Why has he been winning so much lately?
Why has he been winning so much lately?
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There aren't any niggers in Appalachia.
He only got like 4 or 5 delegates more than her lol
He's won two states since Hillary stomped him in the Northeast.
because hillary Can't Close The Deal
He's a good con man, and people buy into what he says.
Now that Trump won liberals are getting desperate.
He's smart enough not to openly tell coal miners that he'd put them out of work.
Because there's people that aren't Sup Forums manchildren or xenophobic knuckledraggers
>winning so much
>Got BTFO in the last major race
>Still 800 delegates behind
Go away reddit
He wins 10 states where 100k turn out to vote
Clinton wins 1 state where 1.5 million vote
Repeat over and over
>Famously progressive Oregon has long been expected to be a strong state for Sanders, but a new poll from DHM Research shows Clinton winning it 48 percent to 33 percent. Find out more about the poll.
wtf oregeon
you're white as shit why aren't you voting Sanders?
>guise he's winning so much!
>literally +5 delegates tonight
every additional second of serious coverage that Hillary gets makes her look worse
>this is why they had so few debates
Bernie may be a retarded socialist, but he doesn't have a closet full of scandals just waiting to burst out.
Hillary is fucking retarded
but somehow she is probably going to win Oregon.
Because he already lost and Clinton voters no longer care about primaries
Proves nothing except that the system is rigged against him.
every seconds he stays in the Democrat race it makes his supporters more and more pissed off at Shillary.
also Shillary pandered too hard. That's a big part of it as well
It doesn't matter how much he's "winning" now, he's already lost. He knows it but he's keeping the gravy train coming because he's got them biscuit wheels.
t. sore fucking loser
Please explain how this is rigged against Bernie. Even if you ignore superdelegates, Hillary still has a huge lead.
It's not rigged
black people just hate Bernie
You're now aware that each Oregon Bernout has two parents, who are old school democrats that will vote for DNC establishment
fucking boomers
I hate Berns, but I want him to stay in the race as long as possible
lmao, exactly
Hillary expected this election to be a joke, but she's barely ahead of the socialist crack-pot that hardly ever challenges her.
>The first Hillary Trump debate is going to be fucking gory.
>System rigged against him
He's 3 million votes behind in the popular count.
I'd say the system is working just as intended.
I hope this is a major wakeup call to communist berniefags. The very same people they try to appease to (niggers) reject them, to a LITERAL FELON.
The ultimate redpill is going to happen come July 25-28.
By staggering out the elections, and putting all of the more Conservative southern states before all of the more liberal states, they basically killed all of Bernie's momentum before it began. Yet, now he's polling above Clinton nationwide. That way they get to spend months saying "BERNIE IS WAY BEHIND, DON'T WASTE YOUR VOTE ON A LOSER!"
If all of the primaries were held in June, Bernie would have won. Or even if the south voted last.
Or hell, maybe not give states that have a 0 chance of voting Dem more delegates than most blue states?
The longer he stays, the closer he gets to victory, the more of his supporters we can possibly convert when he inevitably loses.
Oregon liberals who would vote Hillary are fat on public pensions and hate men who go out every day, get dirty, and work hard for a living.
You sound like a redditfag.
Back to /r/S4P, they're probably organizing another phonebank!
>insult a coal state saying you are going to close all the mines
>black vote in WV
No idea OP
>Bernie "White people can't be poor" winning in a state with the highest concentration of poor whites
The states choose when they vote you fucking retard.
>Hillary only has to win slightly in NJ and CA to get the nomination
California and New York have the most, and 4th most, republican delegates, respectively. These states haven't voted Republican in 25 years.
Your communist candidate lost because his policies only appeal to traitorous marxists and young idiots.
You lost, fuck off.
Beg to differ.
Actually this will be a wake up call to gunfags, that their candidates have no business running for the Democratic party.
Fbi. Coal. Beats Trump better. Nobody wants washed up flip floppers
Less than the rest of the US.
wow that is some seriously uninspiring and ignorant shit from ms. clinton
A FUCKING LEAF again. Go back to spamming your shitty pro-Obummer bait graphs, so we can ban your ass finally.
>being this triggered
Bernie gets 51.3% of the popular vote, Hillary gets 36.2. They both end up with 17 delegates each.
Explain this fucking shit!
The information you seek was on a private server that has since been wiped with a cloth.
Pledged delegates aren't changing sides because they don't have to in the dem party
I understand that. But why do super delegates even exist?
To prevent people like Bernie from winning.
Welcome to the DNC, you're too dumb to think for everyone so we'll just make the votes up as we go!
Sanders is probably the only pro-gun Democrat there'll ever be, aside from Jim Webb
super delagates aren't new. The parties are private entities. Why would Bernie run as a democrat and talk shit about the super delegate system?
At least you rarely see
>counting super delegates
>implying they won't all switch over
>super delegate count mattering
Even the hard head bern outs are learning
Demo run a proportional delegate split and a super delegate system.
So unless Bernie wins like 80%+, which he can't, once the proportional split is done (somewhere around 55 v 45) you got some thing like almost even delegates. And you add in the super:
Hillary is literally winning when losing.
and Bernie is at best stay the same in distance in the delegates race.
