How do I fuck my mom, Sup Forums?
How do I fuck my mom, Sup Forums?
With your penis.
Like everyone else her ass
you already did when you got multiple erections in her womb.
No, Seriously. She's been getting really close since I've came back from college and I really need to.
pics of your mom op
That was my excuse when Mom woke up from one of her drunken stupors and saw "someone banging her." Next morning she had a talk with me, realizing it was me by then, and realizing people she don't remember taking home and slipping out after fucking her was me too. Kind of messed up our relationship. Good news, she quit drinking and the girl we created is coming of age... JOKING.
Get hammered with her and start touching inappropriately. If she has those urges, she will green light it. Get ready to deal with the later sober aftermath.
I would have done that already but she doesn't drink.
Do some excuse to celebrate by getting drunk "just this one night."
yo you homo im gonna need the sauce on those fucking curves
Elizabeth Marxs
you don't. you just wish you could and post fake stories to Sup Forums claiming you did like the rest of us. grow up faggot
you gotta seize it. grab her by the pussy! I bet you're British HAHAHAH classic England
spike her drink. Its free-game from there.
You could drug her with some heavy sedative, fuck her while in the drugged out coma, spill some booze all over the place, and when she wakes up say "Wow Mom, no wonder you don't drink. You were an animal. Thanks for making the idea of sex with you go from gross to hot. Let's try it sober."
Take a loan out under her name and don't pay it back.
This guy gets it
My dad fucked me, my mom, my brother, my grandparents, two cousins and two uncles that way.
When we moved to the same crappy apartment building, renting only 3 apartments between us while recovering (still kind of are), we toyed with the idea. We laughed it off (begrudgingly) with "Yeah, let's all go and get a loan and use it to hire the hitman. Oh, wait."
Same as you fuck your sister and grandma
"I was in there for 9 months, what's 9 more minutes?"
You don't user, you don't fuck your mom
Bribe some friends to help you ambush her. Have them hold her down while you bang the shit out of her. Make sure ya'll wear masks and shit. Oh, you said fuck, not rape, sorry.
except this user wants to. I mean she's like any other woman he might want to dominate sexually right? It's no like he wants to make his mother pregnant.
Yep. You pretty much put your penis in her vagina.
This. If she doesn't drink often, she will get drunk easily this way.
So, maybe convince her that you want a total time of 9 months back in her? That could be a virtual lifetime of sex. Well depending upon how many times a day you plow her.