Internet all over Lynch's dick, basically bending over to suck his dick

>Internet all over Lynch's dick, basically bending over to suck his dick
>Showtime in desperate need of a hit
>90s nostalgia about to hit hard now that 80s nostalgia is running out of steam
>They don't even have to make it make sense and people will praise it

Is there any way Season 3 isn't the most overhyped thing ever on its release?

only if they actually manage to free tibet

Am I the only one who thinks, that Twin Peaks, well Lynch is overrated in general?

If you knew anything about Twin Peaks you would know that David Lynch will do whatever he wants with season 3 even if it ends up pissing off the fans. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me got tons of shit when it came out because the tone was so different from the TV show.

My only wish is that it won't be like FWWM

I'm just glad that Lynch is doing something

I am actually hoping that Lynch confuses the fuck out of the fans just for the hell of it.

Can you imagine an entire red room episode not making sense?

The normie audience who see it will get so frustrated.

>Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me got tons of shit when it came out
Is there an actual source on how the fans viewed it when it first released?

I heard that fans actually booed in the cinema. I can't find any proof for this though

BadalaMan is in
Thats good enough for me