Why does Sup Forums hate trannies so much?
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Because penises aren't as fun to fuck as vaginas.
who the fuck is Sup Forums
That is not a tranny.
The mentally ill should be treated, not encouraged.
because I hate liars
trannies complain about people fucking them but not wanting to be in a relationship but are too stupid to realize why
the whole point of staying with one person is to produce offspring whereas trannies are just degenerate female wanabees who will never birth a child
i am disappoint
It's just the stormfags that think they would prevent us from saving the white race. As long as they're not SJW drones, they're fine. They identify as a gender at least; can't say that of all SJWs. You can just pay a white biological woman to bear a child (at the age where it'll be healthier too) or adopt one.
Are you sure?
>implying taking hrt and dressing like a girl makes me a tranny
I just want to be cute, senpai. Doesn't mean I'm a mentally ill freak.
Hatred and disgust aren't synonymous
>if said person were aspiring to be a panda, the result would be the same
I don't hate trannies, I hate how people are overcompensating with the normalization of an illness to the extent of brainwashing and mutilating children.
Treating people with mental illness as people instead of freaks is a laudable goal, but faggots are taking this shit way too far so I'll just have to say no to the whole thing.
They're like Jews claiming to be our allies
who is this?
I'm gonna need proof that's a dude.
by proof I mean dick pics
>implying you niggers wouldn't fuck his/her tight boipucci
The fact is men impregnate women and the women have offspring. Anything that deviates from it is not normal. Not sure why that is hard to understand. However I am sure there are people who think the earth is flat and water is not wet.
source on the hot chick-a-dick?
Because they're terrified of anything that isn't exactly like them. Next.
Anyone who is willing to cut away its penis and pump itself with female hormones is disgusting. Trannies are disgusting.
that's emily rudd
i.e. not a tranny
OK Sup Forums. I'm sick and tired of seeing these degenerate tranny posters on our boards. This is degeneracy. Accept the true red pill, change yourself, kill yourself, or leave. There is no excuse for your shit. Stop pretending like it's alright. From now on, if you see a tranny, tell it to kill itself. Post a tranny, or act like a tranny, and you have our official welcome to fuck off.
The real Sup Forums
shut up nerd lol
mentally ill degenerates who force others through the minority card to accept and condone their mental illness
>funding the hormone jew
Burn in hell faggot
lmao how about you shut up nerd
...is that tranny?
Mentally ill, desperate, not interesting, into weird shit. And best of they're pretty much women in all the negative sense, narcissistic, ignorant, emotional and irrational.
Lmao how about you stop being a degenerate fuck
Too many look and sound like like men and they can't even babies so they are 100% useless
no. it is likely an actress named emily rudd
how about... instead... you shut up nerd lol
>Emily Rudd
>a tranny
Stop this meme in the name of God
that no pump a rum
that no pickle pee.
back to your board faggot and stop raiding us
What's wrong with my message user? The only problem here is you acting like a child. Either debate it or don't
looks like a brainless bimbo living off her looks.
Hi guys!
is she relatives with paul rudd?
That girl is not a tranny. Her name is Emily Rudd.
>implying i'd go to some cesspool like /lgbt/
shut up nerd lmao
>implying this is a debate
nerd, shut up lmao
Sup Forums are a bunch of closet tranny lovers
They're inhuman degenerates. Literally no argument against this.
whose this semen demon
There is no way that's a tranny
This has got to be the 5th or 6th "Hurr why do you hate mentally ill faggots" thread today.
No relation to my knowledge.
Everyday this gets posted, and every day this girl is not a tranny.
Stop with the fucking bait threads
>implying you don't belong in a cesspool like /lgbt/
Shut up faggot lol
>Sup Forumsaggot.
I don't think there is such a thing a closet tranny lover, you really aren't that much in demand. Nearly every zeemap being bottoms and not tops says that.
Sup Forums you disgust me.
maybe i do
regardless, shut up nerd lol
>posting a Sup Forums meme
Not hate. Just think that mental illness should be treated as such and not have normal people forced to play along with their delusions.
From another user yesterday...
On the 21st of March, 2016, a temporary statement with references was released by the American Colleges of Pediatricians, pending a full statement that will be published in the summer -
"The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts - not ideology - determine reality.
