Shit that just happend to me:
>meet "queer anarchist" chick
>is hot, decide to hang out with besides better judgment.
>drinking ensues resulting in an argument over Sacramento-based rap group Death Grips
>anarchist threaten violence
>leave only to realize I left my hat (gift from dead family member.)
>Negotiate a return of my hat for 20 minutes, many harsh words were exchanged.
>come back to find my hat smashed into a soggy box under bear bottles.
>in rage smash bottles outside of apartment and cover premises in balsamic dressing (had it in the car.)
>leave and wasted 4 hours of my life
>learned something?
Shit that just happend to me:
Don't forget your hat next time
Other than that I feel that I handled the situation fairly well
>Trying to have a discussion with mental illness
Anyone who identifies themselves as a "queer" something is insane m8. You should've known better than to even initiate that convo.
Besides, you aren't getting laid from a girl like that unless you identify as some kind of fucked up mental illness like "genderfluid" non-cis white.
No you were a fucking child. Lol balsamic dressijg the house
They knew it was a dead family members gift. (it came up in the negotiations) I think they can handle a little condiments. they are "anarchist" after all.
definitely won't do it again. Trust me.
What exactly did you doing that accomplish? All that did was get her/him/it to post on their blog about how white men are sexist evil dressing haters.
this i would just be polite
why you trying to start a real conversation?
What did i accomplish? well as i said I was in a fit of slightly intoxicated rage. So I a-"dressed" (cuse it's salad dressing) my rage. It wasn't exactly a political statement I was mad that these dicks fucked up my hat and thought they could get away with it free of consequence.
Should have taken one of those bottles and made a molotov to throw in the apartment.
The fire wastes less oxygen than her worthless life does.
Finally someone who's on the right page
They were trying to say Death Grips sucked. Needless to say, I didn't take it well.
The hat. Was it Fedora?
it was a pork pie
Like in Castelvania?
Nailed it
Sooo did you get the hat?
Yes I did. All and all I think It was a win for me. Last I checked breaking bottles isn't illegal and being anarchist I doubt they'll call the cops? I'm laterally moving next month so the way I see it I know where they live, they don't know where I live. They don't even know my real name. So they literally have no method of recourse
Death grips does suck
>wearing a hat
lol fagget
I said it to anarchist dude wearing lipstick and I'll say it to you, you're objectively wrong.
Don't equate us with her.
How noble of you to respect their pronouns
I'm talking about equating her with actual anarchists, not about some genderfuck garbage
>balsamic dressing
Should have used French dressing Faggit.
They suck, they reached their popularity through how actually bad they are.
They are a joke meme - like how the girl or guy with Down syndrome gets elected to be prom royalty. You play along because you feel bad for them, but at the same time you know they are completely unworthy of what they were given.
You had the right idea user. She set the rules and you played by them.