How would you respond?
How would you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
You'll get pregnant and he'll leave.
Criminals exist she's one to us.
Laugh my ass off and carry on.
I would literally not care in the slightest.
She wasn't white to begin with.
>My black boyfriend and I start making out whever I see someone wearing Trump clothing haha take that dad
She's gonna end up paying the toll one day
Well she's worthless to the white race anyway, so at least she's helping to eradicate black people.
>My black boyfriend and I start making out whenever I see someone wearing Trump clothing haha take that Dad
What about black Trump supporters?
>everyone who wears a Trump hate is racist so I use this nigger on a leash as a prop to get back at people who mostly don't give a shit
>haha, take that racism!
No one cares, or will change their political views, if you're a whore.
Watch her Twitter for a few months.
Laugh as I remind myself that she'll be a single mom in a years time and carry on with my day.
I wouldn't give a shit. I support Donald Trump not because I am a racist, but because I genuinely believe he is the best choice for America at this point. Go ahead and make out with your black boyfriend, you silly twat.
This girl obvs hates her father who probably left early.
I would just avert my gaze as to not bring further shame to this damaged young woman.
I hope she finds what she is missing.
"Have fun getting aids with your house nigger."
*tips fedora *whistles putin on the ritz
She isn't even real. Her account is some guys cuck fantasy
she is dead to the white race. simply ignore her like the rest of the trash
Why would I care? She's not even White.
She'll be on tinder next year with a half niglet on her lap.
Look away because watching people make out is weird and awkward regardless of what race the couple is.
>Putin on the ritz
>take that daddy
That tweet seems deleted, here's a pic from March on her Twitter
top kek
Enjoy raising little Jemarion Tymarious on your own.
Filename: hahatakethat.png
A degenerate 12 year old bait poster and a low IQ coal burner removed from the white gene pool - I couldn't care less
Daily reminder that leftist racism and Calling of other racist is just personal psychological projection of their own racism on others.
What a cuck state
She's so insecure.Single mother material.
I always knew that dating niggers is just a reactionary movement to "get back" at someone, be it parents, the "establishment" or people who you disagree with.
It's pretty much: "I'm gonna date a nigger, that'll show them"
She's definitely a coalburner if she's from Utah.
Kek, tweet the screencap of her post to her.
So basically, after Demarious probably punched her she put an end to her 1-week love revolution.
This confuses the liberal
Please do this.
boyfriend is as far as that relationship is going to go
I wouldn't but I'd continue to wonder what exactly anti-black trump has said or done.
Make out with my white wife
who fucking cares
I was wrong, it's lake Tahoe. Surprising nobody, the coalburner is probably from California.
For some reason I thought Salt Lake.
by reporting her false trademark.
She's overdue for her toll.
Top kek.
>Nice to know you're such a petty racist that you consider him your black boyfriend instead of your boyfriend. Even my bbc that is way bigger than your "black boyfriend" will never want your skanky racist ass.
>My black boyfriend and I start making out whenever I see someone wearing Trump clothing.
>Haha, take that, Dad.
She looks very familiar. I think I saw a tweet of her saying something about Bad boys were > good guys. Something along those lines.
The only people this pisses off is black women. Well done whore.
He was an absolute madman and tweeted an infographic proving that wogs commit 90% of the murders in America.
TLDR; he triggered the nigs with facts
Well that didn't take long to search. At least she consistent with her degeneracy.
Whip my dick out and vigorously masturbate in front of them.
Those gums are disgusting
desu i'd probably get hard starring st them imagining her making out with his bbc
I have a superior Japanese gf so the shenanigans of white sluts does not phase me. It would be like some teenager in his rides out 2003 Honda civic revving his engine and peeling out at an intersection next to you as you leisurely drive along in your Lamborghini.
C'mon guys, we scared her :P
To think. When she's 32 she'll be ready to settle down with a nice guy like you.
i-it cannot be!
Hahah, fucking coward. At least she's gonna be swinging from a rope when this is over.
>the toll she has coming is going to be lulzy
Hey man. I'm a mormon voting for Trump. Texan though. Mormons definitely aren't cucks.
>a few years later
>where have all the good guys gone :(((((((
aww thats cute. lets all be sure to laugh at her in 15 years when shes unmarried and alone.
Degenerate race traitor and weeaboo.
Mormons are cucks.
You think you are getting your own planet when you die. Top Kek
I always let my DOG lick MY FACE whenever I see someone wearing fur clothing haha take that corpse eaters!
Newport looks like the kind of place I wished i have gone too in my youth.
Hang the nigger from an oak tree. And take some pretty dank selfies after
You may have been right 20 or 30 years ago but dating a white woman in 2016 is willfully fucking yourself. So you enjoy tasting tyrone's cum every time you kiss your gf?
They are, your whole religion is literally based off the ramblings of a convicted con-artist. You're scientology and JW tier.
>How would you respond?
Respond how? I'll get justice when she's a single mom.
no matter which way you look at it we will always have the last laugh because shell be a single parent
Bet I'm stronger than you. Bet I'm richer than you. Bet I can beat the living hell out of you Say what you like, you're just a disenfranchised beta autist. I do something with my life and actually promote conservative family values. Also, how does it feel not being able to find a cute Aryan wife that won't cheat on you? I wouldn't know. Mormons have it made in that department.
Not before he gives her herpes though
Fuck you! LDS bros, activate!
I'm right now. You're a weeb and only moved to Japan because you thought Japanese women would think your tiny dick was big. Not everyone is a degenerate like you.
Do they call you Uncle Trump instead of Uncle Tom
>I do something with my life and actually promote conservative family values
no you don't lol, I got nothing against having multiple wives but that is the exact opposite of conservative family values.
what a great selection of Aryan cuties.
is that donald's father?
You need better sources lmao if you understood the religious climate at that time you'd realize why Joseph Smith had such a hard time. Regardless of the truthfulness of the religion, it contributes more to society than your degenerate ass.
Typical Mormon response to any facts about Joesph Smith, if you're even Mormon at all. He was a con-man, convicted of the same shit your whole religion is based off of.
New bf/beta bucks should see that tweet. Can you be so kind to deliver.
Dick is 6.3 inches which is pretty average m8. Moved to Japan to study and work and it's been a p great experience.
I used to live there. Like much of California it's beautiful to look at bit the people there make it one of the ugliest places on earth
>Not knowing the LDS Church is different from the fundamentalist Church
>1 has 15 million and the other like 500k
>being this ignorant
I expected/pol/ to know better. Multiple wives hasn't been a thing since the 19th century.
How virtuous
You could always go now.
oh sorry I wasn't up to speed on the comings and goings of the vast mormon population.
so you guys are 1 vag multiple kids kind of people? stop preaching to me when I try to cross the street and you're ok in my books.
also stop calling 18 year olds Elders, its fucking weird.
Read the Book of Mormon as one of my sources, and several other historical texts based on Joesph Smith. I know it's a reflex to deny anything bad about your "prophet", but he really was a con-man. Nobody blames you for falling for it, I'm sure your parents were dumb and indoctrinated you into it. Just know now that it's all a hoax and you're basically being cucked by your own religion. At least I won't have to give a portion of my income to the "church".