Derealization... how does one cure it?

Derealization... how does one cure it?

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shit in your hands and rub it on your chest

Why would you want to cure it?

You don't. Learn to embrace it.

Tried it, doesn't work

Same boat, literally do things. Don't feel like doing things? Fucking do things you useless piece of shit, what else is there to do than do things? Today I almost walked away from doing a thing but then I manned up and did it, then I did another thing, suddenly I was doing so many things I forgot the futility of doing things.
There is only do. If you're not gonna do you might as well don't. Ever.

have a wank with a handful of shit

You work out, it helps a lot. You take nice showers, you stimulate your body, cold, warm, feelings, etc. You can touch things. You keep at it, you get happy.

Derealisation happens when you've been anxious for too long, your brain snaps a safety valve and takes you out of things.

It always ends, it rarely lasts more than a few months, don't listen to people say it never ends, it's bullshit.

When your brainbits get back in shape, it'll go away on its own.


>work out

I recommend lifting weights. It really helps.

Take the red pill. You already see through the illusion.

you don't. Live with it. It slowly gets better though.
Had my episode when I was 16. 19 now, feel like I'm at least 90% back to normal.

Have you ever taken hallucinogenics? If not, please do. Report back.

same user

this album really helped me with what is explaining. Close your eyes and just listen to this album, let your mind go.
Also if you do drugs (including marijuana), smoke cigarettes, drink caffeine etc, stop.
I know I can't drink large amounts of caffeine anymore or else I have an anxiety attack.

How about you go fuck yourself, that's what triggers derealization/depersonalization

>I know I can't drink large amounts of caffeine anymore or else I have an anxiety attack.

Same here. Caffeine in those cold coffee cups virtually gives me an attack.

I recommend going to /r9k/ and visit the psychological issues thread. It's on right now, and usually is every day.

Nick is a cool guy.

No drugs, alcohol or caffeine, I don't really work out but I do get out a lot and have a job. Had it for 8 months, it has slowly gotten better but it's still there, it's extremely frustrating. I also take Zoloft

many thanks user! I'll check it out. It helps to hear people who are struggling with the same thing I am.

you don't, just enjoy it

this. Working has helped me a shit ton. It'll be tough, especially if your derealization is associated with social anxiety, but just fucking do it. Go talk to people, work hard, get your sense of reality back. Don't just sit and cry about it, do something. Make yourself better.

Do you have an issue with anxiety? If so, did you have anxiety issues before derealization?

A little, but nothing bad, I had a bad panic attack 8 months ago (my first one) for no reason, and boom, been in the DR world ever since

What ever you do, please don't rely on any pills. Please don't take xanax. Please don't take antidepressants. Please don't take zoloft. Please don't take any of that shit. I have watched my mother who suffers from depression and anxiety get worse long term with only short term relief from her medication. They do not cure you.
Take vitamins, work out, eat right, meditate and STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS! This includes prescription. Get your sense of humanity back. I've been through it too, I'm telling you that you CAN cure it. You can get over this. You can be normal again.

I had mine for a long time , maybe 2 to 3 years. I realised that it was just my brain focusing on something and forgetting to focus on anything else, which if you google marijuana effects this is actually what weed does when youre high.

Its almost like I got high and then I came down but my brain stayed in that mode.

It will pass, but you are susceptible to anxiety/psychosis and any stimulant will bring this out in you.

Cleanse your body of anything toxic like acid in bad foods ect, you dont have to exercise but it will really help and my advised would be to have sa goal youre working towards, one day you will wake up and realise you kinda feel okay again.

Agreed, do not turn to drugs for an escape, you need to improve your life first. It's a downward's spiral when dealing with that and you will not escape unless you fix the fire, not the smoke. Good luck.

>which if you google marijuana effects this is actually what weed does when youre high.

That's no derealisation, fucking cunt.

Derealisation is pure hell, ten times worse than any kind of physical pain. If you don't mind it, you don't have it.

Yeah I need to diet better and work out more, thanks for all the advice anons, I'm surprised how many people also have/had this