Redpill me on sugar Sup Forums. Are jews behind it?
Redpill me on sugar Sup Forums. Are jews behind it?
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Yes, it's why in the US we have HFCS instead of regular old beet sugar.
>he fell for the sweety jew
It tastes good and provides cheap, fast energy.
fuck off shill
And provides obesity, heart disease and diabeties.
tfw I work at a sugar refinery
>But it smells so good in the afternoon
No, overeating does that.
Go back to TITP, beluga.
I don't think you understand the effects of sugar, user.
overeat all the healthy food you want, and you won't gain weight.
sip on the sucrose Jew with a meal every day, and watch the pounds pack on
Literally everything you need to know
Sugar is treated like a poison by your liver
It subdues your ability to detect when you are full and should stop eating making fat people gorge
It is not good for you in any moderate amount
They only become serious once you eat more of it than you should.
>overeat all the healthy food you want, and you won't gain weight.
That's false, overeat any food and you'll gain weight.
I knew it. Goddamn....
it in everything one coke has 52 fda segests 50 per day more reliable sources say 25.
Jews flourished in every lucrative industry...
shills are hitting this thread hard. Keep up the good fight bros.
Its all about salt friendo.
It is not false, you can stuff yourself with 1000 calories more than you need every day, all vegetables and meats, and you won't gain a pound.
Add sugar, and your weight will rise. The clinic I interned at was doing a long patient study on this.
physics is behind it
specifically chemistry/biochemistry
what type of answer are you fishing for
>Sugar: The Bitter Truth
I would've assumed it was some hiffington post tier garbage but I was gladly proven wrong.
They are behind high fructose corn syrup and additives
>Fed up
That's the /fit/ equivalent of Guns Germs and Steel or People love it because it helps them deflect their lack of eating responsibly onto something else.
No offense, but you were an intern. Furthermore, not all meat is created equal.
stopped reading
try expanding your vocabulary beyond common core apex-laziness weasel shit like that
Sugar was the very first "most wanted" jewish trick ever
Jakub Kryštof Rad (czech and jew) created the sugar cube so people unintentionally put more sugar so it can be more profitable.
Now day is meh but still jews control a lot of the sugar lands..
That's not how chemistry works, boy.