Is pizzagate real?

Is pizzagate real?


Of course not. It's stupid and retarded.
t. I voted for Trump

thanks for ruining the country, dumbass.

the new theory is that the pizza part of pizza gate, ie comet pizza was planted by the left, or was a reddit boston marathon bomber situation.

No. It was created by conspiracy theory sites to increase traffic.
Spoiler alert: Totes worked.


to make the people investigating pizza gate seem crazy(more crazy).

Yes, but comet pizza was a false flag

Children are still disappearing at alarming rates, and anyone that runs away at a young age almost always ends up in a child prostitution ring

Even if you don't think government officials aren't involved directly, it's such a large underground network that it's impossible that many of them don't know about it

*are involved

False, the numbers are artificially inflated so as to make it easier for parents to scare children and for the government to scare parents. Scared children rely on the parents, the scared parents will totally rely on the goverment.

Pizzagate was a false flag sent by the government, both left and right, to increase the amount this "child slavery" myth is talked about.

Yes, there are no children being held against their will for sexual acts at all. Its all a myth, now I see the truth

I didn't say that, but the number of children is highly inflated.

Inflated or not it's still a thing and not a "myth"

Saying so is turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed by these monsters

Even if you don't think any government officials are involved you can't deny it's fucked up and should have been stomped out decades ago

I used to go to that restaurant and when I brought my 3 y/o sister the waiter got Fucking creepy as hell! It's defiantly real...

Well it's more than one restaurant but I'm thinking of just one in particular. The dude even brought out the manager unexpectedly and started talking to us and the waiter kept looking at my sister, didn't know about pizza gate at the time but now it's all clicking!

Americans are fucking stupid.
You people will believe just about anything fear related. Kill yourselves.

>Yes goy, children never get kidnapped for sexual use, no one diddles kids in current year

this is the worst ylyl thread

What is pizza gate?

> Sometimes children get kidnapped and sometimes it's for sexual use, some fucks out there diddle kids in current year.

Now seriously, consider killing yourself. Unintelligent parrot.

>implying it wasnt already ruined
>implying Hillary could fix it

>questioning the establishment's inability to crack down on pedophilia makes you an unintelligent parrot