My neighbors are getting the tree trimmed in front of their house

My neighbors are getting the tree trimmed in front of their house.

2 dudes and a girl with big tits.

The girl with big tits is wearing a yellow shirt and her hair is up in a bun. Her tits are huge.

What should I do?

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Do you think they can see me in the window?

There she is! In the yellow shirt. Kinda chunky.

I hope she takes off her shirt and shows me her tits!

Not even one bump? You guys don't want to see her tits?

They saw me!!!!!

Drinking bleach. Goodbye world.

>this level of autism

I called the number on the truck
they told me where a couple of the crews are today
after some google earthing, found OPs address

should I post?

what a thread this is

who wants to call the tree trimming service and tell them the autist across the street is jacking off to the yellow shirt girl?

For God's sake OP, have some dignity.

Let's see those titties broseph

If you must

Fucking do it

This shits fucking hilarious

Post the number.

you're not very bright are you?


its on the side of the truck.4074039400

*teleports behind you*

You got a problem, bro?

*Does a kameejah jeejah*

Put me in the screencap advert for their tree service

>should I post?
Noooooooooo! Please, don't doxx me, bro!

Call the number for fuck sake. With vacaroo

I live 10 minutes from OP. Fuck me. Are there really no hotter bitches to creep on in all of Sanford?

not if you're perpetually hiding indoors like OP

he can't even step out onto his lawn for a picture

OP, what level of autism are you on? I can't even comprehend what must be going through your mind, that would lead to a scenario where you saw her tits. Also, she doesn't even look that good. She looks like some old ass lady.

Take video and scream allahu akbar the loudest you can

OP here,

I have a counteroffer.

You DON'T doxx me, and in exchange, I'll give you ONE MILLION DOLLHAIRS!

This is a one in a lifetime opportunity, kiddo.

Well, I never leave my room, so... She's the first female, other than my mom, that I've seen in months.

Man I'm local.. I'd do it but my number is distinctive. It only contains 3 repeating digits

Ya, fuck off trolls. OP will be fucked without your help.

They're done and they are leaving!

Should I check to see if the girl left her panties on the front lawn?

I bet they're so moist from the heat.

haha no worries . i already did. they were pissed .

include me in screencap

Just one question, what so you do for your living?

They're done, but the girl is picking up leftover branches. I can see her period blood on her pants, Bros!!!!!

I can smell taco juice, broooos!!!

>Just one question, what so you do for your living?
I'm a ghost hunter. I find and eradicate apparitions, poltergheists, and demons.

Oh my fucking God!!! She just looked towards me and whispered, "Would you like me to spread my butt cheeks for you, Danny?"

Holy shit you guys! I'm about to score!

Guys, what do I do if she wants sex? I don't have any condoms! Can you make a condom out of bubble gum or candle wax? Hurry up. She keeps looking over to me, like she wants to rape me.

Holy fuck Danny you're in.
Go down there and get her you sly bastard

Fuck her in the ass

bring her a gift to celebrate your new relationship together.. if you have nothing decent laying around maybe give a basket of eggs. girls love eggs

I'm scared, bro. I'm going to put on a tuxedo, go down there and ask if she'd like to eat fruit loops and ice cream with me.

>laying around maybe give a basket of eggs. girls love eggs
Holy shit. My mom just bought eggs. Maybe I can give her like 3? I'll say, "These represent the eggs I want my semen inside of in your uterus.
Girls love poetry.

OP here,

Anyone reading this thread, please pray for me. I think the bitch just have me AIDS. Fucking whores, man. Daaaaaang