Is anime the best propaganda tool from Japan?
It has hypnotized countless young people around the world, but specially westerners.
Is anime the best propaganda tool from Japan?
Anime is literally the best thing in the world.
Go back to your shitty "community" you cuck.
Who cares?
Sup Forums is an anime board so who cares to bring this up?
Oh right - b8
Only beta males
"without make up, i am a boy"
t. anzujaamu
Nigga what. Anime made me want to be a strong man who succeeds in life
Anime is a medium. There's shut in it but a lot of good stuff too
Baka senpai, you got it wrong. I enjoy anime as much as the next shitposter on Sup Forums, but when you think about it, it has really sky-rocketed the image of Japan, japanese people and japanese society around the world.
she was ugly when she was a kid. if you are ugly when you are a kid you'll be ugly when you are adult. weebs should stop posting her
Who cares?
as long as we keep getting cute girls it's all good.
Yes it has been a highly successful propaganda and brainwashing tool.
Japanese youth have been destroyed and infantilized by it and now so are Western youth.
From here society begins fracturing, burth rates plummet, and the immigrant solution is used.
I actually hate what anime has made japan look like to foreign countries. You know wehave a culture and history too right.
I realise today while watching NHK that really all anime is satirical because only an autistic person would actually find this meaningful and engaging or someone who is a degeneratr. NHK is more like a parody of anime so its funny because we relate to the character
WATCH IT, YOU SHITSKIN. If all turkroaches were qt white anime girls, I would accept you with open arms and dick.
Oh im only on the third episode but i hear that the love interest turns out to be a bad person so its like the writers are saying "it doesnt even matter if a girl literally falls into your lap, they are all evil so you sre better off having maternal incest :^)"
Ching chong dong ding winga a dingu
Most of them have white skin you know.
you're projecting
Of course it is. Called soft power. America did it with Hollywood. South Korea does it with K-pop. China has a big lesson to learn.
Eh, I may be biased considering I'm an Sup Forumsutist, but I don't think the blame should be put on Japan/Anime for cucks in the west becoming brainless weebs. I think it's more so a problem with idiots who renounce their birth country just because of a few things they like from another country. I really consider most anime to be one of the few entertainment mediums not completely controlled by our long-nosed friends. They still somewhat have a sense of national culture and uniformity. As much as I respect it, I still would never favor Japan over my home country. I would nuke them a second time if they tried to step up again.
>late 20s
>pretty bad balding
>still better hairline than that turkroach
Japanese porn is an another good thing. Watch it, thanks.
I know but goddammit Cartoon Shows here give you advanced Autism
fuck off cuck
No, all it did was attract autists. If there wasn't anime their autism would just be directed at some other spurglord fandom.
Kek people believe that Japanese women are the best in the world because of that shit. Japan is one of the most degenerate shit holes on earth.
Your image of Japanese is Chinese in Canada.
This is Japanese. Update your image of Japanese, thanks.
fuck britania. 11's deserve to be free. thaiy wuz kangz and sheeit
I want to fuck her mouth.
>When anzu get impaled by my dark thick long penis
Anime and manga is the secret weapon White America needs to subdue the primitive natures of Blacks and Hispanics. Get the foreign horde hocked on cute bug-eyed girls and watch their 2hard4u attitude melt into weaboos. With them masturbating to hentai they will have an outlet to their perverse hypersexuality. Less sex with 3DPD, less non-White babies.
No visible adam's apple.
>The shape of such bump is an acute angle (about 90°) in men and an open arc (about 120°) in women. That’s why the Adam’s Apple is usually clearly visible and palpable in men, while it’s hardly perceived in women.
This. Spanish women are superior to Asian women.
This is actually a great point. Something I love about anime, is how political correctness is pretty much non-existent.
Any recommendations Senpai?
So far my favorite is Tsukada Shiori.
You're right they're gonna have a favourable view of Japan when they grow up. I know at least one person of every ethnic group that watches anime. Jew, arab, black, hispanic it's fucking funny.
anime and video games
pixelated jew and epileptic jew
Not necessarily. I will admit that there are aspects of anime that make Japan a very appealing country, however, any rational person will know that there is no such thing as a perfect country or culture.
The thing is, a lot of manga authors and anime directors are fantastic at world and lore building. It doesn't hypnotize the intelligent, sane viewer, but it doesn't make lowly depressed manchildren want to escape to a fantasy world(see: Peter Pan syndrome)
Yeah, it brainwashed me into buying Japanese cars. Fucking initial d
t. expat
Alright, let's see Sup Forums's true allegiance.
5,000,000 jewish weeaboos vs 50,000 muslim refugees from Syria. Only one of these groups will enter your country, and in full. They can't be eliminated or separated by any means.
10 seconds. No other choice. Go.
can somebody recomend red pilled animes? thanks
Japan makes the best cars though. Omedetou!
the 5 mill jews
most jews are pretty harmless, as jewy as they are
but even the smallest muzzie can blow you up
>all Japanese women are JAV stars
Please, the people in general are very private about their odd habits, if they have any at all. Try living like a total degenerate there and see where that gets you.
Every unhappy nerd wants to escape into a fantasy world, even stupid fantasy worlds that are canonically shitholes where they'd die in like three seconds like when those retards wanted to live on Pandora after Avatar came out.
I can't even think of an anime world I want to live in; a shitty world with magic ninjas that's like a bunch of tiny villages surrounded by a ton of forest? Another shitty world where only Japs go to heaven or hell? A really shitty world where martial artist aliens can blow you up at any time and your mayor is a dog? Or maybe the one where I'm constantly in high school even on Saturday and my parents are overseas so I have to work a part-time job and cook meals for my 6-year-old sister.
nigga pls
Abe sure wishes it was so they could convince otaku to give up their hikkikomori ways and start a family full of adorable little children.
>political correctness is pretty much non-existent
Anime is prob the only entertainment w/o PC in the West these days.
Japanese make good cars anyway.
You wouldn't want to live in a world where Trump beats Hillary using his THE WALL stand? You must be a massive faggot.
Sure, bad genes are superior than normal genes.
Dummkopf, Selbstmord begehen.
It makes homogeneity look good.
That may be where we are heading soon...
Buckle in Gents!
Sorry i dont speak chinese
You would not belive how many weebshits that told me that they hate America and Japan is superior
Not propaganda; soft diplomacy.
Don't you have goats that need fucking? And Camel piss that needs drinking?
I agreed until you hated on cooking for your Sister.
Is that eggman's sister?
>there are people on Sup Forums who try to rationalize being redpilled, right wing, or even just opposed to the left wing and watching anime
>there are people on Sup Forums who will sink into near-infinite levels of cognitive dissonance to defend their disgusting degenerate habit
>these are real, actual people on this board right now
I don't defend watching anime as being "redpilled". I will, however, defend that it is light-years less degenerate than most activities that blue-billed normals, and college liberals in general, do during their spare time (e.g. weekly sex parties, heavy drug use, liberal arts brainwashing).
>at least my degenerate hobby isn't as bad as these other hobbies
At the end of the day, if you indulge in either you are a plague to society
So what do you suggest I do then? Just pump my seed into the nearest white womb to further the white race? Like a literal animal?
Anime is the least degenerate of all "degenerate" hobbies that pop up on this board. At least (most of it) promotes breeding with an actual woman and following good morals (family, community, Buddhism/Christianity), and not sandnigger shit like praising Allah or indulging in bestiality (dating niggers, coalburning, etc.)
She's special to me tho