> 27 year old looser > balding > no friends > Low iq and could not manage highschool > ADHD diagnosis > have two year younger brother > brother is tall handsome and muscular > Have no problems with school > Suspect high iq > Many friends > Brother borrows my laptop without permission > Finds my porn folder filled with traps and lolis > Brother tells parents > Mom freaks out > Mom is standing in the middle of the living room ans screams her lungs out. > Dad says nothing > Brother is looking at me with a big grin on his face > Brother loves seeing me fail > I am dying on the inside. > Wondering my i had such bad lucks in the gene lottery > Not suicidal but just irritated and pissed of that i got the bad side of life.
Pic not related, i just want some advice on how to deal with everything.
Sebastian Myers
Do something really bad to your faggot brother. Revenge helps a lot.
Cooper Morris
do you have any ideas? :)
Chase Robinson
How come you still live at home? Do you want to stay there or you're just broke?
Henry Walker
Join the military and stop being such a fag. You won't have to see your family for a while and the military doesn't care if you're stupid.
Hunter Harris
Humiliate him by becoming more successful than him.
He will cry himself to sleep every night knowing his will never be better than his pedophile older brother.
Owen Butler
Ford Mustang Poor mans expensive car
Jaxon Harris
Claim younger brother alpha molested you when you were children.
Jaxson Thompson
Hard to do when he is so far ahead of me
Gabriel Lopez
its probably because the picture you used faggot
Brody Sullivan
For the $ they are great performance cars. I have a 2014 that essentially gets driven one day a week and to/from racetracks. 25+ road course track days, 250+ drag strip passes, I've never had a problem with it. Sure it's modified and has lots of aftermarket bits but the drivetrain hasn't missed a beat.
Anthony Sanders
you're an average Sup Forums user, so relax. you're not special even among freaks
Jonathan Thompson
No highschool and no real skills
Camden Thomas
never claimed to be special. I know my place in life, just want to know if there are any other options for me.
Levi Wright
>be nice to brother >after a few weeks offer to cook/ make bro breakfast. >start putting asprin or paracetamol or both into cereal/food. >keep doing this gradually upping the dose. >by the time they figure out whats wrong his liver will be fucked.hell have a lot shorter life span and in process might internally bleed out if he ever hits something/one hard enough. >when police ask after autopsy claim brother used to pop alot of drugs for head aches. >brother is no longer a problem. leaving you to feel better about yourself.
Noah Harris
good but i do not want to kill him. Just make my own life a bit better
Benjamin Ortiz
Kek nice one. Plus he will have lots of headaches when hes getting addicted not knowing he is addicted.
Kayden James
so many people have them where I live, I'm sure they're great cars just too many of them
Dominic Cook
actually good idea. >sneak into brothers room with nicotine patches >set up alarm to wake up before him and take it off by morning >laugh your ass off as you see faggot brother start to get side effects of addiction and not even know wtf is up. >profit??
Jonathan Carter
Also bro does not live with parents like me. He only visits sometimes.
Adam Garcia
Find your own passion and pursue it with hard work. I know people who loves cars and goes around offering detail service to all his friends and friends friends. He drove over to my place and detailed my car thru the night so I didn't have to go car less during the day. He just gives a shit and makes sure he does a good job everytime. He will get far even tho no particular schooling.
Lucas Phillips
They are not well build as a Benz for example, but they are cheap and have lots of power. In my country they are called widowmakers because of the shitty traction (-control)
Cameron Kelly
i have no real passion. I used a pic of a car for no reason
Kevin Smith
I find myself more similar in abilities to your brother but there is one quality of mine that, above all, is most important and you can control. That is your work ethic/effort. If you can put your mind to something and work your ass off at achieving it, that's half the battle. I have an uncle that was undersized compared to my dad but he got in the weightroom and built up muscle and was playing college hockey like my dad even though he had less physical talent. You're still young OP and success is within your grasp but only if you start now. Question only is, what's your goal?
Nathan Green
With that attitude, you've already lost.
