What is Sup Forums eating tonight?
What is Sup Forums eating tonight?
left over beef sasagers
A dick
Is that jelly, mustard and cheese?
Going to the pub to have a parma
Ketchup, BBQ sauce, mustard, and cheese
DEEZ NUTS hah, gote-...wait...
either noodles with chicken and some cheap pesto or noodles with salmon, not sure yet. have to eat that chicken soon though
Also known as the "make some strange concoction so people comment on it because I want attention"
I shouldnt ask
but where´s the sausage?
Hey man, call it what you want. I rather enjoyed if
They were all eaten, ans there was an extra bun left so fuck it
jesus phil put that shit away and go to bed.
Suggestions? I cbf but need to cook for 2
kek, I expected a dick pic, thx man
Nothing tonight i barely have money for this month bills i doubt i'll eat soon
ate earlier but it was boomb it was fettuccini alfredo with garlic onion
user what the fuck
this looks delicious right now