When you call someone a nigger, but then you realize you're not on /pol
How many times has this happened to you /pol
When you call someone a nigger, but then you realize you're not on /pol
How many times has this happened to you /pol
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Never because I don't act like a redpilled faggot in real life.
Niggers don't dare to attack me because I could teleport behind them at any point.
easy there goku
Is that maisie williams?
I'm a redpilled nigger, so it makes me kek
I wonder how nigger apes would react to an albino nigger saying nigger.
>call a nigger a nigger
>they chimp out on you
>shoot them dead legally
I love how niggers want to prove how niggardly they are
A black dude stole my phone and sprinted off just a few days ago in the tenderloin in SF. I tackled him and took it back but not once did I call him a nigger. That shit will come back to haunt you if you say aloud.
Can Goku teleport? I don't remember.
your trying to hard
When you start a thread with a subject twice.
never because I associate myself with good people
I've called 3 different niggers a nigger. Most of them won't do shit
If you're calling people niggers at any time except when they're acting like niggers, you're a retard. If you let yourself get stomped for saying a word they don't like, you're a pussy. Since I'm neither of these things, I never have a problem.
I volunteered as a tutor in a 70+% Black school a few years ago.
It was pretty okay, just don't look like a pushover and they'll treat you with at least some decency and won't attack you.
They don't appreciate being called a nigger, but they also don't appreciate being talked down to and coddled.
And you're* a nigger loving faggot
>talking to people offline
Doesn't matter what you say or who you say it to, the result is always the same.
>not carrying
of course it looks like he got attacked by a chimp
I don't swear outside of the internet, why would I call someone a nigger? Profanity is a barbarous feature of our modern society, and I want no part of it.
neither does goku.
>Attempts to compensate by posting Execution video
>mfw my sister has more balls then me calling niggers nigger to their face
>Did this to 3 of them all at once
>To this day I'm surprised they didn't beat/rape her and it happened about 5 year ago.
I just calmly explain to my nubian brother
I identify as transethnic so it's OK if I say it.
You mean Gohanz.
>execution video
Its black culture you shitlord
Never. I never jumped into the monkey cage at the zoo either.
Go figure . . .
Never. I own a gun for self-defense.
Exactly the same.
I'm concerned at how many of these videos you have.
BTW is this white culture?
>Forget to post pic kek
Your sister is more of a man than you'll ever be.
I've let quite a few niggers know that they're niggers. They get all cranky but they won't do anything without friends. They're like coyotes in that way.
>hey Sup Forums heres a video of black culture lol look at them they're animals
you must be autistic
>seven hundred years ago
Meanwhile in modern day africa
People respect you when you speak your mind, remember to make eye contact.
If all else fails act crazy, black people fear crazy more than the IRS.
Sure it escalates but if you bring your friends they will back down.
Unless they're crazy in which case you run like all hell.
I get it!
>hey white boi, youse cant beeze sayin words I donts be likin or I's kills ya
Fuck off, NIGGER.
I've got one too, niglet.
first post best post
honestly unless you have a deathwish in this shit world we live in, you keep your mouth shut about what you really think.
Here is the BIGGEST problem....calling someone a "NIGGER!" doesn't give them the right to commit FELONY assault on a person. Niggers need to be held to the highest point of the law when they cause physical harm to people. It's time for the final solution for the nigger problem. Demand Segregation, Repatriation back to afreeka or some other form of a nigger purge!
By any means necessary! It's time!
I've never talked to a nigger in real life. I've only met 3.
most of them are crazy that's why they chimp out so easily
no niggers around here, but i say "nigger" to anyone who deserve it or act like one.
that dude's funny senpai
I met one, he was french, met him abroad, pretty nice lad really.
My favorite part about threads like this is when I get to read the lies about you guys actually calling someone a nigger In public. I get a hearty chuckle, keep it up!
> napolean
> seven hundred years ago
Not to mention that a quick, guillotine beheading is much less brutal than beating, stoning and lighting on fire.
Africa is less developed than medieval Europe.
Sure you do.
What the fuck does this nigger think he's doing? He's not fooling anyone.
>I wish a cop would shoot my brother so I could get millions.
>This is what every nigger, ever, is thinking.
well, i dont live in a cuck country so basically nobody care if we offend someone, also we still using "indio" on shitskins.
I spent my whole childhood beating niggers asses. Being white in a black neighborhood makes you become an animal like them and as always whites are better at it than niggers.
By the time I was teen they prefaced my name with "Crazy" because they knew I had a hair trigger and would not only beat your ass but humiliate you as well. Hold you down, let the neighborhood kids take shots at you, beat you with a belt.
