>Only candidate
>STILL only win by 60%
Yeah how is this the guy who is going to unite the republican party?
Only candidate
Other urls found in this thread:
>people who early voted before Cruz dropped out
>People still freshly butthurt about Cruz in a state Cruz was initially expected to do very well in
I used to #BuckleUp for Kasich, then I became a #CruzMissile, but after this dismal performance I'm officially leaving the Republican party. It's time to #PullOutOurJohnson and get Gary Johnson to the white house!!!!
>Yeah how is this the guy who is going to unite the republican party?
He isn't, he's going to crash it, with no survivors
It's a good thing, he's starting the fire
>dropped out 4 months ago
>still won a county
based Carson
I don't think it's that strange. I voted in Nebraska today and all of the Republican candidates were still on the ballot. Rubio, Kasich, Rato, there were like 6 or 7 of the Republicans still on the ballot.
I can easily see a bunch of old white voters not knowing who is in and who is out, so they just vote for whoever they supported months ago.
>Cruz threatens to restart campaign if he wins Nebraska
>gets his shit pushed in harder than Indiana
>Moving the goalpost
Considering the fact that it's been like a week, just give it time.
>Lying Ted can't even be honest about dropping out of the race
It's only comprised of people who showed up to the polls. A lot of Trump supporters likely didn't show because they thought he was already the nominee. Moreover, a lot of Cruz supporters showed up because he said he might get back in.
>race is over
>expecting anyone to give a shit to vote except butthurt cruzlims who still hope to stop Trump from getting 1237
>what are people who voted early or did write-ins
>what are voters who don't know who has dropped out
>what are voters using their votes out of pure butthurt
>what are voters still voting for Cruz with the hope he'll restart his campaign with a Nebraska victory
>what are Republican candidates and the GOP still telling their people to vote to get delegates for the chance of a contested convention
OP never heard of early voting
You know he's a Hillary plant, right?
This shows his undetectability.
I'm now a @Cruzmissile
>Yeah how is this the guy who is going to unite the republican party?
most of Kasich and Cruz's people are still going to vote for them dumbass
>Trump already telling people to vote Republican in the general elections, tries to end division
>Lying Ted even lies about dropping out, hopes to sneak-attack Trump
Cruz is fucking un-American. This was why he lost. A Canadian beaner does not deserve to be President of the USA and this just proves it.
He won't. Most Republicans want CRUZ and the results in Nebraska reflect that fact.
Doesn't the record break every year considering more and more people vote?
>Most Republicans want CRUZ
I don't think so Emu fucker.
You have to go back
>Literally BTFO'd Trump from coast to coast (From Maine to Alaska)
>Getting high numbers even though he already dropped out
Yep, keep telling yourself otherwise, shill.
Sleepy Ben sadly did not win the county, but came in 4th according to the live NYtimes poll.
I'm now #ArsonsForCarson
Nice bait, Aussie. But I would think even you mongs would recognize that 60% is greater than 20%.
Trump still hasn't gotten 50% of the popular vote overall. Most votes cast so far in the primaries have been AGAINST Trump.
How many of those votes were absentee?
%60 is considered a landslide in politics OP
Back where? He's already in Mexico.
>high numbers
Oh lawd I am laffin'
For real though, McFucking kill yourself.
It's over Donald. Your ceiling is 80%. Have fun being STUMPED. Now your campaign is finally over.
Yeah, no. Everyone hates el rato. Just ask the other republicans in the Senate- Lindsay Graham joked that if someone murdered Cruz on the floor of the Senate and the trial was there, there could be no conviction, because of how unlikable he is.
>le "every vote for another candidate is a vote against Trump" meme
2 shekels have been deposited in your account, goy
It's too bad early voting forms don't allow you to select backup candidates in case your top choice drops out before your vote is counted.
He cracked 60% in New York, He's won strongly evangelical states. He's polling above 50% right now in the primary nationwide, 80% of Republicans currently see him as a candidate they could vote for, which is comparable to Clinton with Democrats.
What more proof do you need that Republican voters want Trump?
quality post friend
fucking idiot
Nope. You can go check wikipedia.
>other candidates suspend their campaigns
>this means people can't vote for them anymore in the hopes of a miracle (see Sanders supporters)
Try harder shill.
3/10 for getting me to type this and post this meme
first day in /trumpgen/ ?
Who won that purple county? Cruz?
Any of you Drumpf fags actually know any policies he's planning? He sure as fuck doesn't seem to say much about that.
>Only candidate
All the other canidates are still printed on the ballots. People still vote for them for whatever reason.
>>STILL only win by 60%
The results are only 63% reported right now, but you know that, you're just being a kike to get (you)'s
So here's you're fucking (You)
Stop drinking so much soda and letting your mom bring you tendies, go out and get some exercise fat ass.
more up to date results here.
>>Only candidate
But this is blatantly false.
Reminder to hide and sage shill threads.
It's easier than reprinting every time someone drops, and given Cruz's bullshit about coming back in to the race it's Fucking gay bruh
And what could Hillary offer him he doesn't have?
Trump's ego is the reason he runs, and because his business (also part of his ego) is primarily real estate, he loves this land and wants to make it great like when he was a lad.
>So here's you're fucking (You)
Replies to the OP aren't marked (You), even for the OP.
>what is early voting
holy shit the soros shills are coming out the woodwork.
Thank you based German.
I still can't believe the GOPe let his ass run. Also Rubio's mom was an illegal alien.
>Literally BTFO'd Trump from coast to coast
If he did that he'd have the delegates and be getting 60% percent of the votes.
>I can easily see a bunch of old white voters not knowing who is in and who is out, so they just vote for whoever they supported months ago.
>these are the people electing the leader of your country
man i can't wait till he gets 60& in the general too.
>Implying it matters when their votes get tossed out the fucking window like they never even showed up
Everything outside of Omaha is a complete shitshow.
lol. Cruz dropped out before a state he was bound to do pretty well in. Dumb ass.
Considering there was plenty of early votes before he dropped out, he probably wouldn't have done too well.
Omaha is the worst
He was just fucked, there was no coming back.
Slowly sucking a few delegates (percentage-wise) every time wasn't quite enough to stump Trump, it was instead viewed as a slimy GOPe tactic which was ultimately doomed to fail from the start.
I'm sorry that you hate culture.
>in Nebraska
it used to be a nice city
It's still nice south of Fort and west of 32nd.