What are good ways to get SJWs to turn on one another?
What are good ways to get SJWs to turn on one another?
Their whole ethos is absolutely laden with cognitive dissonance, it's only a matter of time before the whole thing implodes and they cannibalize one another. It's already happening.
I've had this idea for a twitter trend.
So you know how SJWs want a shameless world right? How about this:
"Stop Racist Shaming"
The argument would be that some people identify as racists and therefore they shouldn't be shamed for who they are. I mean, they don't shame sluts for having lots of sex right? Why shame racists for being themselves and expressing themselves?
Judging by that image, they seem to be doing a fine job of it without our help.
Which species of SJW do you want to inconvenience the most? That would affect the answer.
You're pretty ignorant of liberal ideologies if you aren't aware that the divide between Black Feminist, RadFem, Lesbian Feminist and vanilla Feminists goes back to the 60s and WAY more vitriolic than any division between liberal and conservative.
There is a difference between conservatives and liberals in this, though. These internal divisions destroy conservative movements who become each others' worst enemies. Liberals? Still work together. That's the problem you face with tolerance: it can recruit from a wider population.
This, you literally do nothing and just watch them destroy one another. It's always been policy to ignore the vocal minority, our current problems stem from idiots giving these people attention.
Most of the time we don't have to do anything and they turn on eachother. It's like that monty python gag in Life Of Brian where all the judean resistance groups are sitting together arguing.
Just the other night you had: pic related.
All we have to do really is be SJWs and out-SJW other SJWs and annoy the shit out of eachother and trigger and all that good shit. The sane left are already embarassed by SJWs, let's drive the wedge in further.
>gender is a social construct
>people can be born the wrong gender
* They have disowned gay men. They now hold as much relevance to the SJW movement as straight men.
* They have begun disowning white women. They are not still on the same level of gay men but they are slowly getting there. The process was frozen somewhat because of unexpected media outrage.
* Asians are basically whites oppressive shitords at this point unless they are furiously agreeing with blacks and mexicans.
I don't think we have to do anything at all.
Throw a twinkie between them.
Compare their privilege levels.
The Cotton Ceiling = Dykes who don't want to suck cocks with a female identity are transphobic, making trannies who want to fuck dykes as oppressed as women who are affected by the "glass ceiling."
Then again, the dykes already seem to have lost that battle, because for every actual lesbian there are 1000 special snowflake girls.
You can already see this with White gay men, the progressive stack is literally a stack. They will keep popping off the most privileged until their movement collapses.
sjw things like: trans-woman can enter to the women's bathroom must trigger feminists.
There must be fifty ways to troll on Tumblr.
This should be an ongoing Operation rather than individuals here and there sporadically getting their keks in. There is a tipping point and we can make it happen.
Agenda items:
1) trigger SJWs (distract and disturb, they waste their time working through and venting their feelings)
2) sow chaos within SJWs (SJW vs SJW)
3) alienate SJWs from the mainstream left
>the progressive stack is literally a stack.
White men were the first in and are now the first out.
It's a queue.
librhul here
id be a pro at this
someone post a link
This is classic, the fire rises
They're already turning on themselves. Interfering will only redirect them back on to you.
Sometimes I wonder, are we the real jews?
>It's 2015