It seems like a lifetime ago since after I moved all around the country when I was 17. I finally settled in a rural town and haven't had to fight since. Feels nice living in a white utopia free of niggers.
Though I do have my permit to conceal carry and carry most of the time. I'm done fighting. Fuck with me and I'll just shoot you.
Niggers are animals. There's a few human beings among them but not enough to justify the other 90%'s existence. Fuck niggers and fuck you.
I wouldn't and haven't called anyone a nigger in anger unless we were already fighting.
The only time I've ever came close to being attacked for my political views was yesterday actually
I was discussing with one of my friends the benefits of building a wall along the mexican border (no BUILD WALL memes either, actual conversation about how it would be done and how it could be better outfitted to keep illegals out). Apparently some illegal overheard the conversation and threatened to beat me up if I didn't "move away from him" because "racists arent welcome here".
He tells me to "go back because this is our land" to try to bait me and my friend when he comes over and I respond with "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo". He was visibly angry but didnt succeed in baiting me so he would look like the victim so he disengaged
I left the class and no further problems arose
>I spent my whole childhood beating niggers asses.
Sure you did.
>people are stupid enough to roleplay outside of Sup Forums
Blacks attack without provocation and no white person says nigger, not out of fear, but because we don't obsess over this stuff the way you people do.
Got into fights all the times during middle and highschool because I'd call niggers niggers.
Only ever lost 2 fights that were 1 on 1 and maybe got jumped by 3-6 baboons 3 times. Won atleast 20 fights though with 2 of them being 1v2 and I picked up a tree limb. God bless the south where no one gives a damn about racial slurs or beating niggers asses.
sure you did buddy, youre a big boy :0
Not once. I punch coons in the face no problem.
no one call him nigger, not even his dad.
while its easy to think of them all being huge football players most of them are scrawny normal height guys
think about all the ones the cops shot that made it to the news. only like 1 big guy. that one who got his neck broken was just average size for a person in the west
>village stoning
>exciting day, me and normies all excited
>normies throwing stones
>i throw tree to try and fit in
>fucking normies REE
>being this ignorant of Dragon Ball
try 200 years faggot and that's not napoleon
Dubs speak the truth.
Buttburt boy
Oh so you totallly pussed out
Why are you arguing with Sup Forumsacks. Despite this boards better intentions and toned-down degeneracy it suffers from Sup Forums's rampant self-hatred. Most of those who aren't shills are just gonna project that self-hatred onto you, and those that are want to keep the dindus up on a pedestal.
Tell me opie, how do I know you're from reddit?
>you will never marry her
My life's gotten to the point where I'll call my white friends "nigger" jokingly
>Fighting against a 5'0" illegal in front of a crowd of 70 people when it looks like you were the aggressor and 95% of students are Bernie voting SJWs
Sounds like a good way to get sued by the SPLC for a hate crime
I don't relax
Skin color is a social construct
Only one of them cares she actually called him a nigger.
Last time a white guy called me a nigger I got my first attempted murder charge.
So my friend scarred himself up, got one of our white bros who looked like said faggot to make a convincing video, of this racist beating him. Of course cell phone video.
Fag dropped the charges after cops saw the video and had no evidence to believe what he said was true.
Thank god for Asian detectives.
Also most of us niggers are strapped too, so just hope you get one that cant aim.
>slave talks back to his master
>gets whipped
>the 60s happens
>slave talks smack to his negro master by calling him what he is, a nigger
>all of society universally agrees that he has transgressed the established social order and must be publicly punished to enforce the black man's whip hand over the white
kill yourself you cuckold loser OP
What's up with albino people looking like monkeys? Even the Chinese albinos Look like monkeys.
Freedom of speech was invented by white men for white men. It was never intended for women or coloreds. They can't handle it.
of course you did jamal
and now you can pretend you don't also have a tiny cock.
Unless none of you have anything to lose, like property, revenue ect.
You are just as much of an animal animal for resolving your disputes with your fists instead of reasoning. I know plenty of people from poor neighborhoods that made it out successful and didn't resort to violence to solve their problems. You see you are still violent. You even carry around a conceal carry just to shoot people who "fuck" with you. You are delusional if you think you differ from blacks who commit crimes simply because you are white. You are just as bad, and you can deny it but it will remain true. I hope you are lying or else you are delusional.
At a party once over anger. A fight ensued. I won in that moment but his boys jumped my later as I tried to get in my car, got my shit pushed in
Med kit.
> Great Scott, Marty! I think we went too far this time. We've gone so far back in time that we've reverted to Neanderthal
>that huge one with perfect aim at :53 seconds
i laughed my ass off