Da fuk

da fuk

Fucking urine

Literally what?

Beer is fucking disgusting. The cheap stuff tastes like piss and the expensive stuff tastes like vomit.

Wine is the patrician drink of choice.

I like the name but all domestic beer just tastes like piss

If you drink the beer, it wins

Why can i get bud nation wide but yuengling, americas best bear, is only available in pa, ny, oh,and wv


t. Homosexual


>dude wine lmao

>Budweiser or any other mass-produced swill

Enjoy being top kuk while I feast upon my sperm wine.

Wine is for fags


I'm assuming they mean it's no longer strictly U.S.A beer but the America's in general?

Still fucking retarded.

I love Yuengling but I think part of it's appeal is that I can't have it unless I'm out east. It's like In-N-Out or Lion's Choice.

wine is the drink of women

Rum and scotch and if you sweeten it like a little bitch you need to have your balls cut off


>still drinking the alcoholic jew




Budweiser is the worst beer I have ever tasted and I have had a lot of shitty beer.

>Drinking the liquified Jew

>there are only two types of beer: cheap and expensive
>t. Wine sipping Faggot

Wine is good but it is easier to get really high quality beer for less than high quality wine.

There is literally nothing wrong with Budweiser.
>inb4 muh micro brews
IPAs are shit and stouts are for women

low quality bait if I ever saw one

wine is for fags and old people

man drink beer

>drinking alcohol
Water, milk, vegetable juice only you faggots

smdh fag desu shamed to even call you senpai

>not drinking mead

>"Hey guys I'm a faggot"

It's one of the only good cheap beers.

fucking lightweight liberal faggot, go outside nigger lover


Dr. Pepper is the only acceptable pop to drink occasionally.

That's a funny way of saying Miller is the only good cheap beer.


white people hate american beer here.
They love ales and shit now. They go nuts India pale ale's that taste like concentrated lemon rinds mixed with booty sweat

It's not bait. Beer is gross. I honestly don't get what would possess someone to drink beer.

Also it doesn't even succeed in getting you drunk. You need to drink like 20 to get a buzz.
Whiskey and rum are superior for that.

Beer literally has no reason for existing. You only drink it because your daddy does and you want to show him you're "manly."

But of course, this will trigger you neckbeards too.

>straight up sugar water with alcohol

>he doesn't drink alcohol
>he fell for the vegetable juice meme


>current year
>willingly ingesting hormone, antibiotic and puss filled liquid from another animals' breasts


Soda is bad for you you fucking degenerate

Named after the Polish general who crushed the Islamic Ottoman empire in the 1600s saving Europa

the only kind of beer that's shit are IPAs

You guys meant mr pibb and rolling rock I'm sure, wouldn't want to be embarrassed now ;)

>Not huffing jenkem

It truly is the most American. Mass produced to a standard quality and while shitty to some people it still gets the job done. How is that not american.

who the fuck is patrician you fucking faggot

Wine is the only alcoholic drink I enjoy.

So is venturing outside and inhaling pollutants
Only degenerates like you go outside without a gasmask on

Whiskey is the gentleman's drink of choice

Pic related
>My favorite beer

>drinking anything but dark beer

idk how people drink this ipa gold piss

This guy gets it.

Ale master race reporting in

Back when I used to drink I'd buy a pint of that a day

I like Heneiken, Tecate, Guniness, Black Kracken/Doctor Pepper(Dr. Kracken) and Coors

How gay am I?

>mr. pibb

Rolling Rock's aight though.

Onegai twins was one of my first shameful pleasures.

The OP still makes me feel nostalgic.

beer isn't something you drink to get drunk

it's what you drink to get a steady buzz instead of a different drink

And NJ. The local liquor store always has 12pk bottles.

noone cares fuck off


What's your excuse for having not brewed before, Sup Forums?

I thought you had testicles.

Honestly tru f a m

>beer is icky
>everyone in my high school agrees
People who can legally drink actually like beer, underage faggot

wine was drink of choice of every great man ever up until like 20 years ago when dude beer lmao became a thing



Modern IPA's are the US's gift to the world.

Belgium and Germany have been claiming theyre the world's best for centuries, but all it took were some stoned west-coast homebrewers to play around with hops to innovate brewing and change the entire culture.

How does it feel to outdone by the US again Europe?

It really depends. If you're an idiot and only drink Napa or Cali wine, expect to spend $30 for anything of moderate quality. If you drink... Say South African wine, you can get out of the liquor store with a $10 bottle that could be mistaken for the aforementioned $30 Napa wine. It's an even bigger difference for Argentinian wines. Argentinian Malbecs are generally thought of as having the best price/quality of any wine on Earth.

A good bit of wine is the power of suggestion, but the other half is objective quality.

t. Former Sommelier

Also Florida. Shit they have a distributor in the same neighborhood as Busch Gardens in Tampa.

FL has yuengling and I've seen in in VA, DC, NJ, NC, and maybe a couple other places.

>all the triggered cletus's and tyrones

meme beer

>former sommelier
Sorry Nigger, once a Somalian, always a Somalian

Budweiser isn't American, it's owned by a multinational company headquartered in Belgium and Brazil.

Don't forget NC

That article is shit. They just changed the label for summer to be more patriotic and celebrate all important shit going on this year. They've done it in the past with the statue of liberty and the flag.

Yea Yuengling is based as fuck

I brewed once and decided it wasn't worth the effort and I also didn't like having to wait for my beer.

I'm impatient and lazy. That's why I drink beer in the first place.

The Trump says NO ALCOHOL. Therefore you are right.

The only people I know that "enjoy" beer are degenerates and alcoholics.
It tastes like shit user and a majority of people will agree.

That goes for pretty much all alcohol though. You faggots can lie about enjoying it all you like.

>Achmed is upset we're following his Sharia law
Sorry not sorry m8.

The south too, or at least you used to be able to get it in South Carolina and Georgia for sure, it's all I drank when I lived in the us.

Pearls before swine. The plebs don't have a palate.

Your entire country is degenerate sheep fuckers.

You do grow some tasty hops though.

va here, yuengling is my go to cheap beer.

>Get rid of well-selling very well known brand name
Literally what?


This guy gets it
Gotta drink the fire

I don't know but I've had some pretty bad tasting beers that were supposed to be good
If you're young and all you've heard about beer is how microbrews and ales are the only acceptable brew to drink.. if you've supposedly tasted "the best" and it tastes like raw sewage then I don't blame the kid for coming to that conclusion

I prefer whiskey or beer, but I also quite like
Wine (red only)
Dry cider

Pic unrelated

everyone you know is a degenerate and alcoholic

first time I tried alcohol it was cheap champagne which literally tastes like the carbon of soda without the soda. once i turn 21 ill try out a real mans alcohol

So much this the lighter the yellow the worse it is the darker it is the better it is unless your talking about people or ducks then it's the opposite

not everyone like drinking bread

Decent cheap kind?

>drinking or smoking

waste of money.

t. degenerate who lacks self-control

>Not drinking Absinthe