Hey Sup Forumsros lets make a story dubs decide whats happening!

Hey Sup Forumsros lets make a story dubs decide whats happening!

Other urls found in this thread:


Once upon a time OP was a faggot and he killed himself.


Topkek. Ok OP, maybe you aren't such a faggot.

Add a girl

Whats next?

Girl added


Just this youtu.be/ZXqKWL6Sgzo

add guys angry parents

Babies in progress

op goes to Iran

He puts on a meme hat.

Here ya go

OP and gf are at their friend's house drinking beer

op rape baby and kill the girl (who is actually a trap)

nice satanic trip, op gotta do his best for this

OP joined ISIS on his tour to iran


The deed has been done

OP is footfag

What do you mean?

OP gets drunk

Op rapes his baby

