta parable about pots kettles and niggers?
Austin Hughes
Tbh, sometimes I think to myself i could do better just hanging out at a bar and scoping out the ladies, I'm not the ugliest looking man and sometimes it's surprising what some women are interested in when they drunk, some say its like swinging a bat... you might as well try to swing and you might get to hit... and even if you don't, atleast you went down swinging and there is no shame in that
Daniel Howard
Ryan Cook
Jayden Hall
John Cruz
All and all it was a good Thursday.
Aaron Miller
The fuck you samefagging for? You didn't like that faggots story, move on
Gabriel Green
Do you know, if they attempted to find you after? lul great story btw
Noah Reed
Shits and Wings bb, Shits and Wings!
Christian Ramirez
No, but I didn't really give a shit if they did. Hell, they could be plotting a taken style plot to kidnap me. I don't give a shit, I welcome it at this point
Joseph Nguyen
how long ago did this "shit" happen lel
Levi Sanchez
how long ago did this "shit" happen lel, i can just imagine the nignogs gagging lmao
Cooper Gray
You might try real high end hotels, typically there are high end escorts there also. Might pay more, but the quality is good.
Luke Sanders
Once again, I must ask you why you keep acting like a samefag cunt? Do you have a touch of the autism?
Either contribute or leave, I don't really give a shit that your ass blasted by someone story. It's not like anything else on this site is real anyhow
Luis Barnes
this stupid hooker who baited was at a high end hotel...
David Anderson
what story have you contributed asshole? this is my thread
Daniel Moore
Kayden Edwards
Best fuck story I have read this week
here have a (you)
Ethan Anderson
pretty sure this is a chapter from catcher in the rye