has she killed herself yet?
Has she killed herself yet?
Poor triggly pig
I feel for her
lets hope so
if not i guarantee you that we can, together, drive her to it
She's killing herself every day with her diet.
If she continues her current diet she'll commit suicide involuntarily.
Ringtone maybe. Easily passable to normies as just some indie dubstep shit.
She hasn't been memed hard enough
Greatest ally you need to sort out your women t.b.h
literally meme from drew carry show
nobody can just capture a fucking moment without involving themselves in the frame
We'll just import more asians
Cora Miriam Segal is a kike though
We should lynch her
No but shes been immensely triggered which is pretty much the same thing to these morons.
she's a she.there's your answer
i sort of feel this. I have done some stupid shit when I was 18 or 19 i would hate if I became a meme
>if not i guarantee you that we can, together, drive her to it
Are we ready to use meme magic to kill?
Look at that anfry fucking landwhale I hope she fucking does kill herelf yet.
Start the incantations.
My mom saw me post this and now I have to say sorry. I'm sorry for making fun of your weight women of the world.
Retrospectively, do you feel that the threat of becoming a meme would have been a deterrent?
Well maybe if you weren't a fucking NEET faggot you wouldn't have to say sorry
they don't make rope that strong m8
like a fat fucking child
It is okay, Timmy. I forgive you. Now go upstairs and brush your teeth.
Sure, THIS is the webm that loads fast at my parents house...
I heard the last time she tried she had to use a chain but the 8x8 beam cracked.
She is looking for a soap manufacturer right now who would help her.
>Implying eating for ten people isn't voluntary
>that spurdo watermark
kill self.
Jesus Fucking Christ. I would rather watch webm related
Is this from the new ghostbusters?
you got me there
Know what a cache is?
I think we should help her out. Everyone send her some fast food, she needs comfort (bonus: she will either die or become immobile/docile, win win scenario)
This is what aliens will see when they arrive, this is how we'll be judged.
Why would anyone do that noooo
fuck I've hit my limit
>almost became a meme
I did some stupid shit at 18 and 19 and almost paid the price for it. Good thing I'm not interesting enough because I'm sure faggots tried posting my shit somewhere.
>implying they haven't already arrived
Can I get a link to the video? I've seen the gif all over but never the actual video.
I have no reaction but laughter
I was a meme on Sup Forums for a couple of days about 8 years ago. I kind of wish it would've stuck though.
learn to use gis kid
Same, I was a fucking retard.
this is some level of shitposting even i can't take
ayyy lmao delete this
Look at her. She has, it's only a matter of time, as with all proud women who keep their genetics in the refrigerator.
Her and her cronies actually are trying to get journalists/video takers banned from recording protestors
Basically she got embarrassed and is trying to oppress others to cover it up
Heard it on milo's podcast
fucking kek
so they are going to ban cell phones in public?
so progressive
Same here. My pic was floating around Sup Forums for a bit. Although, I'm glad it didn't stick, I was a fat fuck that drank 2 litre soda bottles.
i want to cum inside of her
she seems like she'd be wild in bed
>Then stop acting like a child
>F-FUCK YOU... F-*takes a gulp of high fructose corn syrup*F-FUCK YOU!
thank you based Christina for putting this bitch in her place
Missed this ebin meme can someone fill me in
Fat feminist whine cries like a child because a speaker is saying something she doesn't like. Your rights ends where her clogged arteries begin.
The literal embodiment of what Sup Forums thinks a feminist is turned up at a college and became Confirmation Bias: The Meme.
google trigglypuff
Give it a month
If you ever saw a picture of a guy doing a thumbs up photoshopped into a Battletoads picture, that was me.
She tried.
Rip rope
Millhouse is that you?
Would you date Trigglypuff?
Did we ever find her reaction to her new found fame?
Is this some Canadian-Indian delicacy?
for maybe 9 seconds before her blood sugar runs below 30%
No, it just fucked off back to ham planet.
>Jewish (and laughing about it)
All I feel is tremors
He would
Great, now I have to listen to my dick scream!
>5 things I can't do without
As what, coolant for your overburdened lymph nodes?
>kek'd and checked
>tfw I have never watched this
Feels great, men.
I actually kind of felt bad for her intially, because I knew what Sup Forums and the internet at large would do to her. She probably got the Suey Park treatment, but because of her weight problem it was probably 10 times worse.
Oh man, she is now forever a meme.
>things I could never live without
Im pretty sure she's been living without it for a while.