Bam Margera is basically a hobo in Helsinki now
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Alms...alms for a skate park
he was always a spoiled loser
Our pigs wear overalls. They do it to make it look like they get things done and lower their sense of superiority. Instead of giving them fancy sheriff badges and hats like in amerika
>Dunn will never get his skatepark
post the dunn prank pasta
you post it
>Our police are less intimidating to avoid threatening the muslims
their uniforms look more tacticool than the average american cop
they also look like something an early 2000s nu-metal band would wear
i think he left for finland to do a photoshoot with his wife and market his new album. this could just be an extended marketing stunt. who knows with this guy.
Who would have thought that Bam Margera is the only Jackass crew member to be circling the drain and SteveO is alive and doing great for himself.
he's so fucking fat
it seems like he never grew up. Even Steve-O seems a lot more mature and reserved now.
>that video of him filming his own intervention as a joke and Johnny Knoxville angrily smacking the camera out of his hand
i wonder if he can even do a kickflip any more
>novak is doing better than bam now
He's literally turned into the guy from the 'Fat Fuck' skit.
Am I the only one who saw he was going nowhere good even in his prime?
Even in Viva La Bam, he was like pushing 30 and still pretending he was 14.
Goodnight sweet prince
no. I thought he was the coolest person ever when Viva La Bam was out.
Why is he in Finland so much? A friend of mine once saw him hanging around central Tampere alone at 2 AM.
You aren't the only one. He was always the faggot of the crew. I could never stand him.
To think we all thought steveo would grow up to be the homeless one.
I sincerely hope Bammy dies.
>amerifat still sore at the fact that muslims killed more people in a single attack on US soil than in all european attacks combined
Finland has great welfare.
I'm trying to think of a way to explain it. Partly it was his age and doing what he was doing (admittedly in this he was no different than the rest of the Jackass crew), but also the way he kept pretending his life was still that of some suburban kid whose fantasy became legit real and would proceed play pranks on his family and involving them. That whole gimmick. Also trying to keep leeching of of CKY's own fame.
Viva La Bam was the beginning of the decline, it's a monument to what happens when a dickhead is given the money to indulge in his own over-inflated ego.
As someone who followed his early career it's such a damn shame, back in the days of Jackass and those first couple of CKY videos he was surrounded by decent friends and the level of camaraderie was high. He seemed pretty carefree.
His friend died 5 years ago. Is he still using that as an excuse?
Bam Margera is successful and handsome you are all just jealous he's gonna build Dunn a skatepark.
We dont get any american celebs. People give him attention.
His pal Ville from that shitty pop-goth band lives there.
Jokes on you, I was a really terrible kid/teen but grew up to become a very decent human bean and my mother loves me.
Älä pissata koiraasi tässä
Don't pee your dog here
Thank you
finns like him
americans hate bam
he's sort of like america's morgan piers or john oliver except he's just a fat bum
The women are some of the most attractive I've ever seen. Legit 10s everywhere.
I get the vibe Finland is quite behind on pop culture.
Spurdo Sparde was a brilliant meta-cultural masterstroke.
>calling the police pigs
You have to be 18 to post here, child.
Soon, Phil will die and it will break Bam apart.
Heroin overdose in some dark alley in Helsinki inevitable.
why didn't you save him Sup Forums
which finn town did you visit? all the cute girls here fuck off to college and all that's left are 6/10s
this is accurate
energy drinks are popular here while they were a fad in america like 10 years ago
>finns like him
No they don't, apart from drunks/junkies like Andy. I don't think any of his so-called finnish friends even want to meet him anymore.
i smell tuna
>lose best friend in tragic accident
>go drinking
Choose fucking one. We all lose someone. Bam's a fucking loser. Hope he gets help, but he definitely won't.
are you guys getting this?
le people only drink for fun meme
How old are you? 20?
Quit sniffing your mother's couch cushion then.
What happened to his tv show?
What is that thing on his leg?
No, but it's never a good idea to spiral into depression then go hit the bottle. Chill out there my friendo.
show us your boobs
I love watching celebrities hit rock bottom.
Looks like a bruise. What's with his fat, diabetic feet?
