Did Sup Forums do this?

Did Sup Forums do this?

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no sir, officer

Not really, but a few have downvoted. Most are from YT

I dislike ever ad that gets shoved in my face regardless of what it is.

when I was 14

Eurofags did this

Missed this. Disliked and bump.

lol the comment section

I don't think any amount of pandering is going to make refugee's a good idea.

didn't work as a band; doesn't work for countries.

> not using ad blocking software

ublock origin go go go

This was integrated into YouTube itself


This gave me hope for better tomorrow.

Im one of the guys that just dislikes every video because fuck every one of you

Its fact that a lot of people don't wand the refugee's and immigrands (not asians) in there first world country's.
Its fact they are dangerous.
Its fact that almost all the criminals are non white's and there numbers are in the minority.
Youtube tried to silence this fact and the millions of people who tried to speak up against this danger.
I hope we can somehow stop this agenda that's destroying our one's beautifull white society.
Who can save us?

looks like her bra isn't on her left tit

who knows, either way i believe the dislikes would be well over 1mill easy if not for jewtube

People with common sense did.

people are sick of hearing about these monkey's and their self inflicted problems

We might be past the point of no return already but it does seem that the more the left tries to push this agenda, the more people are turning to the alt right, causing a surge in nazi groups and nationalist movements.

im not even white, and i agree. kek.

>common sense
There is no such thing. Sense is actually frighteningly rare, stupidity and ignorance are what is common.
Always remember that what we call "common sense" is what told us the earth was flat.

What was it Sam Kinison said? We were driving through the desert, and we realized there wouldn't BE world hunger if you people would live where the FOOD IS! YOU LIVE IN A DESERT!! UNDERSTAND THAT? YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT!! NOTHING GROWS HERE! NOTHING'S GONNA GROW HERE! Come here, you see this? This is sand. You know what it's gonna be 100 years from now? IT'S GONNA BE SAND!! YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT! We have deserts in America, we just don't LIVE in them, assholes!"

No but now that I know about it I'll dislike it.

b-but i live in the desert... we grow crops here 4 seasons of the year!

I did nothing.....


> not knowing all YouTube jebbait videos like this get a larger amount of dislikes than likes

265k additional dislikes and this will be the most disliked video on youtube

I'll get started doing my part right away


Actually, "Baby" by Justin Beiber holds the record at 7.8 million dislikes.

no, reasonable human beings downvoted that brainwashing shit

> not getting subtle humor
>putting spaces after meme arrows
>calling them meme arrows
>being this self aware

God damn Yuma fag

>meme arrows
Can we please start calling them this permanently


No. People just aren't retarded and therefore know it's bullshit. It's a motivated, insane minority that creates this shit.

Idk why everyone dislike the video a lot of the girls are hella fuckable would bang most of them

First they will destroy the establishment that is holding us back.
Europe is held in chains by its own by now corrupt ideology.
Once the chains are broken we can rise anew out of the ashes of the old world.

Isn't it great that this plague is at one level our own disease and downfall, on another our only chance to rise above what we once were?

Our once beautiful society will come back even stronger.
It requires extraordinary effort to outdo yourself.

no. youtube is redpilled as fuck. there are Nazi videos with more likes than feminist videos that get generated on its self. feminists are rare on the site as they get "too much hate". this is why Buzzfeed and other libtard sites hate and even attack innocent, non-political YouTubers. even liberal youtube gets attacked like the German guy who makes costume made weapons out of wood and stuff. he doesn't talk about politics unless it's his views on weapons laws, which is quite liberal, but not extreme in any way. he got attacked for literally no reason other than being a YouTuber.

youtube has sjw's of course, but they usually have turned off they're like/dislike counter because it's always bombarded with dislikes. I would actually say that youtube is the opposite of Tumblr because of this. the creators of youtube got bought by Google, and now those Californian cunts are trying to push liberal propaganda down their platform so the platform looks politically correct and pure. you see this with youtube censoring anything rightwing related even if it's centrist as fuck. youtube's owners are biased and are working with other ad companies to whitewash youtube, but failing. heck, even Sup Forums is less rightwing than youtube. that is if we look at anything outside of Sup Forums, but a lot of high profile youtube channels are as redpilled as the average Sup Forums user.

want to red pill your child or sibling? make them a youtube account and let them browse youtube alone for a month or two. sooner or later they will talk about how cancerous feminism is and how we need to deport all the Somalians. my 16-year-old brothers and all his mates are like that and they sit on youtube 24/7. feminists get bullied in their school and sjw are rarely seen by them unless it's their teachers.


No. People just don't want retarded violent muslims in their civilized homelands.


they've been removing dislikes since it's been posted. removed mine twice now.


How does it feel to be 12?

>the more people are turning to the alt right

Holy fuck.

>boo hoo I'm a nigger white people help me please