You've got shit he doesn't have. Want to get swole? Go hit up /fit/. Want to get a good job? Visit Sup Forums and learn about programming or networking.
My point is, your life will turn around as soon as you leave Sup Forums. If you stay here, you'll be like everyone else here. Fat, lazy, stupid, perverted, and unemployed. You're better than that. Go wipe that shit eating grin off of his face.
Charles Collins
it's just like when I went to a vintage car show a few months ago. Ratio was 3 or 4 Mustangs to any other car there So many of them, cool cars but a bit boring. but hey if you like it, all power to you man
Oliver Collins
Socially ruin him. If you have any dirt, share it with his friends. Or lace his food with heavy laxitives, so he shits his pants in public
Aaron Jackson
Nice bait
Julian Davis
My goal would be to have my own place make decent money a gf a somewhat healthy body and abilities to get to my brothers level.
Growing up he seemed to only have to put in a medium amount of effort in this pursuings. It was not easy but not overwhelming/impossible for him to get good grades.
I made a super hard effort during three years with school and still failed.
Jose Mitchell
Literally one of the only ways to make your life significantly better in the long run is to find a passion. You'll never be happy living at home grounded by your family for the rest of your life. Take some community college courses and explore your options. You'd be surprised at what you find out about yourself
Eli Gonzalez
I will try to give it an honest run.
Jeremiah Miller
Don't go USMC it fucking sucks join navy since low IQ
Noah Butler
>traps >loli
Stop being gay and pedofile
Charles Moore
>26 >all my family is dead / suicide >assisted living >3 diseases >degenerative 10 herniated discs >have to walk to food banks every week to feed myself >have to use 20 kbp/s cell phone internet half of the month >insurance wont cover prescriptions so i choose them or actual food >less than 50 dollars spending money monthly >too ill to have a job, and if i do assisted living shits the bed >my apartment is rank and ghetto as fuck >my dog lives off ramen
You got it pretty good OP
Tyler Long
A good roll of the genetic dice will do that, lowers the barrier on how hard one must work. That's the shitty thing that you'll have to work much harder but the good thing is that's all controllable. I've had people more athletic/smarter than me through the years but I've beat them out because I've applied myself more. Those 3 years of effort are in the past user, only the present matters now and taking your first steps towards that perfect life. I'd say some tech related job is the answer. I'm a CS major myself and the industry is pretty healthy and it's possible to land a job without a college degree if you have the right image/profile/talent. Something like that interest you? To get /fit/ id say go to the gym or start small with a run every morning. Great way to start a day and get those good endorphins flowing
Lucas Morales
What do you use the other half of the month?
Joseph Wright
why are you taking care of another living creature if you're literally disabled and cant take care of it? poor dog is suffering just cuz you're too selfish to let him go to better places
Jacob Bennett
1) fuck you 2) navy requires minimum 50 on ASVAB 3) fuck you
>inb4 i'm retarded I got a 98/99, putting me in the top percentile who got scores comparable to American preschoolers.
Jason Anderson
Because I've had it since it was a few months old, hes 12 now. I make a deal with my ISP to turn the dsl on for 30 dollars and tell them ill pay them later in the month, never do.
Jose Diaz
fair enough
Camden Miller
How about you stop being such a degenerate faggot that keeps failing in life?
Joshua Campbell
Cobra > Mustang
Lincoln Thomas
Isaac Anderson
>27 year old looser >Spells loser wrong out of the gate KYS
Colton Johnson
hey same! Though I usually find a way to get dog food. Theres this crazy cat lady in my town that will exchange rediculously premium bags of pet food for you letting her lecture you for an hour on how terrible humans are.
Brandon Scott
Xavier Howard
It's a dog u fool they kill unwanted dogs not rehouse them r u 8?
Eli Gutierrez
believe it or not but i think youve had an interesting life. friends come and go that doesnt define anyone.
Gavin Wood
What kinda alpha is ur bro if he lives at home at 25?
Henry Foster
Grayson Campbell
CAstrate yourself and post pics
Chase Parker
Man come on. You live a charmed life. Stop bitching and enjoy it