Chubby/Thick/BBW Asian thread
Chubby/Thick/BBW Asian thread
Dumpin' some I got
Do want!
Be me, Aussie living in Hong Kong, go to local brothel, fuck fat tiger benson lookalike once a week. $80AUD, can take as long as I like. Think she wants me to marry her and remove her from the life. Will never happen, I could never respect a woman.
Only asians or all fats?
Use reading comprehension.
Asians are preferred, but dump away user :)
Is that in the wiki
How big was she? Was the pussy decent?
Who is this? More?
Tried to reverse search and it's all Japanese
Not sure what results you're getting.
I can read Jap. Show what what you have and I'll help.
Here ya go
Left or right?
Why are asian bbws so rare? Is there a place where its common for an asian babe to pig out?
right, because she has a nicer face
Asian culture sees fatness as unattractive and disgusting, they are the unwanted type of girl in Asian country's
>go to Japan
>find thicc qt girl
Really ... this thread just as I'm about to go to work. Fuuuuuckkk I'm gonna be late!