With all the memes this election is creating...

With all the memes this election is creating. Anyone else feel like a solider on the front lines while they're on Sup Forums



That's a stupid feeling. Stop feeling that.

we're not on the front lines, Sup Forums is to military intelligence what twitter is to the marines

Yes. But I mainly stick to shitposting on YouTube.

Though my channel and name may make me look like a troll I actually adore Trump.

Fuck off. I miss when this board was about actual discussion and red pilled shit. You college freshmen faggots ruined it with your bullshit alt-right movements. You are literally feminists but the opposite spectrum. Just hurling shit at each other like boys vs girls on the pre-school playground

Your time will come to an end and you'll regret ever supporting this fascist

sorry but no - i guess i don't share the same levels of autism as you do op

No. This is how the political game is played now. Since the internet gave rise to mass communication we can organize and make change much quicker than in previous generations.
We're more like a political protest group than soldiers.
Can you back that up without using ad-hominem?
Can you elaborate a little more?

Want to have some fun OP

You will need a rifle a spade and a friend.

Dig a hole in the ground big enough to fit in then get your friend to shoot at you while you are inside. Quite a unique adrenaline rush it is what imagine war on the front lines to be like.

If the alt-right has become an army, pol are its special forces.

no, we're the Tactical Intelligence, unfortunately fags like Milo and the like are the special forces.

milo is nothing

We're basically PSYOPS department here, the front lines is at the rally son.


If any of you fuckers are actually willing to come out of the basement and help for real in MD, let me know.

talk - action = shit

I feel more like a liquider.

Lvl 20 memecaster reporting for duty.


Sup Forums was a place to escape the retarded liberal dialogue

now it tries to outdo extreme leftists in a race to the bottom

still check it every day but less and less