Okay /b give me a hand, what is the actual fuck is this thing? I have the backstory for it if you need it.
Okay /b give me a hand, what is the actual fuck is this thing? I have the backstory for it if you need it
Is it a lava lamp?
Is it a lava lamp?
I have no clue, it certainly doesn't look like any I've seen.
Is it a lava lamp?
its a condom in a lava lamp, put it on the stove to heat it up faster.
Is it a lava lamp?
I don't know if it is a lava lamp guys, thats why I'm asking you.
Appears to be an incredibly shitting attempt at taking a photo.
Wasn't me that took it, blame my friend for the bad photo but its the only one he sent me.
what's the backstory?
looks like some tissue preserved in formalin
well my friend says its an incubation chamber, but I'm calling bs on that.... other then the fact that he says it will grow up into something I have no leads.
looks like a pretty weird incubation chamber, is he trying to hatch a fucking alien?
Well.... he did say that it would grow up to "Morph into whatever I want" and called it a "she". I want some of what he is smoking.
I think your friend is just autistic man
I don't know what would be the other option, I know of no lava lamps that clump up and bubble like that at the bottom with multiple layers sticking to the sides. pretty weird looking anyway.
Tell him to send you a better pic you can't see shit in the OP
He is asleep so ill have to wait till tomorrow, plus I don't know if he will allow me to see "Her" again.
ITT friendzoned OP gets a gift from his bitch ass trap bestfriend who is off their meds and has manipulated OP to beleive anything he says
Like I said, I think his story is BS, I want to call him out on it, also its probably not healthy to worship whatever the fuck the thing is.
post tits when it's grown
Post another photo
What age is appropriate for a alien though? still the same as humans?
I don't have another one, sorry
alien cp isn't illegal (yet)
>Morph into anything I want
well then it can be any age with any body type, will do if it happens though.
Accept that it is a lava lamp op!
But its so damn boring! just explaining it with that.... it just would be anti-climatic.