>supports another AWB
Then why would Bernie run as a democrat? If the revolution is so strong he should of ran independent
>not counting super delegates
The reason the media and losing parties say not to count them is to make the race look closer so people have something to talk about and make it look like your democratic party vote matters
Because he's either insincere or just deluded.
Isn't he still 300 pledged delegates behind?
This. They literally (the actual meaning) are there to prevent grassroots movements, so that the Democrat party doesn't elect another potentially shitty candidate to the nomination. It's been in place for 30-40 years and not a single retarded liberal has figured it out UNTIL now.
Because he's running as a puppet for Hillary to 'debate' and look good, and make it seem like she legit won a primary instead of just had it handed to her by cronies. Also so the DNC can vacuum up money from young and first-time voters, whose actual votes are highly unreliable.
Sanders is literally shilling for Hillary. He will back her 100% and turn over all of his campaign contributions to the DNC who will then use it for Clinton ads.
No, it's realistically 800. There is no reason not to count super delegates:
1) Why would they switch to a losing party for no reason
2) DNC and special interests already told them who to go for if they want kick backs/secured jobs
3) Because they matter at the end of the day regardless how much the DNC wants to tell you not to count them
>Because he's running as a puppet for Hillary to 'debate' and look good
Well, this doesn't seem to be working then, because the fags over at /r/s4p , and the majority of berniefags I know IRL (i.e. my whole campus), absolutely hate the bitch.
>make it seem like she legit won a primary instead of just had it handed to her by cronies
>Also so the DNC can vacuum up money from young and first-time voters
These seem more plausible.
>Sanders is literally shilling for Hillary. He will back her 100% and turn over all of his campaign contributions to the DNC who will then use it for Clinton ads.
If he does this, then he will lose any credibility he had, if he had any to begin with. Standing up to big banks and wall street, only to turn around and endorse the actual figurehead of these globalist fucks, is political suicide amongst ultra-progressives. However, I don't have much faith left in mentally degenerate liberals, so I wouldn't put it pass them to fall in line when the time comes.
Going with the party makes the campaign look more official than sanders running independent. Just look how well they do!
I didn't say delegates total, I said pledged delegates. And it wouldn't be the first time someone managed to get the pledgies to change sides, but of course that has happened much earlier in the race. simple calculations tells you bernie needs to win by 80% in the rest of the states for him to overcome her in pledge delegates, on which the Berniebros will have some leg to stand on that their candidate was elected by popular vote and not by the party.
So... phonebank away, victories under 65% are meaningless for Gutman
NJ is not even a question.Only people who want Bernie here are white college students who have not even registered as democrats so they can't even vote. Also we have so many fucking niggers. She will get at least +20% here.
>However, I don't have much faith left in mentally degenerate liberals, so I wouldn't put it pass them to fall in line when the time comes.
About 75% vote Clinton, 25% stay home.
Not even. She can lose both NJ and CA quite badly(10%+) and still win the nomination. Bernie quite literally needs a miracle to win. He not only needs to win, he needs to crush Clinton by 20% in the remaining states AND the superdelegates have to decide to switch sides. Otherwise he is done. He's 286 delegates behind right now, and this late in the race that is monumental.
It's already essentially over. He has less than a 1% chance to get the nomination.
It wouldn't be the first time, in 2008 IIRC everyone swapped to Obama because they could sink the black vote in the bag and did causing a Dem win. In this election Bernie has basically nothing going for him to make DNC superdelegates change sides.
Hillary has a name and the woman card. Bernie has nothing but a young vote card.
>4 fucking delegates when he's trailing by the hundreds
>wow feel the bern
>Clinton losing
With the black vote and the corporate ties the DNC has in that state it would be impossible. Bernie needs to win by 20% in pretty much every state left, one lost basically kills it and Hillary WILL take KY
I think the reason people don't count them(including myself) is that they're unfair and not democratic. I'm a conservative so I'm not that ass hurt over it, I just think raw delegate count is the fairest.
Just put yourself in their shoes. Imagine you're running a campaign and early on, all these party elites dogpile in for their establishment candidate because they just decided to like her better. Now imagine statistically, that people who take an early delegate/superdelegate lead are quite literally at a 100% winrate, and imagine how pissed you'd be if they rigged things against you that hard. That you essentially had to climb a huge mountain just to win.
Hillary hasn't had to do much of anything and she was essentially guaranteed the nomination thanks to the superdelegate system. Hopefully dems wake the fuck up and abolish that garbage or boycott it.
Shit man, I didn't know West Virginia was so white
>barely beating a criminal who promised to put the voters out of work
Is this sarcasm? $180 million raised and he's losing my hundreds of delegates. Ron Paul ran as a republican and talked about both parties corruption. Bernie says he's for a revolution but sides with the democrats 95% of the time. He flip flops every week on Hilary and the "system"
Where are those transcripts?
Oh wow, Sanders gained a whole 5 points today! Only 285 more points to go till he catches up to Hillary!
Why haven't you fucked off to Sweden yet?
who knows.
at least he's gonna split the vote