>remember 2004
>good times, I was a carefree kid
>pretty nerdy already browsing Sup Forums
>managed my first date with a super-cute goth girl
>we watch viva la bam
>not into it at all, but associate it with enough coolness -- the girl likes it after all
>12 years later
>Bam has become Phil
>goth girl is fat, with someone else, and pops out kids regularly
>I'm balding and gay
Time truly does make fools of us all.
Pretty sure the guy druggied away his entire fortune.
Johnny Knoxville showed up to Steve-O's house with a bunch of guys and told him that he's either going to rehab right now or he's getting his ass kicked. This is the reason he is sober today.
Bam is such a piece that nobody cares enough to put the effort in.
they look dope as fuck dude
finns lose their shit if you give attention to us. especially if an american actor / musician is visiting it's like front page news.
so for ville valo to be friends with bam is kind of a huge deal
>Make post jokingly defending Bam using the meme quotes from that shit video he put out a few months ago
>Weirdo Finnish mongoloid somehow takes this as me being a woman and starts hitting on me
Stop that.
Helsinki last summer. Europe in general people are more attractive but I thought Helsinki and Budapest had the hottest girls. Even using tinder I got so many matches and they were much more down to earth.
operator as fuck famiglo
Give it time, Yurotarget.
Never thought about it but it doesn't surprise me.
Steve-O always seemed like the world's best friend, Bam was just an annoying cunt.
printing fault
Well I'm sure the depressed people are thinking clearly enough to realize that.
Was Bam only kept around because of his skate money?
CKY always was the garbage squad. The only guy who was even slightly entertaining was the guy who was balding at 17 (Dicomillio or whatever). When your best gags are a guy who hates mustard and throwing shit on each other, one of you is gonna end up dead.
source on this please? It's so true and spot on (though it's quite generic) but I'm laughing at it, it was a good read
dico is great in general
Dude everyone knows they wear overalls so they can just put them in industrial washing after drunks vomit on them
At least you can look back and laugh lol ;^)
i wrote it last year.
I liked Chris Raab but he told these goofs to fuck off years ago to be a normie. Turns out he's the only one who ended up happy and alive other than Brandon as far as I know.
Isn't he like a car salesman now? Glad he got his shit sorted out.
He's friends with Finnish musicians
Thank you Poland
>This is exactly how your life will be when you're 50. This is exactly how your life will be right before you die.
Promise? My life is pretty fucking baller right now, I'm happy as fuck. My Uncle has stage 4 cancer and is dying in pain going through chemo even though pretty much everyone knows he's gonna die anyway. If I can go out like this instead of like that I'm cool as fuck with it. Fuck my mother too, she's a pill popper, let her lay in her misery. Damn boi, reading that made me even happier than I was.
I never understood the point of Bam's show. Was it kino?
Well too bad for them i guess. Maybe they should try bit harder?
>ywn have a bro as great as Knoxville
Your show doesn't need a point when it's on MTV, be glad you don't understand that low-brow shit.
Just emailed the Finnish police and told them to release Bam or they better call a bunch of skatepark contractors because I'm gonna hop on a plane and come kick all their asses. I also included a midi file of wasted and wounded. Guarantee he's free within the hour.
>sheltered suburban white boy criticizing others for calling corrupt police pigs
>hey this guy lives with his parents and does whatever he wants
>is it funny?
>i guess we'll find out!
It was not kino.
Literally phil
>tfw you'll never be at your lowest ebb, only to be saved by Louis Theroux
>too dumb to understand lowbrow
Why you didnt you save him Sup Forums?
> not realising succeeding in life is due to things such as your parents wealth, your height, upbringing etc
> not realising life is just a genetic lottery and based on where you were brought up, race, social status
> thinking people have any real say in their social standing
>Dirty third world nigger posting images he got off reddit is mad at the good guys because they ask the third world shitskins to act like humans
And you wonder why we kick your shit in every chance we get.
>forever nostalgia
ftfy. I remember this when I was younger too man. It hasn't aged well. He's just screaming. The one about the vacuum and "suck knots" is still okay, but none of them are as good.
only sheltered suburban white boys and niggers call police officers "pigs"