That's a good idea.
> not being a tribalist faggot is just being contrarian
Don't you have some shit to fling at a rival tribe, ape?
Why do these never actually have anything funny
because Sup Forums is a joke
how about this fucko
Because there are only 9fags and newfags that have just discovered Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is not as it was before. Now there are just a lot of normies.
better than the rest in this thread
I assumed they all left to Sup Forumsconsidering everyone's accepted this is a porn board but a god awful one
yhea.. Sup Forums is cancer now .. with the new flags they can hide from the humiliation from the country they came from .. it's no fun anymore .. everyone has nazi flag or gay flag
this thread is lit already
Lost so hard Omg
Out of bounds user. Out of bounds and over the line
Bitch were you on reddit?
oh shit that is one of the most savage things I've ever read. love you user
it's a stale meme at this point, fuck outta here
>memes have to be "trendy"
I've seen this one before. Anyone have a link to the actual video?
I love /ck/ so much.
lost hard...I need to go to bed
thanks for that
It's rampant with autism but I do love it too. Probably for that reason
Fucking learn your history faggot, the Vietnamese war started with France losing before the US even got involved.
Then again, that's true of a lot of wars.
Do you know how many people have now had a lightbulb go on over their head and are thinking "Hmm...I wonder.....?"
That is a trendy meme you absolute dunce, you posted two of the most trendy "memes" of all time.
>le epic triggered meme
Which is just the new "u mad bro"
>the random and hilarious lazytown meme
The most overused and unfunny thing I've ever heard of.
This text response actually broke me into maniacal giggling that I cannot explain. I lost. These shitty memes are ironic, right?
I fucking hope so
I'm not the guy that posted it, I just think its pathetic how just because its not "in fashion" means its not funny to people like you.
Its shit because its shit, not because its not "the latest cool new meme!"
Got it?
>found the fedora wearing faggot
It is "in fashion", thats why it's shit. Undoubtedly every single joke that is popular or becomes mainstream on social media is absolutely ruined and ran into the ground because it's repeated over and over. You know the spongebob episode where he rips his pants and it's funny at first but then he does it over and over to the point to where it isn't funny because everyone's knows the punchline already and has heard it 200 times? That post was the embodiment of that.
I know your argument is that I personally don't find or "trendy" but thats simply because I have a decent sense of humor and don't save "memes" because everyone else posts them on social media.
Also, yes it is a shit "joke" in general.
>guys they are singing a funny song about a number
>guys they are triggered haha they are mad!
We'd be better off deleteing Sup Forums , youtube, twitter etc to prevent things like this.
Yes but the fact you know its "in fashion" is weird.
I think in a way we both agree, I dislike the whole "filthy frank edgy teen memes" and I'm assuming after reading what you said, the "triggered" and "lazy town memes" must be fit into that category.
This is getting tedious, here's sexy Stephanie 4 U
Been there, ha! Classic mom!
ancient fag here, what the fuck is a 9fag?
Oh please, lurking two summers doesn't make you ancient.
Its a website
This faggot would get shot if he tried to run up to a kid like this in my town.
Just off google images man
Ancient in that I'm over 70. Do you happen to know what a 9fag is?
I'd love to know what she's thinking.
Is it a good website?
Thanks dawg
I don't know
Datz k bruh
She's frozen in shock/fear, preparing to run with her child.
Don't know. This is the actual moment where she decides between fight or flight.
Found the burger
i died fuck you
Just checked it out, it's pretty cancer.
Just use the Islamic truck running into innocent people meme. Normie.
Passt bloß auf, dass ihr nicht kollabiert...