Bonus points for shotas dominating older women

Bonus points for shotas dominating older women.

> One month since i first drugged and used my mom
> She was laying on the sofa, as per usual, only this time it was our sofa, in out flat. She had started working for a small family business in a small town, not too far away from grandpa's house.
> She was truly happy to be out of that damned village, now she had all the freedom she so desired
>Or did she?

Cont-ing as soon as i smoke a cig

Is your mother still alive? Did she OD on the drugs you gave her? Does she remember you raping her?

She never found out, she never had any reason to doubt me, i made well sure to better my relationship with her, to help her out with many a chore and raise no suspicion.

I'm typing.



Do you feel guilty? When was the last time you had sex with her?

If she's still alive, then why did you say ill-fated?

> I recall she told me how sore, how broken she felt the morning after what had happened
> Of course, i planned what to tell her way before she was conscious enough to doubt. I told her she had taken her usual two drops od medicine, stirred it up into her glass, and gulped it down as she should have, yet she complained she still felt a sharp pain in her lower back, so she demanded i give her the prescribed Valium pills, and so i did.
>Having no apparent reason to doubt me, she did not judge me for she thought i did, "After all, it was i who asked. Next time, if mommy loosed her edge, simply don't give ti to me, i'm sure i'll be just fine" To which i nodded innocently.
> I didn't dare do that again, not for three more months, i waited until her injuries healed, her financial situation turned stable, and her life seemed to turn for the better.
> Working for the small family business didn't offer much of a pay, but it was a welcome relief after what she endured with grandpa.
> We moved into a small two bedroom apartment on the outskirts of the small town, and for a certain time we struggled to settle properly, as all new comers do.
> As time marched on, her honesty an her work ethics payed off, and her pay was raised, she was finally inching closer to the life she had wanted for so long, ever sine my father died.


At times i do, but what is done is done.
I last had sex with her 2 years ago.
Is it not an ill fate to be raped by your own son?

Do you plan on it again? Will you ever tell her? Have you considered telling her? How old are you now?


I'm currently 27 years old. I don't plan on ever telling her, and i do not plan on doing it again myself. However i get turned on by the prospect of my little brother (My son) doing the same to her. So, you see why i can't ever really tell her.

You got her pregnant?

Why won't you ever tell her?

> One day, as she came back from work, she informed me that she had met a lovely couple at work, and that she was eager to get to meet them better
> In fact, she planned on going out for a night of drinks with them and a few friends of theirs, she was happy beyond words. "Finally, a soul, a friend, we're no longer alone, user!"
> I smiled at her with as much forced honesty as a 14 year old could muster. Of course, i wasn't at all happy that she wasn't only mine any longer. Still, her plans opened quite an array of possibilities for me.
> Alas, the designated Saturday came along, and i was left alone at home, to "play video games and go to bed early"
> As soon as she left the house, i ran to my room and sifted through the still unopened boxes in which we carried our stuff when we moved to the city. I was digging for something familiar, something that had once been of great use to me.
> After a few tense minutes, i had found the tiny box that was jam packed with various drops, powders, and most of all, Valium pills.
> I was pleased beyond belief, finally, a speck of time, a trace of opportunity had shown itself. It seemed like ages since that damned night had unfolded itself, i had almost forgot what a woman felt like and at times, the memory of it got me so hard my dick hurt with repressed need.
> I tucked myself into bed, hid the pills under my pillow, and waited for her to come home.

> I heard the door unlock, followed by slow, clumsy footsteps and soft thuds at irregular intervals, she was drunk.
> The door to my room flung open, and the scent of alcohol laid heavy in the air. She paced the room, leaned over me and kissed my forehead, pulling my blanket up.
> I waited for the noises to die down. When they did, i stood up, walked into the kitchen, and filled two glasses with milk, crushing 2 pills into a fine powder, then pouring it into her glass.
>"Mom! Mom!" I yelled, doing my best to sound scared. I heard footsteps inching closer, she came into the kitchen, visibly drunk.
> "what's the matter sweetie, had a bad dream?" I nodded. "I had trouble breathing, mom, i had to have a glass of milk, i thought you weren't home yet" She smiled and hugged me, i felt her breasts press against by chest, she wasn't wearing a bra, and her pajama pants were slid down past her waist on the right, she had been seriously drunk.
> "I poured you some too!" I Exclaimed, offering her the glass, hoping with all my will she would take it.
> "Oh thank you sweetie, but mommy doesn't feel like drinking anything else tonight" she half-whispered.
> "But mommy, i poured it for you, i thought it'd make you happy once you came home" i assued a long, sad face with big puppy eyes.
> "All right, sweetie, you're right." She smiled, gulping the cold milk down. "Let's go to bed mommy, i'm really tired" I begged "Let's go sweetie" She tucked me into my sheets, and stumbled on to her room.
> I waited for what seemed like ages, yet i was not sure a whole hour had gone by. I stood up and walked over to her room, making well sure i made no sound. I slid the door open as delicately as i could, and i saw her, laying on her bed in a grotesque position, she was snorting quite loudly. She hadn't bothered to cover herself, the pills had began working.


Cont ?



All right, i'm typing. Just didn't know whether the was enough interest or not.