1. Human sexuality is an objective binary trait: "XY" and "XX" are genetic markers of health - not genetic markers of a disorder.
2. No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one.
3. A person's belief that he or she is something they are not, is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.
4. The use of puberty blockers can have serious negative health effects. Puberty is not a disease.
5. Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.
>I'd never fuck a tranny
>transwomen are mentally ill freaks
Yes, Sup Forums is disgusting for not accepting trannies
You sound like that guy downtown in my city who held up signs saying that Jesus made gay people straight again.
Word. How could anyone not like these beautiful women. How can owners of vaginas even compare?
Get the fuck outta here you motherfucking cunt ass son of a bitch nigger kike Jew loving shit eating pussyphobic degenerate idiotic tranny.
Are you trying to support an anti-trans stance because you're doing a pretty good job.
Looks like a jersey whore tbfh.
Why do almost all cucknadians and Australia Jrs like dick so much?
i started lurking the tranny general thread on /lgbt/ out of morbid curiosity and some of the trannies there are actually pretty cool
most of them admit they're biologically male, most of them hate trannies that don't even try to look like women, and a lot of them are trump supporters
Tbh some of them are actually kinda cute too, i know that makes me a faggot but whatever
Honestly, what is Sup Forums afraid of trannies doing? Being trannies near them? Only thing they hurt is themselves.
Search what a kiwi looks like, explains everything. At least both of our national animals either kick-box or destroyed us in a war.
It isn't a paranoia or a fear mate, if you have any standards you wouldn't let a schizoprehenic person try to suck your dick.
people think their biological sex is some spectrum and not hard science that has been established for years. it seems like liberals are the ones who try to use scientific reasoning and studies to prove their points but then ignore the basic science behind gender. gender roles are constructs, biological sex isn't.
that being said, if someone has gender dysphoria and is an adult, they should be able to "change" their gender. if that's how they are treating themselves, that's what should be done.
should we be flaunting it and giving sex changes to 10 year old boys? no, of course not. should we allow adults with mental disorders to find contentment within themselves? yes.
>Implying jersey whores are unattractive.
None of the girls you'll ever have in your life will be this hot.
would devour her asshole
which part?
>dude no way i'd ever fuck a tranny, i'm totally straight
good luck with the carp war m8, you will need it.
any link?
>when angered, the alt right cuck loses all control of himself and regresses to petty insults
>I'll never have perfect blue eyes
Faker than chinese quality.
Besides, I ain't for girls or "Girls"
>Final solution
Bait the carps
Fish war now
If it's anything like the emu war, they sure will.
also fuck off texas
lol pol is so ridiculous. as if what they think matters or has any impact on society at large xD
>Fat neck
>Retard face
>Windows Phone poster
Heh, google knows whats up.
they plan to use the power of herpes for this war
Degenerate detected. kys
suck my dick lol
Delete this fucking coalburner
This post is redundant because it can reflected back at you, it's called a opinion nigger, don't get asshurt over it, that's meant for bad dragon.
So a bunch of Australians will just dunk their genitals in the water. Whatever works I guess.
Because they're fake. They're not even real tranny's it just guys in girl's clothes they post fake pictures of themselves that are usually someone else when they're really fat people behind keyboard dreaming of being woman will never be because they don't do anything.
So these fat neckbeards go on Second Life or play the woman in World of Warcraft and seduce idiots.
They did one hormone pill and they think they're a woman except for the part where they still piss standing up. Most of them are above 6 feet tall.
And their voices
their voices
u dumb
>then ignore the basic science
They have been ignoring the racial achievement gap for decades.
Don't even have an account there. I'm sure you're a proud transgender individual based on that response. So I'll spell it out for you, kill yourself.
lmao all these faggots trying to justify their homosexual urges by posting heavily photoshopped pics of men in drag with breast implants
This is not a tranny.
When asked to debate a topic, faggots sjws avoid it like the pussies they are xD
I don't think you know how this works.
Oh, sorry didn't see.
Mostly all of it.
Top of the post meant for
I'm not sure why it's always linked back to homosexuality, I'm gay but I hate draggers.
It's more bisexuality. I've known straight men who crossdress just for a fetish despite being attracted to women.