ITT: Teams screwed over by officiating
I'll start
ITT: Teams screwed over by officiating
I'll start
I'm a Hawks fan but more often then not they get the bogus calls.
hawks get screwed over by not trying until the last 2 minutes
reminder before you post that this is bait
Shouldn't you be comforting your wife's son right now?
>I'm a Hawks fan
>i'm german
>Seacuck grabs Falcon's jersey
>Falcon practically dragging the Seacuck across the field
>Gets called for holding
>muh refball
Good game hawksbros!! You guys really played us close and gave us a scare there! Y’all have a lot of young talent and boy, that Russell Wilson sure looked good! Y’all sure will be scary next year!
Why do people who don't understand the rules whine so much about officials?
I am just a random Croat who stumbled in after a night on the beers some time in late 2013. Fell on the kitchen floor with the TV remote closer to me than the phone. I turned it on and there was this human tank named Lynch who carried people post tackle literally like a.... tank carrying people. I then got madden, the NFL package and I witnessed highs I knew I wouldn't get the full significance of until a couple years of lows.
I live no where near most of you. I can't claim much more to the Seahawks other than a couple shirts and a key ring. Yet some how I feel legitimised. This fucking sucked. #GoHawks
Salvatore does this to us all the time. Ed is slightly better.
It hurts, but its all part of the game.
Here's to more emotional rollercoasters in the NFL for years to come!
>implying I can't be critical of my own team
I've been watching the Hawks since that Testaverde Phantom touchdown that happened back in the 90s. I have every right to make fun of a team that I've supported even through their shit years.
That's not funny. We're injured
Are you mad because the refs actually called the dirty shit Sherman does? Or are you mad that the refs actually called the dirty shit Sherman does?
>implying they called any of his holding penalties
Although the same could be said about the Falcons. Rules overcomplicate football; I just want to watch eleven guys go out there and murder each other
>Seahaws crying about refball after getting all of the refball in the world in their favor against Detroit
>dirtiest team in the league
>whines about officials
stay mad
it's even funnier when you remember that the last time they played atlanta, they won on a hugely blatant no-call for dpi
To be fair, Julio shoved his hands in Shermans face at the LOS. If the refs were competent enough to do their jobs, the penalties would've offset and it would have been a repeat of fourth down
that's fair, but in the end it winds up making the victory even more delicious when you get sadbrains like op crying about it
True. I'm a Hawks fan but I'm laughing at our """"""fanbase""""""" right now. If anyone deserves this, it's those over confident faggots that started watching football four years ago.
>seahawks crying refball after that bills game
cry harder faggot
or the fail mary
or the lions wildcard game
or the game where they batted the ball out of the endzone
for real, the seahawks were Bengals-tier chimping out this game. and their O line was atrocious and held every other play so wilson wouldn't die
or the first falcons game